Just re rolled again...got him.
Fuck. Am I really about to start all over? THe oull that came with him eas garbage too.
To be honest I actually don't envy people anymore. I just checked the awakening cost since I noticed TEQ can be awakened again too. 35 medals for the standard Vegito and 77 for SV. I'm happy with the 10 I farmed for Gogeta now.
Just re rolled again...got him.
Fuck. Am I really about to start all over? THe oull that came with him eas garbage too.
Just re rolled again...got him.
Fuck. Am I really about to start all over? THe oull that came with him eas garbage too.
Think of it this way. You'll start over with a full cache of stones to save for the next hotness after Vegito and if you want to spend to build up a team now there are 3 guaranteed SSR banners and the Rising Dragon double rate banner
Not to ask a stupid question, but should I use my saved Elser Kai's on Broly, or are there other units I should consider using them on? Other than Goveta or Vegito which I didn't get.
Server maintenance?
I wonder if they accidentally upped the rate heh.
Save it for later units. Even if you didn't get SV or Gogeta, doesn't mean you can't get them later.
Edit: Whoa random maintenance. Right in the middle of URing my Saiyaman and SV.Hope we get some good amount of stones out of this.
Thats what I'm thinking or the abilities are messed up.
I'll laugh my ass off if it is.
BTW wasn't the 10 of the tech Goku SSR's we got awhile back suppose to be good for boosting his SA? I thought it was suppose to be the case but when I checked didn't see any boost up rate at all.
Man, Super Vegito is legit. He was up first and was surrounded by 2 adds and a boss, counter killed 2, supered the 3rd. Dude can 1v3.
Man, emergency maintenance. I have so much to do!
Is it worth trying to scramble to get STR Beerus Dokkan'd? Not sure how useful he is for any of the current or upcoming events.
Those are for boosting LR Goku when he comes. Also is your name a Mark Waid Flash reference?
Edit: I wonder if its literally server crash with everyone trying to get into Dokkan at the same time lol. All the old players and new players vying for SV pull.
If you wanna farm SV medals and need Fierce Battle links then sure. Problem is that Beerus is STR and SV is AGL. If you had to focus on one, then forget about Beerus since he will eventually come back.
Edit: I wonder if its literally server crash with everyone trying to get into Dokkan at the same time lol. All the old players and new players vying for SV pull.
Man, emergency maintenance. I have so much to do!
Is it worth trying to scramble to get STR Beerus Dokkan'd? Not sure how useful he is for any of the current or upcoming events.
Not to ask a stupid question, but should I use my saved Elser Kai's on Broly, or are there other units I should consider using them on? Other than Goveta or Vegito which I didn't get.
I need 147 medals...... RIP ME
I have all the Vegitos.
Here's my loot.
Super vegito Holy shit!
Super vegito dupe
Here's my loot.
Ultimate gohan phy dupe
Bardock phy Yay!
Super vegito Holy shit!
Angel goku teq dupe
Super vegito dupe
Bardock phy dupe
Phy broly holy shit Yay!!!!
7 multi summon. No 8 was empty.
What the hell does SV do to health? I had him on my team and he added close to a clear 20k! I'm genuinely debating a reroll now since he would be insane with LR Goku if he boosts health. Well I would be if the emulator actually allowed me to reroll the proper way.
I personally didn't bother. Mainly due to most of my SSG units being weak against him. Also his TUR doesn't seem outstanding. Might go after him when I get SG strong against him and if I ever TUR my SV.
Save em. You might get SV.
Me too. I used to only have TEQ but I pulled two int vegito and SV today.
Did another multipull trying to get Gogeta or Broly. Didn't work. I should have pulled on the xeno banner to get an elder Kai and maybe majin Vegeta(I got the medals for him already). What do you guys think? Keep going for Broly & Gogeta or go for majin Vegeta? I got STR Broly TUR so I'm not too worried about not having an attack all. But having two would be better.
I bought stones to get SV and although I'm ecstatic about it, buyers remorse is beginning to set in D:
If you want SSRs, go for the Dragon banner. If you want Gogeta/Broly go for the banner.
Are you close to the free pull? We are gonna get another 24 stones from the cross over event. They never gave us the 7 stones and AGL SSJ Goten and we are only 3k points from level 9 rewards so we got them by tomorrow for sure. So if you can grab another 50 stones and pull for the chance to get Gogeta or Broly if you want and then free pull.
Maybe thats the reason for maintenance since the crossover rewards didn't kick in for us lol.
Maybe that's the reason for maintenance, he could be bugged.He only boosts AGL units. HP, Def and Atk though
He only boosts AGL units
Got Broly. Not what I wanted but oh well, I guess I can't complain when there's people who don't even get SSRs.
I needed 11 roshis to Awaken Super Gogeta. It's always the frickin' bronze medals that are the biggest pain in the ass to get. Hardly ever on sale, too.
Got Broly. Not what I wanted but oh well, I guess I can't complain when there's people who don't even get SSRs.
I was wondering if you pulled SV or not, sorry man. Same boat as you, but at least the grind getting his medals will be easier for me than trying to get the medals for my Vegitos, since I have way more STR units.
I'd say Broly. Then use your TUR Broly to take down Vegito.I don't know what to focus on now, I have Broly but also the two regular Vegitos.
lol the reward stones were enough to give me another multi... got a Bye Guys... it was PHY Fat Buu. What trolls.
Here: http://dbz-dokkanbattle.wikia.com/wiki/Fierce_BattleIs there a list of characters with Fierce Battle? I just looked through all mine and couldn't find a single one.