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Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle |OT| Rerolling is over 9000

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Finally the game calmed down lol ..

Have nothing I need to do so just been doing the bulk event for medals ..

Was playing around with teams

QUEDTION to you guys what's the highest cost team you can put together ?
Mine happens to be rainbow and its 327 cost

Got it up to 333 rainbow as well. If we could pop in the Satan medals, it'd be much higher. xD



Got it up to 333 rainbow as well. If we could pop in the Satan medals, it'd be much higher. xD
dark lol don't be sad up until 3 weeks ago Christmas banner I was more or less same cost sense then lr goku and 2 other enter the team

And yes krillin is the man haha


Haha damn and I know exactly what the diffrence is with out even asking lol ..

You got SV don't you lol most likely that or phy broly lol

Other than that we may have the same team lol


Sonic handles my blue balls
QUEDTION to you guys what's the highest cost team you can put together ?
Mine happens to be rainbow and its 327 cost

Was gonna ask if you were counting friend/guests with that number (48 x 6 = 288!) but then I remembered LR Goku is a thing.

I should probably try going after him, if only to use my One Piece goku collection.


Was gonna ask if you were counting friend/guests with that number (48 x 6 = 288!) but then I remembered LR Goku is a thing.

I should probably try going after him, if only to use my One Piece goku collection.
Yeah its LR goku that makes the cost go up so much

To be honest I'm at 536 days of f2p and I went after LR goku because I never pulled Gogeta .. turns out the day after I finished LR goku that crazy Christmas banner went up had 50 stones saved up managed to pull Gogeta and godtanks that weekend was good lol ..

With the stones I've saved up sense somehow with my last 5 I managed to pull buuhan .. this last 3 weeks been the luckiest I been I see NOOOO ssr for me in the future for a long time haha


Swapped Murasaki for SSJ 2 goku for now, still salty that i did not pull ssbkk though :(

Btw, should i spend my 5 santa roshi's on one of these units beside my max SV? I dont have any other god leads atm. These AGL units are all sa 1, except ssj2 goku which is SA 6 (all dupes haha).

Spend the Roshi's on SV and that's it. God leads and/or SSBKK only for Roshi/Kai.
dark lol don't be sad up until 3 weeks ago Christmas banner I was more or less same cost sense then lr goku and 2 other enter the team

And yes krillin is the man haha


Haha damn and I know exactly what the diffrence is with out even asking lol ..

You got SV don't you lol most likely that or phy broly lol

Other than that we may have the same team lol
Yeah, it's a god lead or two away from each other! The team was LR Goku, Gogeta, SSBKK, PHY Broly, Godtenks, then Janemba to complete the rainbow.


So not worth it
Dokkan'd Int SSB Vegeta already does 129k SA (in a double SSB SV team) without type advantage at level 23... they finally did Vegeta justice, it is glorious.
It's probably not worth farming Trunks SA10 from the future event but dammit, I can't NOT farm him to SA10. At least I'm putting it on hold and just spending 100% of my stamina on Bulma's thing I think. I only need 4 more Trunkses and I have all the medals so I have plenty of time to complete that event. I still need to farm some Whises too though...
Yeah, it's a god lead or two away from each other! The team was LR Goku, Gogeta, SSBKK, PHY Broly, Godtenks, then Janemba to complete the rainbow.

So basically everything is 48 cost or more lol. 288 cost is the max you can get unless you have LRs in there which is 396 if you have all 4 and you have be in the 400 ranks to even get that cost and still have a full team.

My top team is around 300 cost since I don't have LR Goku yet. Its crazy how powerful SSJ2 Saiyamen Gohan is though at only 27 cost. Has the highest PHY attack and a dokkan would just make him a killer.


Does this game mess with anyone else's Android volume rockers?

Whenever I use my volume rocker without playing this game after a reboot, it adjusts ring volume, but whenever I play Dokkan Battle, my rocker forever just locks to adjusting multimedia volume instead of ringtone volume, even if I'm not even in an app at all.

