They already showed the american toys off for Super which leads me to believe it will air on some kids network (nickeldodeon perhaps).
Not sure what would be censored from super though, I can think of one dick joke and that's about it. Maybe toned down violence, but what's the point of putting the show on tv at that point
Argh, the fuck! How long did it take you? :3When you don't need to use Old Kais on a farmable card
The very first try after the guaranteed first drop. I dropped my phone and gasped when it happenedArgh, the fuck! How long did it take you? :3
First time I beat 50 stam goku it gave me some weird message, then there was no record of my victory - no stone/medals and it still showed as incomplete on the quest screen. 50 stamina gone though. Cool.
Second time around gave me my stone.
Edit: I vaguely remember the message said "this mission was completed", something about items and the gift box, and then I was kicked to the title screen. No option to resume quest or anything.
Yeah this is an unfortunate problem the jp version also had. Pretty pathetic they released it without fixing the issue, not sure if JP ever even fixed this.
O...see I'm Canadian so we didn't get those censors.
I wish your leader would get XP when others use them. Even if it's a marginal amount like .1% of the XP gained. It'd definitely create insensitive to use KV![]()
I never watched Kai till I was much older. But I'm telling you I saw Krillin get impaled and blood squirting everywhere. I recorded a bunch of episodes of VHS, I'll dog through em and see. I could be wrong and mixing it up, but these VHS tapes from the dinosaur era shall tell us!Kai had blue popo on some American networks and assuredly other censorship. If it actually aired up here uncut no clue but I can tell you for fact that the original runs of DBZ were definitely censored airing up here in Canada on Canadian stations.
Not that long ago watched all of Kai and can't remember this ..I never watched Kai till I was much older. But I'm telling you I saw Krillin get impaled and blood squirting everywhere. I recorded a bunch of episodes of VHS, I'll dog through em and see. I could be wrong and mixing it up, but these VHS tapes from the dinosaur era shall tell us!
Not that long ago watched all of Kai and can't remember this ..
I live in Canada well for a long time but when I was younger I lived in Portugal and saw DragonBall and z and there nothing was held back
There was blood and so on first thing comes to mind is goku fighting piccolo end of WT dragon ball and then them both vs raddits when picallo kills them both blood all over the place
Yup, widespread reporting of this bug on both Reddit and a Dokkan Battle Facebook group I'm part of. Damn Bamco, couldn't you have gotten this sorted already.Yeah this is an unfortunate problem the jp version also had. Pretty pathetic they released it without fixing the issue, not sure if JP ever even fixed this.
So, realistically, how hard is Stage 3? I haven't done it yet since I'm still a few medals short from Stage 2, but I also don't know if I should be running a Chun x2 team with Mighty Mask, or King Vegeta x2 with Tao?
ssb vegito is kinda meh
goku black ssr is much better
that is true, especially for SVegitto team.
ARGH! Why are there so many motherfuckers on my Friends list that don't have their King Vegetas or Jackie Chuns at max level?! So many people got them to Lvl. 80 for awaken to UR, and then just stopped! X-(
So just to check again what the process for getting these units to SA 15? I have to get one to max and awaken him then feed and hope or awaken 5 more and feed them to him? Wouldn't the second route mean burning loads of medals on them? I don't even know where to get half of those medals so far
You get the first one to SA10 then Dokkan Awaken him. Then you get a second copy to SA5 and dokkan awaken that one. Then train them together and you have an SA15
If you don't dokkan awaken the second copy you will only have a 50% chance to increase SA.
The Bulma/Turtle medals come from the gold awakening capsules during the World Tournament. The character specific ones come from the z-hard stage 2 of the strike levels the ones that require a team of 100 points
Yup going to do the crossover event to have a good amount of Goku's to power up others and some to sell as well.
And holy shit saw one of my friends already had him fully powered up. Someone mentioned that someone did it earlier but seeing it....that was unreal. is it even possible timewise.
Man from the videos I've seen, the rates for SSB Vegito and SSR Goku Black do not seem very good at all. Watced like probably over 2000 stones worth or pulls and nobody got them.
Man from the videos I've seen, the rates for SSB Vegito and SSR Goku Black do not seem very good at all. Watced like probably over 2000 stones worth or pulls and nobody got them.
Are LR Androids the same to get in the sense that you can only use Super Strike characters to farm the medals?
No they just require a shit ton of dokkan medals from different events. 77 of each for the final form so good luck farming lol.
No they just require a shit ton of dokkan medals from different events. 77 of each for the final form so good luck farming lol.
Having terrible luck with Doffy and Android 16 today.
Sorry but....what's Doffy? Is this a nickname I've totally missed?
Flamingo man. I'm not sure why Doffy is the nickname might be from the anime/OPTC game. I just followed with the slang.
Is there a reason we should be farming the Don Flamingo events? What are the drops from them?
He drops a UR SSJ Goku card that can be used to level up the super of other SSJ Goku cards.
Ahh right, I thought that was just a one time drop thing.
Doffy is short for Donflamingo Donquixote, a villain in one piece. A bunch of people call him that in short
I've hit over 600 posts. Dunno how to feel about that lol.
I hope the WT doesn't start till after the event ends. Would hate to split my energy between the event and tourney wins.
Now to pray for a 2nd SSR SSJ Goku which I have to hit level 10 with as well.