A Pretty Panda
fuckin' called it, man
Did 4 more multis
2 dupes and INT SSG.
I can say I got 2 new characters from these 16 multis
2 dupes and INT SSG.
I can say I got 2 new characters from these 16 multis
It makes no sense whatsoever. Heck, I don't even agree with putting in more than $100 into this game. It's just not worth it, despite my interest in DBZ.
Well done.
Whales in these games totally fascinate me. I totally get spending money because you desire something so much, and it's partially driven because other people have it, but that can only justify spending so much, especialy in a game that has no PvP. When it gets into the thousands of dollars, I just don't get it.
$20k?! $35k?!?! Fucking hell, he probably could've just contacted someone at Bamco and discreetly paid them a fraction of it for a pre-built account.
As a purely F2P player just spending a little money on this seems baffling to me, but to be spending more than some people earn in a year on a Freemium game is just.....wow. I mean I did a few years of Psychology at college but I still can't begin to comprehend that level of addictive behaviour, though I count myself incredibly lucky to be able to say that.
About the closest I've come to spending money on this is occasionally thinking "Hm, wonder if my Google Reward credit can be used for a few more stones" when I've been a little under the 50 stone threshold, but then something comes along to give out just enough free stones anyway.
It's the same principle used in casinos just instead of "I've lost so much I have to get it back" it's "I've spent this much and didn't get what I wanted. If I stop now it'll all be in vain!"
Also yes, you can use Google Rewards Credit to pay for DS.
Honestly, $300 would probably be my absolute limit. I'm not close to there but yeah I'd stop at that point.
unless some mix of Omega Shenron, SV and SG comes out... like Super Omega Vegitgo/Govegito(help)
Granblue fantasy (still the best Gacha game imo) does it right. You can pay $20 or $30 to get a 10 pull, but you also get to SELECT one character that you want. So, you pay $30, get your Gogeta or whatever else you pick, and then you can still do your 10 pull. It's just a lot more satisfying to ALWAYS get something you want. Of course, they don't run that promotion all the time, so you can still waste a ton of money doing useless pulls outside of a promotion. But it's often enough.
Vegito is the best card in the game atm. He's best as a MONO AGL leader but even on a rainbow team he will put in work as an amazing tank and high damage dealer who counterattack on every normal attack he is hit with
Does anyone have a team strat for easily beating Super Vegito without a Gogeta? I don't think I have anyone with Fierce Battle so I'm assuming I'll need to use a Gogeta friend.
This is good to know so thank you!
I don't think it's possible to "easily" beat it without having those links...
I saw a stun build on reddit, but still don't think it's easy and is pretty RNG dependent.
Yeah easily was a bad word choice. I just meant a more solid way without using a bunch of stones.
Reading stories of people who spend thousands on F2P games or other gambling/RNG boxes makes me think governments should regulate/outlaw this like with every other form of gambling. Every f2p game does it but I truly believe it's manipulative and exploitative, preying on poor impulse control, people with addictive personalities and sunk cost fallacy (this one is a bitch). It's borderline evil, but it's become so standard, no one bats and eye, and now we have RNG boxes even in full-priced retail games. Anyway maybe it's because I'm poor, but I usually regret spending money on F2P games, and it actually causes me to enjoy the game less in almost all cases, because I can't shake that feeling of guilt/disappointment. I can see myself maybe buying a few stones if I need the last few to get another free multipull, but other than that, nah.
Seems as though TEQ Beerus isn't quite as good as you'd expect for this event. Type disadvantage on 2 of the 4 enemies you fight and Rage mode has reduced damage against the AGI phase because he isn't linking with anyone.
Got Broly dokkaned, working on Super Vegito, then will do the other two normal ones.
My fingers are sore.
Yo sob! You spent 150 stones or $150? Cause if it's the former we can't be friends </3.I don't normally brag about pulls... But this motherfucker right here:
Also got STR Gotenks, INT Godku, INT Vegito (dupe), PHY Ultimate Gohan (dupe).
