donkey show
YOLO pulled on the TEQ banner. I think the game is taking this creepy clown thing too seriously.
But hey, non-dupe SSB Goku!
But hey, non-dupe SSB Goku!
Can anyone tell me a way to beat the 16 super strike? Do I even need him for LR Goku? The 100 capacity is such a pain since most of my mains units are Dokkans with a cost of over 40 each.
Can anyone tell me a way to beat the 16 super strike? Do I even need him for LR Goku? The 100 capacity is such a pain since most of my mains units are Dokkans with a cost of over 40 each.
When in doubt, use PHY to block and Gogeta to KO. a SA10 friend will get him done in 3 attacks in the second stage
There's a second stage?! I think I may just pass on it then.
My PHY units consist of Dokkan ultimate Gohan, SS Gotenks, then a bunch of random SR units that are weak as could be. I'd use my Gogeta but that's half the team cost. Is this the hardest content in the game or something? Because I'm finding a huge difficulty jump between these and the other Dokkans due to the team cost.
Can enemy SAs damage change each new encounter or I'm I losing my mind? I swear anytime Android 16 SAd my Goku(kid) it would do less than 26k dmg. This time it did 260056 or something. TWENTY GODDAMN MORE THAN I HAD HEALTHHHHHHHHHHH! I didn't close in time because I thought I'd live
Nope. I just went through the list of linkable characters for his two defense links and I don't use any other character on the lists. I'm not too upset since it happened on like the first turn in his second phase. I think I need 5 more medals then I can grind his drops ughhhhh. I'm probably gonna grind the drops for pikkon and Vegeta but not bother with their medals since my TEQ is lacking and they're not really needed for LR Goku.Did he happen to have any of his defense links active the first time and not the second?
Don't instult R/SR units. I've got the Kai of Time SR, not even awoken, and she stuns 2 turns sometimes. SR Veku (farmable) is a good blocker. Add in a KC strike unit for damage reduction, and never block with Gogeta, and I'm working on medal 13/14 as I type
Question for hose who play JPN/ know this
- is LR goku always there, or does he rotate?
- about how often do super strikes return?
I finished Android 16 and about to start working on KVegeta, but I need 200 gems to get the last baba character and want to make sure I have time without using stones.
Did a single pull on the PHY Banner hoping for magic, got a dupe SR Tracksuit Gohan. My friend didn a bunch of multis on the Ki changer banner and walked away with PHY SSGSS Vegeta, 2x TEQ SSGSS Goku, and the SSR 17/18 Orb Changer. Makes me wanna spend stones.
Do I have a chance on the INT Super Strikes or should I just grind out my 15 drops and see if I am in a better position next time they come round? I'm going gray from the stress of the Gogeta friend and pray strategy
LR Goku comes back every sunday. Some time after LR Goku Super Strikes started running Monday-Friday with increased drop rates. The type of SS match the medal that usually runs on that day, AGL-Monday, TEQ-Tues etc.
Well the fusions in the JP version is because of the game and u line all normal dokkan events it's not a dokkan thing the game will be out in NA in December so the want to promote it ..Yeah it seems like Global is going to be getting the "What If" Fusions a lot sooner than expected, if the NYCC announcement is anything to go by.
Well the fusions in the JP version is because of the game and u line all normal dokkan events it's not a dokkan thing the game will be out in NA in December so the want to promote it ..
In any case this king Vegeta drop is killing me lol
after 1 drop in 260stamina, that bring me a level up and give me 4 in 130stamina!I'm like 0/20 so far, its been so annoying cause I need 9 of him lol.
I'm like 0/20 so far, its been so annoying cause I need 9 of him lol.
Tell me about it finish him last night somehow got 3 drops in 60 stamina was way to happy ..after 1 drop in 260stamina, that bring me a level up and give me 4 in 130stamina!
finally done with both of them.
i dunno how i farmed all units x15 except this 2 int unit which is most important n LR fight.
off to pikkon medals!
So I don't really get how the LR Goku thing is going to work other than I need specific units, which will need specials at 15. The 25 stam versions of these events are a bit out of my range due to a lack of cards. Would it still be worth the time to grind the 15 stam ones to get their special to 10?
You have a chance but you have to be willing to use a lot of items. Grab a friend SA 10 Gogeta and use that Bardock to give him ki links.
I did Pikkon and it wasn't too hard. But now I have to farm King Vegeta for 10 drops and that might take a while.
Thanks for the advice. I was able to beat him without too many items. A tree of might fruit, a Whis, and a senzu. Two saibaman allies to make room for Gogeta. Finally got my 15 King Vegeta. Now to work 16.
How difficult are the Broly and Maijin Vegeta events to get the medals from them? I want to make sure I am in a good position to get both those guys awakened so I don't want to exhaust my item supply. I know Broly requires rampage disabling links or passives. Don't know what I need for Vegeta
I have 3 Majin Vegetas by pulling on the current banner - what should I do with them? Dokkan all 3 when it comes back around? Sell 2? Level up one of their supers?
I have 3 Majin Vegetas by pulling on the current banner - what should I do with them? Dokkan all 3 when it comes back around? Sell 2? Level up one of their supers?
level up his super.
his AOE and Broly's couldnt kill some story mode mobs.
some extra damage will definitely help.
Stop. STOP! You're gonna make me pull, then the Super Vegito/Super Gogeta banner will come and I won't have any DS!
Edit: fuck my self-control. I did three single pulls and got an Ubb, a Guildo, and tall red hair dude from Bojack movie.
Yes very much so. Grab another 5 too to make the grind less once you have the units to get the 7 medals you need to awaken them.
So I don't really get how the LR Goku thing is going to work other than I need specific units, which will need specials at 15. The 25 stam versions of these events are a bit out of my range due to a lack of cards. Would it still be worth the time to grind the 15 stam ones to get their special to 10?
Who else is ready for a Trunks card based on the new episode of Super?
It's worth noting that if you have a lot of different things to work on, the super strike events will probably become weekly rotations with increased card drop rates in the relatively near future, to match the JPN version. I don't need any of the 4 SS characters right now, so I farmed 7 medals for each and I'll farm the cards when the rates are better later.
Getting the Android 16 drops is such a pain. I'm lucky if I get one for each 100+ stam used. The only redeeming factor is that I misread the mission name as 'genitle destroyer' every time and it always gets a minor chuckle.