Not true, you can get a 700 medal drop as well on that level, happened to me couple of times![]()
740 is the max![]()
700 from the squares or 700 from the level completion?
Not true, you can get a 700 medal drop as well on that level, happened to me couple of times![]()
740 is the max![]()
700 from the squares or 700 from the level completion?
But not guaranteedNot true, you can get a 700 medal drop as well on that level, happened to me couple of times![]()
740 is the max![]()
It kills me that some of you spend stones to revive in battle. Worst use of stones imho. But I guess if it gets you the unit you want its worth it in the end.
500 days of logging in is coming up for me. Gonna post my box once I hit that date. 30 stones come to me! Get me my last SSR pull.
Are we guaranteed a DS each day for this celebration? I need 15 more DS to do a GSSR pull
Bamco's having too much fun rolling in the cash they got from the Super Vegito dokkan summon event, plus they're sipping on the delicious tears of people begging for WT to return.WT is a myth by now
holy shit what is taking them so long
Also I just expanded my slots instead of refilling stamina accidentally. Dammit. I don't need 155 slots.
And is 21-2 really the best place to get gems now? I ran it full stamina, didn't get any Pilaf or Launch to show. I remember better luck with that 18-whatever with Whis
I've been running 21-1 exclusively. I'd say it has a Launch or a Pilaf about two-thirds of the time, I've had them both show up only once or twice. But there are no Stop battles and lots of golden capsules on the stage, so it's nice, and the boss is fairly easy with a decent Gogeta mono STR team.
Ah I got pretty lucky and got 5 and 5 exactly. Ended with a double drop from AGL regular Gotenks tooGot all 28 medals for the failed fusions then went to actually get the cards. 10 Skinnytenks fights and 1 Fatenks fight. NOPE. Doing GT first.
I got done farming and dokkaning the two failed fusion gotenks the other day, it was only at the end I realized I had made a boo boo.
I had farmed twenty of each character in total. Whoops.
You'd have to dokkan again. And since they're free characters, benefit the least in terms of stat gainKeep them potential unlocking.
Hey. It's still the best use for dupes if he ever wants to do that.You'd have to dokkan again. And since they're free characters, benefit the least in terms of stat gain
I have exactly 30 stones, trying to decide if I should do the discount banner pull. I already have Gogeta, strength SS3 Goku and teq cell, so I'd really only be pulling for Broly.
Up until recently I had been struggling with only 250 slots, fortunately LR came around and I used all those Gokus to level him up. I also used almost all my Bye Guys so right now I have like 9 free slots, which is more than I've had in a long time.
Up until recently I had been struggling with only 250 slots, fortunately LR came around and I used all those Gokus to level him up. I also used almost all my Bye Guys so right now I have like 9 free slots, which is more than I've had in a long time.
So does anyone know if I buy 1 of these Elder Kais with Hercule coins, when the event comes back around will there only be 1 or will the restock to 2?
Because I'm going to get enough coins for 1 but I'm not going to go for 2 unless they restock. It's killing my stamina and I've used too many stones to recharge.
I dunno but I bought both last time and it came back to 2 again. So I say tough it out and go buy both.
I dunno but I bought both last time and it came back to 2 again. So I say tough it out and go buy both.
Same, and I just noticed this. Damn, I should be farming this again. Which stage gives the most hercules?
The one with Hercule and Majin Buu, think its the last one. The Info page tells you which one gives the most medals.
I need elder kai awakening medals so badly I think I'm gonna keep grinding gems to buy those 2 for 50 gems. Are there any other ways to get them besides Baba's shop and getting extremely lucky with gold capsules?
I need elder kai awakening medals so badly I think I'm gonna keep grinding gems to buy those 2 for 50 gems. Are there any other ways to get them besides Baba's shop and getting extremely lucky with gold capsules?
I need elder kai awakening medals so badly I think I'm gonna keep grinding gems to buy those 2 for 50 gems. Are there any other ways to get them besides Baba's shop and getting extremely lucky with gold capsules?
I see some people have a friend's list that looks a lot better than mine. It shows the friend's SA, it's level, and it's details.
What's the deal with that? Is that a mod or something? Or is that available on the standard Android version and I'm just missing something?
On your friends list you can switch views and it cycles through the character stats and such. It will say "Switch Display" on the top right under your scouter and energy refill countdown.
Its cycles with User ID and name, SA and Super damage, Stats and leader skill and last but not least their rank and what tier they reached in the last tournament.
Depends on how desperate you are for Baba points.With SRs, is it more worth it to feed the dupes and up their SA, or sell it to Baba?