Drop rate on chilled is surprisingly good
Speak for yourself! 5 runs, nothing. Went back to farming Doffy. Chilled will be there a while, no need to rush.
Drop rate on chilled is surprisingly good
Did they decrease the drop chance severely/remove it completely? I'm oblivious to a note talking about it?! I'm sitting at 25 runs without a single Goku drop...I wanna do chilled and worlds strongest but I still need Gokus gsasfsgsdhdafh
Edit: 26 still no Goku.
All support/training items and no Goku make Dark go crazy!
This is going to turn into one if those daily logs eventually...just runs instead if days.
Run 230:. Still no Goku, I've run out if money buying stones for STA refill, had to sell an arm to get more stones. Game is more difficult to control with a single arm.
If you're buying stones for multi-summons and refilling stamina, then you're doing it wrong. You guys are going to regret looking back on a gatcha game you spent hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on. Don't get sucked into it. Just have some patience.
I've only spent $3000 so far. I know others have spent more, so it's okay.
I hope this is a stealth joke post I can't tell
This makes me feel better about my $200 spending spree KappaI've only spent $3000 so far. I know others have spent more, so it's okay.
Second level Z-Hard, which usually gave me one every few runs.What difficulty are you doing it at? I got five Gokus this morning.
Meh, most $60 games don't keep me interested enough to keep playing after beating em, and I spend like 60 hours on em. I definitely spent more than 200 hours on this since I started.If you're buying stones for multi-summons and refilling stamina, then you're doing it wrong. You guys are going to regret looking back on a gatcha game you spent hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on. Don't get sucked into it. Just have some patience.
Anyways been getting a ton of Gokus to drop so yay points. Almost at 30k points
Two Supers and he's toast.I don't want to know how much I spent, I already feel guilty enough.
Also two PHY Broly's so trivializes Chilleds event here.
;P What can I say? I took your drops.
King Vegeta lead
Android 16
Mecha Freeza
King Cold
Chilled is so good for the fight, is INT, has a +2 Ki link, lowers attack on super, and hits hard with passive.
Also the super strikes seem to be going daily starting next week. When they did this in jp they had increased drop rates
Two Supers and he's toast.
Now that I've finished Chilled and gotten him all maxed out, LR needs to come back!![]()
I didn't even bother to attempt Stage 3 last weekend, since I knew Chilled was coming. I had friends who attempted Stage 3 and got really unlucky with enemy positioning, so I want to mitigate as much as I can before trying it myself.Got mine done too.
Nuts how effective it really is but hey I'm not going to complain.
Bring on the event.
I didn't even bother to attempt Stage 3 last weekend, since I knew Chilled was coming. I had friends who attempted Stage 3 and got really unlucky with enemy positioning, so I want to mitigate as much as I can before trying it myself.
Ihyyyyy. I'm not even sure if I'm gonna bother trying to get 2 LR Gokus. If my luck I'd this shit with this drop I'll be lucky to get a second Goku before this game diesI've gotten 30 Crossover Goku drops so all the Goku I wanted maxed out are now done. I'm gonna keep at it until it goes away to bolster my baba points. The Great Saiyaman who apparently goes on sale in Baba's shop looks like a good fit for a Super Vegito team and I need every AGL card I can get since my account seems cursed to not received any good ones. Every AGL card on my team besides Super Vegito and Kid Buu is one from a grindable event. Yet it's still easily my most powerful team.
Don't forget to keep 9 crossover gokus for future wt goku reward. It's the best ssj goku.
I can never get that high in the rankingsDon't forget to keep 9 crossover gokus for future wt goku reward. It's the best ssj goku.
Jesus. I'm gonna have to expand my storage to fit all that.
You need 9. That's only 2 ds.You only need 1 spot.
You need 9. That's only 2 ds.
you can fuse them together tho
if you fuse them together, it will only rise 1SA even tho they are SA9.
as they are different character.
SA1 INT Goku + SA9 STR Goku = SA2 INT Goku.
are we getting the 50stones tomorrow?
gonna lose my internet connection on friday-sunday.
I know the feel. I got so many dupes that are collecting dust waiting for the dupe systemNot wasting slots on SSJ Gokus again. Especially since I'm hoarding dupes and especially since we already have a guaranteed way to up SSJ Gokus SAs for free
Oh I know you were saving some SRs for the dupe systemI know the feel. I got so many dupes that are collecting dust waiting for the dupe system
I've gotten 30 Crossover Goku drops so all the Goku I wanted maxed out are now done. I'm gonna keep at it until it goes away to bolster my baba points. The Great Saiyaman who apparently goes on sale in Baba's shop looks like a good fit for a Super Vegito team and I need every AGL card I can get since my account seems cursed to not received any good ones. Every AGL card on my team besides Super Vegito and Kid Buu is one from a grindable event. Yet it's still easily my most powerful team.
Good times.
Is the Gotenks event tonight?
Like SSRs before a Z-Awakening? Or would SRs that Z-Awaken into a SSR count? If it's the former I'ma be pissed...Oh I know you were saving some SRs for the dupe system
They confirmed it's only for ssr and up