Hahah my bad, on my phone didn't realize how big it was. Thanks for the add!
No worries

. FL is full again, lemme find someone who hasn't been on in a while. My IGN is Yamcha btw, so when you do get my fr, you know who I am.
Edit: Added
Gogeta is fine because his Super is effective against all opponents, you just need to make sure you've got Yemmas or Babas in your item set to mitigate the potential of his Super attacks, especially when you get to the last stage with Super Vegito and he attacks 4 times in a turn.
Yeh that's true. He probably works better for you & others and He does considerably more damage.
But, I find the counter with SV is a lot more effective, especially when SV attacks me 4 times in a row lol, place SV there and smack SV around

. Like for instance I get a friend SV, if their SV is higher than mine I put em with TUR AGL Buu and try to get ki spots to go to him. If he's a lower SA than mine, I put him beside my PHY SSJ Gotenks. Having two SV allows me to nearly always seal SV supers(depending on RNG of spheres and Ki spots of course). It takes a very long time, but it's safe.
So I guess it just depends on the team set-up. Again I once went without using a single item due to AFL Buu health regen, and the health regen given by Dokkan attack.