Yeah I rerolled last time and was surprised how much more fun it was to replay it with Gogeta as my starter character. I was probably going to the same with my Gogeta account and leave it on my GF's phone in the meantime if I can get my hands on SV. Dunno what happened to the PM btw but it never came through just in case you were wondering why I didn't reply. Dunno if GAF inbox is playing up or what.
That's weird! Well I have a SV code if you want it. It's from an android emulator so if you are on iOS I'd load it into the emulator you are using and grind out 30 something stones and do another multi before transferring it since you lose the stones you have on you going from Android to iOS. But if you use and android phone it's all good in the hood.
The account I saved is Super Vegito with only one Multisummon done I think. Should still have 23 stones in the gift box and 8 or so in your inventory. Zero story quests/missions done. Super Vegito was the only SSR from the multi