If you're looking to clear out your boxes, here's a list of SR units to keep from reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/wiki/sr_tier
unf this is gonna be good
If you're looking to clear out your boxes, here's a list of SR units to keep from reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/wiki/sr_tier
I went in with that team, using Super Vegeta for his +2 Ki passive, but I barely scraped through. Ended up getting to the second TEQ form and I only won because I got a lucky stun from Whis' super attack at the last moment.
Items I took were Ghost Usher, Baba, Senzu Bean and Dende. Ended up using every single item I had.
His INT form just utterly takes the piss regenerating 400,000 Health twice. How the hell can you possibly defeat him before even getting to that stage? I don't see how that's remotely possible.
Am I supposed to just use both of my Ghost Ushers on his INT form and it then bypasses his regeneration attempts? If he didn't regenerate I would've been able to take him out before he got to the first TEQ form I think.
You mention keeping Super Vegito's on different turns too. How do I do that? Is the order you get not random?
Turn 1 is team members 1 2 3
Turn 2 is team members 4 5 6
Turn 3 is team members 7 1 2
Turn 4 is team members 3 4 5
Turn 5 is team members 7 1 6
I don't know how you guys are wreakimg Buu. SV has supered each turn except once. I've placed him the area to get most counters too. Both my SV and Friend SV are SA10 and at the start of Buccilo phase he still has two bars...
These are my units:Post your AGL units. I went in with double SV and AGL links that grant Ki up. Made it super easy to KO Buu either in that STR stage or the one right after (I had PHY U.Gohan which helped link and disable the healing)
And I did this buildMy UR AGL consists of:
TUR Kid Buu
TUR SSJ Goku(Leaping Ever Higher)
UR SSJ2 Gohan
UR SSBSS Goku(A God Evolved)
UR SSJ2 Goku
UR SSJ Goku(All-Our Charge)
UR Whis
UR Goku(Monumental Dreams)
Then I have a few SSRs that I haven't Awoken yet which are
SSR Baby Vegeta
SSR SSJ Trunks(GT)
SSR SSJ Gohan(Teen) the family one
SSR SSJ2 Vegeta
SSR Goku(GT)
SSR SSJ Goku (Supreme Warrior Awakened)
I beat him after using both senzus, babas, ushers and a Yama and with my second unit on the last turn of his PHY stageYou got it easy too. Anything with SV + 5 other URs makes the game easy. Just use items at the right times when the situation calls for it.
Lead: TUR SV
TUR SSJ Goku Leaping higher or UR All out charge. (The former has higher stats while the latter is more support unit with better links and passive)
UR SSBSS Goku (why didn't you awaken him to TUR from SSBKK event?)
UR Whis
UR SSJ2 Goku
If I were you, I'd awaken that AGL SSJ Trunks (GT) and replace SSJ2 Goku AGL with him. Trunks's passive gives +10 per ki orb to his attack and that can add up and he has PBF while SSJ2 Goku doesn't.
I don't know how you guys are wreakimg Buu. SV has supered each turn except once. I've placed him the area to get most counters too. Both my SV and Friend SV are SA10 and at the start of Buccilo phase he still has two bars...
These are my units:
And I did this build
I beat him after using both senzus, babas, ushers and a Yama and with my second unit on the last turn of his PHY stage
I don't know how you guys are wreakimg Buu. SV has supered each turn except once. I've placed him the area to get most counters too. Both my SV and Friend SV are SA10 and at the start of Buccilo phase he still has two bars...
These are my units:
And I did this build
I beat him after using both senzus, babas, ushers and a Yama and with my second unit on the last turn of his PHY stage
You have be careful of certain supers too. Some can seal your super attacks if you get hit by them like Buutenk's donut attack before its your turn to attack.
Gotenks and Bardocks are the worst offenders of this.
If you're looking to clear out your boxes, here's a list of SR units to keep from reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/wiki/sr_tier
I got Murasaki max lvl but not Z-Awakened(good for strike events).Do you have Murasaki or PHY SS Bardock / PHY SS Gotenks?
Im only missing SSJ3 Goku & ULT Gohan from that list. Which sucks because I got the medals for both of em...My team is double SV (maxed SA), Murasaki, SS3 Goku, Ult Gohan, TEQ or INT Vegito, AGL SSG Goku (not the Kaioken version but max SA).
Items Dende, Senzu, King Yemma, Ghost Usher.
I got Murasaki max lvl but not Z-Awakened(good for strike events).
For Power links I got SV, and both normal Vegito with the TEQ TUR.
Edit: Should I replace two units with Murasaki & TUR Turles? Also I've been using SV friend should I do a SSBKK friend instead?
Im only missing SSJ3 Goku & ULT Gohan from that list. Which sucks because I got the medals for both of em...
@cs_sasuke: always feed the dupes before awakening, they will be 100% if they're the same card. They will become a different character after dokkaning, so the dupes won't count as the same card then and it will reduce the percentage or even completely remove it in some cases.
and int UltGohan, this multi pull tho.....
Man, is anyone else getting an absolutely horrible rate of Cabba drops? I've run six Z-Hards after the initial pass-through and have yet to get another one to drop. At least I'm building up my stages completed toward the Special Mission.....
I've seen better, and worse. It took me a while of no drops, then I got a double which kind of made up for it.
Working on medals now, Vados is done and had great drop rates (mostly x2 and a few singles).
Got all 8 in maybe 13 tuns or soMan, is anyone else getting an absolutely horrible rate of Cabba drops? I've run six Z-Hards after the initial pass-through and have yet to get another one to drop. At least I'm building up my stages completed toward the Special Mission.....
