Man, Gotenks event is such a slog with an SV team (I know, "first world problems" and all that)... It is pretty safe, with few items used, but it takes forever, especially if you're unlucky with his transformations and/or orb placement.
I actually lost twice due to stupid mistakes since I tend to do something else at the same time.
I assume this next maintenance is for the new story content?
Yeah if SV isn't blocking Gotenks does like 2.5k per hit on your AGL. Its really slow when he transforms back into SSJ3 from his base form which can be really annoying.
Hopefully the maintenance comes with a tournament update on when its gonna come. I need medals for my Super Strikes so damn bad! I tried to feed an SSR Jackie Chun for a SA up but I failed. Feels bad man.
Man, playing Dokkan on international flight wifi is like playing old ass PS1 games with their insane load times. Had to wait like 2 minutes for the end level screen to show up! XD
Be glad there is no tournament at least. lol