All in all, spent about 150. The compulsive gambler in me wants to grab another stone set to try and get Broly, but that would be greedy. Definitely happy with the haul.
Now that I have Super Vegito, should I be able to throw together like any scrub AGL team to farm up Gogeta dokkan medals? The reason I have 0 of those medals is due mostly to my lack of decent blue units.
But he hits back after every normal attack. Pair him with Gogeta and he super attacks every round since they link up to fill his bar up so you only need 2 orbs to super.I don't think it's THAT easy because Gogeta still hurts, especially with his supers, and he can attack up to 4 times in a round, and SV can't always block them all.
But he hits back after every normal attack. Pair him with Gogeta and he super attacks every round since they link up to fill his bar up so you only need 2 orbs to super.
did i really just do the worst multi summon in the history of this game ?
wtf is this shit
Maybe this is a really stupid question, but which of these would be the better choice to start off with?
One's got Bardock sealer, more AGL units, a second tank in the form of Frieza and SS3 Str Goku. The other has Gogeta.
did i really just do the worst multi summon in the history of this game ?
wtf is this shit
did i really just do the worst multi summon in the history of this game ?
wtf is this shit
did i really just do the worst multi summon in the history of this game ?
wtf is this shit
The account on the left with just SV is really good. But the account with both is extremely powerful. You have AOE units in both but your 1st account has the orb changers. I would take the 2nd account just for SV and Gogeta. The other units make a small difference in the grand scheme of things and you have AOE on both of them.
Phy Broly is pretty awesome. His second free attack at 10 ki always supers, even if you don't have enough ki to super naturally.
did i really just do the worst multi summon in the history of this game ?
wtf is this shit
What have you been using for Broly?
My first (and only) attempt ended with me dragging on the second phase and losing almost immediately on the third.
Kanik, your ex has moved on.
We couldn't be happier together.
If I don't pull a SV, should I put my Elder Kai's into him?
So who do people think is stronger, Gogeta or Vegito? I started with a Gogeta account when he launched and steamrolled everything up until the dokkan awakening fights. I have a Vegito account now and he feels a lot weaker due to being constrained by type weaknesses.
I have my main backed up anyway but not one shotting enemies in the first few missions feels weird for such a high end card. Even the PHY Broly seems to hit harder.
So who do people think is stronger, Gogeta or Vegito? I started with a Gogeta account when he launched and steamrolled everything up until the dokkan awakening fights. I have a Vegito account now and he feels a lot weaker due to being constrained by type weaknesses.
I have my main backed up anyway but not one shotting enemies in the first few missions feels weird for such a high end card. Even the PHY Broly seems to hit harder.
And Super Vegito done.
Now to get the two regular ones done.
Does he have an ultra cool special attack animation like the Soul Punisher? No ay mines being awakened for a long time to find out on this account. I just don't have the units for it.
So, as said multiple times with dupes it's best to avoid dupe feeding till the new system(if it ever) rolls in. I figure it's most important with SSR units, but figure some SR units would be good to wait with too. That being said, my inventory is filling up with lots of dupes, so should I bother saving the dupes of these guys, or just feed em to each other to increase SA. Or just sell to baba.
AGL SSJ Trunks(kid) Talent From Dad
AGL SSJ Goten(Kid) Promising Son
AGL Android #17 Dauntless Runner
AGL Android #18 Beautiful but Deadly
AGL Cell(1st form) Android Evolution
TEQ Beerus Carnage Awakens
INT SSJ Vegeta Last Minute Technique
INT Babdi Malevolent Magician
INT SSJ Trunks(kid) Defying the All-powerful
STR Goku The Saiyan Among Us
STR Chi-Chi Heart of Innocence
STR Frieza(2nd form) The Nightmare Transformed
STR Tien Respect to the Strong
Those guys with their dupes take around 50 freaking spots. SO. MANY. DUPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPES!
So yeh, help.jpg. Keep till dupe system, sell to baba, feed to unit and make their SA better, or feed to like Vegito or another SSR.