I have to reboot my phone to fix it. It's a bit annoying!
I'm at about 750k. Hopefully that'll get me 10 Androids.

2 ushers, 2 king yamma, and a baba. I'll take it lol.

I think I'm good for a bit with support items but I'ma keep doing the mission. I have nearly 200 Ushers and King Yammas hehe. Senzu beans I'm good for awhile BECAUSE OF THOSE TERRIBLE DROP RATES! Also, baba shop.


Yeah, it's a god lead or two away from each other! The team was LR Goku, Gogeta, SSBKK, PHY Broly, Godtenks, then Janemba to complete the rainbow.
Yeah it is ..
My rainbow is LR goku, Gogeta, Godtanks, Buuhan, ultimate Gohan, Vegeto

Hope when the tickets come around for us to pull SV and phy broly


So not worth it
Global gave you Santa Roshi's, so that was something.

Then again, Japan has the 50 dragon stone multi-summon that was all Elder Kai's.

It's pretty even on that front.

The Dragon Stones though, Global would give you one stone for a Twitter share thing.

I mean, just look at the 300 mission shit, I feel sorry for everyone that did that for a handful of stones.


Global gave you Santa Roshi's, so that was something.

Then again, Japan has the 50 dragon stone multi-summon that was all Elder Kai's.

It's pretty even on that front.

The Dragon Stones though, Global would give you one stone for a Twitter share thing.

I mean, just look at the 300 mission shit, I feel sorry for everyone that did that for a handful of stones.

Hey, hey. I got an SSR TEQ Pikkon out of 5 of those stones
I already had one at SA 10 though.
Is Whis worth farming to SA10? Also I'm beginning to hate WT. How I'm I supposed to get LR Goku if they keep having WT going on during Saturdays? Start it Sunday or something!


Is Whis worth farming to SA10? Also I'm beginning to hate WT. How I'm I supposed to get LR Goku if they keep having WT going on during Saturdays? Start it Sunday or something!
Supreme Damage is always a good idea to farm up SA.
Potential TUR candidate.
If you have nothing else to do, why not?
I won't be satisfied until I have 999 Ghost Ushers but thats a long time away.

Its too bad farming Whis takes forever with no good rainbow villain links. I end up spamming double Buuhan and getting the kills that way.


That Gohan grind.

I want to awaken my future trunks just so I can get the Old Kai and Supreme Kai medals from the last mission.

But I also have a Future Gohan and a Xeno Trunks to dokkan too, durnit.

Maybe I'll luck out and someone will have Future Trunks for their leader so I can get past mission 11 lol.

Good news is that if Gohan doesn't drop his medal, he drops 3 senzu beans, which is nice!
That Gohan grind.

I want to awaken my future trunks just so I can get the Old Kai and Supreme Kai medals from the last mission.

But I also have a Future Gohan and a Xeno Trunks to dokkan too, durnit.

Maybe I'll luck out and someone will have Future Trunks for their leader so I can get past mission 11 lol.

Good news is that if Gohan doesn't drop his medal, he drops 3 senzu beans, which is nice!
Not sure if we're friends on Dokkan. Add me and I can put him as my leader in my offtime


Added. Name is Yamcha.

Also holy shit, had the worst RNG for the whis fight. Had to use two senzus, a yamma, and two babas...
Yeah, it doesn't help that my villain team is awful. I just wanted a Whis for my Super Vegito team, so I pushed through it.

