If you have anything with Perfect Guard, bring it. I think Veku has it? (or at least a chance to trigger it).
Then stuff that stuns and/or reduces attack.
Super Strike Frieza, White Hot Faceoff Goku, Kai of Time, Bacterian.
That UR King Cold will probably make it too expensive, but he's good too.
You already have Gogeta so no need to bring him as a friend, which brings the cost down. You can probably grab one of those default friends.
Alright, thanks for the tips. Went in just now with Gogeta lead, Veku, Kai of Time, Mecha Frieza, Bacterian, and an empty slot. Someone had an SSR King Cold which I took and was grateful for. With all my love of Gogeta, I was really hoping he'd do more damage at SA 10 than 2/3 a health bar. Wound up using 2 Senzus and a Ghost Usher. Not terrible, all things considered. Since the droprate took me ages for Android 16, I'll probably tough out the 14 medals needed rather than risk it all
Looks like a few friends have SSR King Cold SS, so that'll be my go-to friend for this. I really hate these events, but out of all of them, these two units are the most-needed, so I gotta do it if I want even a chance at the LR Goku
EDIT: Second time was SO much better. Kai of Time stunned, finally, and I got Gogeta/Veku to link (they were opposite ends first time). Only had to use 1 Senzu bean