I begin to understand why Vegito is Top Tier - that Counterattack is nuts
i have cleared the whole DBGT Storyline and im only at like 3500 fruits or so far. Looked up the Kais at Baba and they each are at least 10k - wondering if i can even get it done before the event is over. I will try to get at least one of them.
I dont know how important getting them and leveling Supers is - but seems like its something i would regret later on.
Also need to do the Gohan Z-Hard stages for the Stones. That Vegeta AGL Strike event thats up looks interesting as well....he would be a good units for Vegito right ? How much stam would it take to farm/finish him ?
And who is Black Rose ? lol
Like Crimson said, definitely farm up stage 7 for those Kai.
It rarely come despite the many we get from this holiday.
Primary source is 2 every WT.
Or free elder Kai per multi.
If you have awakening medal problem also get those 2 Kai medals.
Not only counter attack is OP.
The fact that he reduces auto attack damage to such small amount is where he truely shine as we can use super sealer in his team
Agi Vegeta is alright to get, you will need to raise his special to 15 for his full potential.
Assuming 1 drop every 2 run, you will need 30x15 450stamina to get 15 copies of him.
To Dokkan him, you will need 25x15
375 stamina to get 14 medals.
Think it is better to get 10 copies of each strike character.
So you can progress like
AGI>STR>PHY>INT>TEQ in super strike.
The Skinny/Fatenks are especially good.
Fatenks mono TEQ with friends Godtenks should help you clear SV stage.
On my journey to farming Buuhan, got my first drop after spending those 3 gems from clear 15 mission reward.
7x140 stamina for 1 Buuhan.