I won't bother farming for more of him until I improve my villain team a little, I'm just happy to have a single copy. I went through quite a few items too, as none of my team linked particularly well together. The Hero side was MUCH easier, since I could steamroll everything with Gogeta.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Welp, looks like revamp of WT coming to global this saturday. What a shame we skipped the last one where the GSSR wasn't fucked

Oh and LR Piccolo likely coming before LR Androids would you look at that


Welp, looks like revamp of WT coming to global this saturday. What a shame we skipped the last one where the GSSR wasn't fucked

Oh and LR Piccolo likely coming before LR Androids would you look at that
Yeah this new WT is going to be interesting. Now that Atk-All characters have been effectively boned, are people going to be running Mono teams or Rainbow God teams? :D

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Aoe is still a good strategy you just need a nuke lead to kill every body. And if you run into a mono team of running the stronger color they're a dick


Yeah this new WT is going to be interesting. Now that Atk-All characters have been effectively boned, are people going to be running Mono teams or Rainbow God teams? :D
I guess I'll switch back from Majin Vegeta lead to Super Gogeta, and have MV on my team to whittle their HP down a bit.
Hmm should i run my Mono agl team or make a Majin Vegeta team for the tournament? I have the TEQ ssb goku to go as leader:



My 20x difficulty team is ready!


Shame I just had a great setup for the older tourney with the TUR SSJ2 Goku and GT Trunks added to my collection now.


And SSR (LR) Piccolo is just a drop from a high local rank, right?

Do we still have to do 80 wins of 4 rounds to get the GSSR?
Or we just need to reach certain point to get it?
I believe it's part of the 20 consecutive win streak rewards now. No more 80 wins. The last GSSR comes from getting over 10 mil points: https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanB...bal_wt_will_be_with_updated_features/dckq9yk/
2nd Anniversary info (JP): https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanB...pn_vjump_scans_2nd_anniverary_and_new_system/


2nd Anniversary Celebrations
- 2nd Anniversary celebrations will start on 29 Jan.
- There will be a "Select Dokkan Fest", it seems that you can pick a Dokkan Fest exclusive to pull from a special banner. Not sure if it includes all or just the ones in the picture.
(Not much more on 2nd anniv celebration)

Virtual Dokkan Brawl
- You get awakening medals from this event to dokkan awaken SSR Ginyu to LR Ginyu. LR Ginyu will have 5 characters on the card.
What is Virtual Dokkan Brawl?
It's a new mode which you will challenge with 100 of your SR or above cards.
There is a "Brawl Phase" and a "Boss Fight Phase". You will be able to get Treasure Gems and Awakening medals that can only be obtained in this mode.

1) Penetrate the defense line of the enemy in Brawl Mode!!
Choose your squad from that cards that you have and move out!!
The battle will start when you encounter the enemy!!
Destroy the barrier of the enemy and penetrate their defense line!!
You will loose if your own defense line is penetrated.
5 Random characters will be put on the battle field. You can drag and drop character on the field and let the AI play the game out. Be wise to choose which character to put into battle.
There is a cost limit to put characters on the battlefield, having just high cost character in your deck won't work.

2) With the characters that are still left over from the "Brawl Phase" you can challenge the boss!!
When you manage to penetrate the defense line of the enemy, you are given the option to fight the boss.
When you choose to challenge the boss, you will be given the option to choose 7 characters for that fight (from the ones that are still left over from the Brawl Phase).
You are able to have less than 7 members on the team, but those empty spots will be filled with Saibaiman.

OMG LR Ginyu Force? XD



My 20x difficulty team is ready!


Shame I just had a great setup for the older tourney with the TUR SSJ2 Goku and GT Trunks added to my collection now.


And SSR (LR) Piccolo is just a drop from a high local rank, right?

I believe it's part of the 20 consecutive win streak rewards now. No more 80 wins. The last GSSR comes from getting over 10 mil points: https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanB...bal_wt_will_be_with_updated_features/dckq9yk/

Damn i dont have Bardock, INT goku or that Teq gotenks -_-
Who cares about any of that you can choose a dokkan fest exclusive card. Hopefully more than the ones shown

Yeah, don't think they'd rock the god leads for that. At least I might be able to get AGL SSJ3 Goku now since I have the rest.

Damn i dont have Bardock, INT goku or that Teq gotenks -_-

Saw someone in the reddit repping this team saying he had decent success with it:

Gogeta (lead)
Super Vegito
Majin Vegeta
Xeno Trunks
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