In the last 3 days I have gotten 2 King Cold drops. I've run it hundreds of times. It's depressing
KC drops are atrocious.
Only thing worse for me is the Doffy Goku drops. I have yet to see even one, despite, what, 75+ runs?
In the last 3 days I have gotten 2 King Cold drops. I've run it hundreds of times. It's depressing
KC drops are atrocious.
Only thing worse for me is the Doffy Goku drops. I have yet to see even one, despite, what, 75+ runs?
Sweet Zombie Jesus, how can it be that bad for you?! I've had at least 16 drops of the Goku so far...KC drops are atrocious.
Only thing worse for me is the Doffy Goku drops. I have yet to see even one, despite, what, 75+ runs?
Sweet Zombie Jesus, how can it be that bad for you?! I've had at least 16 drops of the Goku so far...
40 runs here, 1 drop so far.
btw, how much time is left until the arrival of Vegitto?
Holy shit. What keeps you going?
Sweet Zombie Jesus, how can it be that bad for you?! I've had at least 16 drops of the Goku so far...
Yeah I.... I don't know. I've been able to play non-stop thanks to 3x EXP story mode, with a little over, so I swap time between them and it's not that bad. But it just seems unfair that I haven't even seen ONE drop of Goku.
Obviously I'm saving all my luck for Vegito tonight. That'll be a fair tradeoff
Is there a way to get Super #13's SA to 10 before Dokkaning him? Gonna try to get the medals for it with the triple rank exp.
And this list is correct right?
This is gonna suck.
Yeah, farm him on the stage he drops. I forget which one, it's not guarenteed but it's more generous than others.
I was working on those this week too. I'm down to just needing about 10 Gero and A19 medals, and the stages stink. Not for difficulty, just time. Lots of stops and whatnot. Actually wound up running 12-4 to get both of them (only one drops if at all, random), just because the stage is a bit easier.
The Goku medals, stick with 11-3. 14 and 15 were quick enough too from what I remember
If you have 957 stones, I'm pretty sure you are guaranteed to get him.
I have 204 stones. Not so guaranteed.
You just had to jinx them, huh. It's now officially your fault if Savitar doesn't get SV. Thanks.
You just had to jinx them, huh. It's now officially your fault if Savitar doesn't get SV. Thanks.
If you don't get him I'll cry for you.
If you have 957 stones, I'm pretty sure you are guaranteed to get him.
Mother of all that is good in the world. I was at 20 and said screw this shit.KC drops are atrocious.
Only thing worse for me is the Doffy Goku drops. I have yet to see even one, despite, what, 75+ runs?
RNGesus bless this thread with SV's for all. Even a Goegta for those of usthat are god card
I'm going to be super pumped for anybody here who gets a SV. I'm hoping the fact that I've never pulled an SSR AGL card before means I've got lots of luck saved up in that regard.It probably won't
If you have 957 stones, I'm pretty sure you are guaranteed to get him.
I have 204 stones. Not so guaranteed.
Well you are gonna get the free AGL Goku ssj so thats a good start.
Edit: Yo fuck Nappa I want that lvl 9 reward AGL Goku.
Okay, I just looked at Super Vegito's skills for the first time. WTF, hahaha. Come on, man. I can't even.
Okay, I just looked at Super Vegito's skills for the first time. WTF, hahaha. Come on, man. I can't even.
Not quite. He has just over a 70% chance of getting Super Vegito with 255 pulls. Best not to get your hopes up in case you're one of the 3/10 who fail.
Those are damn good odds, don't sweat. Leave that to me and my 280 stones.You can't kill my dreams.
I'm trying to clear up space for my upcoming 160 pulls. Can I safely sell off the SR event characters (Krillin and co.) to Baabaa? I also have 3 copies of Android 13. Should I fuse them into each other and save him, or just get rid of all 3?
Spent 9 DS to open my inventory more. I need LR Goku already so I can get rid of my WT SSJ TEQ Gokus and if I get Super Vegito he'll be SA10 because of my 9 elder Kai's. Literally like 20 spots due to those two units. I still have enough to do like 4 multipulls, just now I can't #yolosinglepull.
At least you're being realistic about it355 DS at the ready for disappointment.
Very.Would this be a good time to start the game for someone new? I downloaded the game when it first came out, but never got very far. I assume tonight is something similar to a Sugofest in Treasure Cruise?
Would this be a good time to start the game for someone new? I downloaded the game when it first came out, but never got very far. I assume tonight is something similar to a Sugofest in Treasure Cruise?
Re-roll for Super Vegito, and you're set.
Attempt for Super Vegito and Gogeta. Keep rerolling if you only get 1 of them. If you are gonna start, might as well start strong.
Sounds good! I'll load it up in an emulator now. When does the event start?