Alright, I'm in desperate need to clean out units from my box. It's too hectic! Here's everything that isn't a SSR. I want to do some FP pulls to use as training fodder to my TUR SV, and my other Vegito units.
Quote to see link to album

Edit: I'm a noob and forgot how to do the quote to see lol. DUN MAKE FUN!
I'd say get a Super Sealer(I used SSJ Gotenks because he paired very well with my SV and made it so I needed like 5ki to super. Then I went on the ki markers and got some ki for him). Get someone who has perfect defense(like TEQ SSR Piccolo from Baba shop) a stunner(I used TEQ Whis, and although he doesn't stun for two turns he has a very high chance to stun for 1 turn even with regular attacks. Useful for when SV goes last). Then you need units that have fierce battle link so you don't do chump damage. I used TUR AGL Kid Buu as a lead so I have lots of health, and then had TUR INT Cell(my only other fierce battle link would have been STR Broly which would be a terrible choice to use).
Just bring Baba and if you see he's gonna super close the app before he does and use Baba.
I could offer you my TUR SV, but he's like lvl 70 currently. Working on leveling him up so he's not a scroob
Wow you have wayyyy too many SRs. You need to start selling most of them to baba and getting some of their SAs up.
I'm gonna make a keep list and sell list for each typing.
Keep: Pan, Goten, Beerus, SSJ Vegeta, ROF base Goku, Piccolo, Bunny Bulma, Guldo, GT kid Goku, Jaco, Skinny Gotenks, Jackie Chun,
Sell: Everything else or raise SA of the above units
Keep: Bardock, Roshi, Devilman, Gohan (adult), SSJ Trunks, SSJ Kid Trunks, Pikkon, Regular Trunks (R) edition,
Sell: Everything else. Feed SSJ AGL Goten to the TEQ one for SA level.
Keep: Frieza, Cooler, Kid SSJ Trunks, Chilled, SSJ Vegeta, Mecha Frieza, Babadi, Super Buu Piccolo, #16, Bulma, Yamcha,
Sell: everything else, feed pan to TEQ pan. Feed Goku to TEQ Goku,
Keep: Great Saiyaman, Bulma, Tao, Launch, Riddlo, Dabura, Bojack, Super Buu (Gotenks), Goku regular, SSJ Gohan Tracksuit, 2nd form Frieza,
Sell: everything else Feed SSJ Trunks to INT
Keep: Fat Gotenks, SSJ Gohan Tracksuit, DB kid Goku, Goku Ginyu, Future Gohan, Veku, Piccolo Jr. GT Goten, King Cold, Vegeta regular,
Sell: everything else
Sell most of your Rs except the ones I mentioned.
Also organize your list better please. Go to the corner bottom right and change it to type, then switch to favorite. Everything will fall into order easily.