Is there a list of characters with Fierce Battle? I just looked through all mine and couldn't find a single one.
Check this:!_Blazing_Potara
Is there a list of characters with Fierce Battle? I just looked through all mine and couldn't find a single one.
Soooo... the dokkaned version of all the guys I have and never dokkaned. Got it.I'd say Broly. Then use your TUR Broly to take down Vegito.
Glory to the counter attack
I don't know what to focus on now, I have Broly but also the two regular Vegitos.
lol the reward stones were enough to give me another multi... got a Bye Guys... it was PHY Fat Buu. What trolls.
FML, I did a reroll for fun on an emulator and I pulled Super Vegeto on it on a single pull. It's tempting to start over but I have Gogeta and Broly soooo.
Does anyone want this new account?
So no one wants that new account with SV?
I'll PM you it then.
I'll take it if it's still available.![]()
5th pull, yay.
I guess I could just put Gogeta as lead, and use all my AGI URs and my Broly with a Vegito friend lead?
Guys I need your help in deciding what to push on with, the game just fucked me over; top number is pullable SSRs
Column 1: Main, all farmables to SA 10 and every single Strike farmed to 15 already; a gabijillion resources, SA 10 STR Broly
Column 2: Sub from a gracious benefactor; no Strikes/farmables farmed, poor as fuck, not many resources
Column 3: fucking account saved from Gogeta reroll era
It sounds silly, but I have a deep connection with my main even though it pales in comparison to 2 in a huge aspect... and then there's Super Vegito :/
Look at it this way. You just summoned the fifth most powerful card in this game out of hundreds of cards possible.Got Broly. Not what I wanted but oh well, I guess I can't complain when there's people who don't even get SSRs.
Got Broly. Not what I wanted but oh well, I guess I can't complain when there's people who don't even get SSRs.
did not get anything
150 stones not even a single ssr
fuck this game so hard
Vegito's counter-attack is amazing, it's hitting a lot, I love it.
So.. 550 Dragon Stones later, I got a Gogeta and 2x Broly.. but I've no good PHY units, and excellent AGI units... Not sure what to do anymore with my team. I really needed a Vegito, haha. >_<
I guess I could just put Gogeta as lead, and use all my AGI URs and my Broly with a Vegito friend lead?
Also, should I fuse my second Broly into the first, or is there some sort of new dupe system coming that he'd be better suited for? Thanks!
Disappointed I couldn't pull Gogeta but I managed to pull new Vegito, Broly, SSR GT Goku, SSR INT Vegeta and TEQ future Gohan.
I'm going to try and save up more stones to try one more pull for him. How good is new Vegito? Is he comparable to Gogeta? If so I'll make him my new lead.
Sucks I know ...I wasted 200 DS for INT Vegitto, thanks Bamco![]()
Go for it. It's the best time to go after them because of the 3+1 offer.Time to blow 316 stones trying to get Super Vegito and almost certainly failing.
EDIT - YESS!!!!!! 3rd pull and SSR AGL Super Vegito is MINE!
Also pulled INT SSR Cell and PHY SSR Super Saiyan Trunks (Kid) so far.
EDIT 2 - All in all, 4 pulls including the free one and a pretty good haul,
PHY SSR Super Saiyan Trunks (Kid)
AGL SSR Super Vegito
STR SSR Goku (Dupe)
STR SSR Super Saiyan 2 Trunks (Teen)
Got 156 stones left....worth a few more pulls on the new banner to see if I can get the new Broly that it mentions? Or maybe even a Gogeta since he seems to be on the same banner?
Guys I need your help in deciding what to push on with, the game just fucked me over; top number is pullable SSRs
Column 1: Main, all farmables to SA 10 and every single Strike farmed to 15 already; a gabijillion resources, SA 10 STR Broly
Column 2: Sub from a gracious benefactor; no Strikes/farmables farmed, poor as fuck, not many resources
Column 3: fucking account saved from Gogeta reroll era
It sounds silly, but I have a deep connection with my main even though it pales in comparison to 2 in a huge aspect... and then there's Super Vegito :/
Welp.. I was 30 stones short of another multi-pull that would lead to a freebie, and instead of grinding it out, I decided to make my first and last purchase for the $7.99 32 Dragon Stone bundle.
Sure enough, my next pull is a "Bye, Guys," and I got my Super Vegito!
That's all 3 banner units (plus one extra Broly) in 16 Multi-Pulls. I'm satisfied!
My AGI team is looking pretty solid now, though I should probably try my luck on the GSSR banner when I can, in case I might be able to replace my Goku with something better.
If only I didn't just blow 50 Gregory Medals on Awakening my Broly right before pulling Super Vegito... Any tips on farming Gregory Medals quickly, or is the only option the AGI Medal Event?
Also, I'm going to go ahead and farm medals to Dokkan my Gogeta, and I'd greatly appreciate the help of some fellow Super Vegito Leaders! Add me if you'd like!