That Bardock is the best partner for LR Goku
That's partially why I wanted him so much. Also because I have every other SSJ Bardock in the game, and he completes my collection.
That Bardock is the best partner for LR Goku
That Buu and Cell should be helpful for the Ultimate Gohan fight going on now.Pulled on the discount banner. I'm saving for the Vegito banner but this and the other discount banner are the only pulls I've done since I started a week ago, and I still have many stones to farm from story mode so I figure, why not. The results were mediocre though. That Gohan can be Dokkaned in this Saiyaman event at least, but idk if I'm going to be able to get the medals needed.
Did 30 gem pull.
Many regrets.
You're telling me, I'm so weak.
Did 30 gem pull.
Many regrets.
Okay, I'll take this as a sign to not discount pull.Discount pull you are so full of disappointments.
Lool your tag suites the situation quite well
Okay, I'll take this as a sign to not discount pull.
...meanwhile all my single pulls got me shit. I got a SSR SSJ3 Fajita WHICH I ALREADY HADDDDDDD! I wanted Majin...sigh.Daaamn got Radditz (SSR) and STR Godku from the discount.
Also, earlier this week did two random single pulls... SSR TEQ Cell and INT Ultimate Gohan IN A ROW!
Think I sucked up all the good will that RNGesus has for me, but I'm saving my remaining stones for SSJ Vegito.
Daaamn got Radditz (SSR) and STR Godku from the discount.
Also, earlier this week did two random single pulls... SSR TEQ Cell and INT Ultimate Gohan IN A ROW!
Think I sucked up all the good will that RNGesus has for me, but I'm saving my remaining stones for SSJ Vegito.
Here are the results of my discount pull:
Any advice on whether or not I should implement that Vegeta or Bardock into my team?
Here's what I've got going on right now. Please keep in mind, I just started a week ago!
That Buu and Cell should be helpful for the Ultimate Gohan fight going on now.
Also that Buu gets a dokkan awakening much later om
Take out one of those SRs and put Bardock as your lead
All Types Ki+2 is better than AGI 60% HP and DEF Boost as a leader skill for a mostly AGI team?
I only have the one Buu though, from what I've heard I doubt that's enough for the Gohan event? I haven't really checked it out much.
And just a little tip: cover up your screen header (where it says your name, money, stones, etc.) when you post stuff online, there have been cases of people stealing accounts that way - I suppose by contacting support and pretending to have lost the account and giving them that same info.
It's sad that people who actually lost their account have to go through this, but it's better than the alternative.
If I were you I'd take screenshots of all my teams. Unless you change your team set up a lot.Yeah, I mean, I hardly recall what I did a couple hours ago or who my team was exactly so I think i'm gonna start trying harder to remember it lol But I think that's better than letting basically anyone who gets ahold of your main info get away with it.
While it can be a pain in the butt, it's better to be extra safe just in case, I guess.
If I were you I'd take screenshots of all my teams. Unless you change your team set up a lot.
So I'm grinding Nappa&Gohan to SA10 before DAong them. Is there a point in doing the same for Vegeta SR? Is he gonna have a DA too?
Does Gohan Dokkan? I thought it was just Nappa.
The Gohan from the justice one, I guess I should have differentiated between the two lol. Child Gohan doesn't, but teen Gohan on Nimbus does.
I pulled AGL U. Gohan and dokkaned him the first time around and said what are the odds of getting another U. Gohan and said bun the rest of the medals. Now I pulled the PHY one on the 30 stone and I don't have any Buu's to do the event. #Feelsbadman
Did the discount, got AGL Kaioken Goku and TEQ Coora, none of which I owned, so I can't complain.
It's still probably smarter to keep saving for Vegito.
Having horrible luck with Nappa dropping. Ran the mission around 10 times and I only have 4 including the 2 guaranteed ones.
I got 2 dropped in a single run two times in a row lol. But it's been dry for like four runs in a row now, so I guess it evened out :[
Damn I've just now gotten 5. Haven't gotten a double drop at all.
Does anyone know if the Awakening medals are guaranteed drops in the story event? I've gotten the Choutzu one every time I've ran Nappa on Z-hard, if it does it for normal I'd rather not waste all the stamina.
I can't say for sure if they're guaranteed, but I got 5 Piccolo medals in a row (4 z-hard, 1 normal just to test).
The Nappa medal is definitely not guaranteed, though lol still sitting at just 1.
Just found out that they're not, at least on normal. Played the stage for the Krillin medal on normal just now and didn't get it.