I got Murasaki max lvl but not Z-Awakened(good for strike events).
For Power links I got SV, and both normal Vegito with the TEQ TUR.
Edit: Should I replace two units with Murasaki & TUR Turles? Also I've been using SV friend should I do a SSBKK friend instead?
Im only missing SSJ3 Goku & ULT Gohan from that list. Which sucks because I got the medals for both of em...
Unless I'm mistaken, R cards don't have their cost changed when Z-Awakened. So you should be able to awaken him without issue.
Do you have this ugly guy?
Unless I'm mistaken, R cards don't have their cost changed when Z-Awakened. So you should be able to awaken him without issue.
Do you have this ugly guy?
SSJ3 Goku can be replaced by another hard hitter. Ult Gohan is there for the Power link and the rare stun but you can also use something else.
I always did 2 SVs for the tanking. I don't know if SSBKK will be more helpful to you or not. Having a sealer is pretty helpful.
@cs_sasuke: always feed the dupes before awakening, they will be 100% if they're the same card. They will become a different character after dokkaning, so the dupes won't count as the same card then and it will reduce the percentage or even completely remove it in some cases.
I think I might have sold that ugly guy...Also I have SSJ Gotenks but didn't put him on because I'm dumb.
Assuming I didn't sell ugly guy what team do I do?
SSJ PHY Gotenks
UR INT Vegito(or TUR TEQ Vegito?)
TUR INT Turles(for stuns. Or should I do SSG Goku? Or ugly guy?)
UR AGL Trunks(GT)
Friend: SV
Yup sold ugly guy. Someone in this thread told me to do it >=[
hey kibito kai is cool
I think I have all the good cards from this banner now just pulled
with a single summon
and int UltGohan, this multi pull tho.....
Dang, ugly guy was great on what is normally my Mono AGL team. PHY so he can take INT hits, +4 ki to SV and can counter Buucolo's heal with SV link.
Definitely no TEQ units - a bad turn where Buu hits everyone will mean a forced item use.
SV lead and friend
AGL Whis
SSG Goku
PHY Gotenks
INT Vegito (make sure he's next to SV during the tail end of the STR Buu phase)
Turles or Murasaki. If you can get Turles to super every turn, stick with him. Otherwise Murasaki so you can guarantee that between him and Gotenks Buu's supers are sealed the whole fight. That's where the bulk of his dmg comes from.
Great personality but a look only a mother could love.
How much damage are you doing to buutenks? Your team should be killing him easily. Make sure SV is blocking buu the most and counter attacking appropiately.
I should clairify some things.
Here is your team. Team members 1-7
Turn 1 is team members 1 2 3
Turn 2 is team members 4 5 6
Turn 3 is team members 7 1 2
Turn 4 is team members 3 4 5
Turn 5 is team members 7 1 6
So on as 3rd position gets rotated around.
Get the damage reduction items and let buuhan attack you. Princess snake or #8 item lets you heal and block damage at the same time.
Replace Kaioken Goku with ssj2 vegeta. Forgot that Kaio Ken attack resets between forms and he doesn't get attack boosts from ssj links.
I don't understand the team position though. From that as far as I can see then 1 should be Super Vegito, 2 is Whis and 3 is SSB Goku, yet on my first turn the units I got were Super Vegeta, SSJ2 Goku and SSJ2 Vegeta, who I would consider 4, 5 and 6.
Ahhhh right.
I just don't understand how I'm supposed to be having an easy time with this team though, unless the assumption is that I have all those characters at SA 10, Most of them are like...SA 1-3. My Super Vegito is only SA 5.
I've got a Murasaki, but he's still just a Level 1 R. Is it worth training him up and awakening him then swapping out one of my units so that I can try sealing Buu's Supers and reduce my item usage?
First off, kanik you're my new bff. I just wrecked Buu using only one ghost usher. THAT'S IT!
Gonna put my box again, what team could I use to run Buuhan SUPER? I tried AGL but I failed horribly
I don't understand the team position though. From that as far as I can see then 1 should be Super Vegito, 2 is Whis and 3 is SSB Goku, yet on my first turn the units I got were Super Vegeta, SSJ2 Goku and SSJ2 Vegeta, who I would consider 4, 5 and 6.
I just don't understand how I'm supposed to be having an easy time with this team though, unless the assumption is that I have all those characters at SA 10, Most of them are like...SA 1-3. My Super Vegito is only SA 5.
lemme get back to you when I got the cost space to put all those units in. Sitting at 153 right now. Also SS3 Vegeta is ready for Dokkan, just have to max level him. Also Turles I missed his event and got him after.You gotta dokkan that Turles and SS3 Vegeta when their events come back!
Gogeta lead
PHY SS Gotenks
Ultimate Gohan
Frieza (purely for blocking when over 50% health)
SV Friend (make sure he's next to Gohan during the tail end of STR Buu phase)
Maybe you can get away with the SSBKK lead and swapping Gogeta for another AGL unit, but I'm not sure you'll have the Ki to super seal or take him down. I feel like near guaranteed stunning / sealing is more important than the additional 50k health.
lemme get back to you when I got the cost space to put all those units in. Sitting at 153 right now. Also SS3 Vegeta is ready for Dokkan, just have to max level him. Also Turles I missed his event and got him after.
Farming SA Buuhans is such a pain with his drop rate...
Burnout on this game is closing in again. Those 500+ stones on nothing but Champa's killed my interest in this account so damn hard. That's like half of the available stones on nothing. Is there any meta breaking content coming on the JPN version that would make a reroll worthwhile again?
You spent 500 stones on the tournament banner?!