Do Story missions to Rank up and save all your stones for tomorrow, then waste spend them all on the Super Vegito / Gogeta / Broly banner.
If you're lucky to get one of those, it will help you a lot when catching up on content. Super Vegito will be the current game breaking unit, and Gogeta had that title beforehand.
edit: also, the crossover campaign gives you a decent free SSR Goku. I don't remember if we get it automatically when logging in or if it drops the first time you complete Z-Hard - it can be farmed but the drop rate isn't good and it's better to do Story missions instead.
You have to login during the event period and you get him. Also love the passive aggressive nature with you and Vegito and Gogeta lol, I feel the exact same way.
Going on 50+, haven't gotten a drop yet
Actually spent more time this weekend finally getting those stupid medals for the free Android 13 storymode gives out. I've just enough stamina that, with x3 exp, I can go infinitely on storymode farming the same stage. They're all kind easy, just... drop rate isn't great. I believe I'm done farming the card and with 3/5 medals. Android 19 currently doesn't want to drop
Same boat. I got KC fairly often. But I guess since Goku is a SSR it's a much lower chance?
My SSR Goku is SA7, not sure why you guys are having such dire drops, it seems okay to me.

! RNGeus was was kind to me during KC, but shit for Goku drops
People who use this type of logic always crack me up. It's really a surprise to you that different people get different results when going for random drops? It's random.
Anyway, should I bother trying to get either Frieza in Vicious Mechanical Monarch? Not sure how useful they are nowadays.
Sure why not. They might actually be useful in strike events, you never know. If you don't have any other event to do, might as well right?
So if my math is right, we need 280 stones to do 8 pulls for Vegito, right?
30 discount
50 normal
50 normal
50 normal
50 normal
50 normal
I'm actually fairly close to that. Might clear out some storymode today to get to that magic number. I'm unsure how far into this dokkanfest I should go considering I do have Gogeta (thought could always use an unawakened for Strike events, I guess). I'll definitely be doing the first discount/free ones, might wait on rates to see how deep I go into this
Yeh I might just do the first three and see how kind the drop is for me. I don't feel like dropping more money just to be disappointed.
For Broly. Should I stack up on blazing battlers or just take a few to block with?
I'm thinking for starters
SSR AGL Kid Buu lead
SSR TEQ Great Saiyaman 2?
TUR SSJ3 Vegeta
And after that I'm not sure. My other disable rampage cards are:
Undokkaned King Vegeta with SA10
SR AGL Kid Trunks
Should I bring Janemba and Bardock to lower his defense and keep him sealed? Should I just get SSGSS TEQ Goku and nuke him? Stack up on the blazing battlers?
I don't think his STR version will be a problem for me but I am lazy and want to get the medals in less fights.
Kid Trunks actually does decent damage to him with his supers. And he takes so little damage with the link skill. I also used King Vegeta. He was shit but link skill came in handy. My other cards I think was TEQ SSJ Goku(the one that you get from DAing Angel Goku) kid Buu, mighty mask, and I don't remember the last it might've been Turles to stun lock him. With Gogeta Friend doing all the damage. It worked kinda well at times, depending on RNG.
Btw everyone that posted a picture, hide the info up top that shows Zeni, DS, etc. That can be used to steal accounts. Just like crop it out or use paint and black is out