If it's the same guy I saw, he said in the comments that he got 25 Hercule statues and about 5 of each of the other cards, except Gohan. Really shows how much higher the rates are for the statues.Holy shit some guy on the subreddit has 88 medals but no LR Gohan. That's thousands and thousands of stones.
If it's the same guy I saw, he said in the comments that he got 25 Hercule statues and about 5 of each of the other cards, except Gohan. Really shows how much higher the rates are for the statues.![]()
Holy shit some guy on the subreddit has 88 medals but no LR Gohan. That's thousands and thousands of stones.
Did the same thing! Villains team, made it to Merged Zamasu, no items left, dude supers me first thing.Tried super 3 boss rush since I was out of stamina. Died on Rose with 2 heals left. I used my villain team, but I might try my hero team after I Dokkan Goku.
Am I the only one hit with the maintenance window?
Am I the only one hit with the maintenance window?
If it's the same guy I saw, he said in the comments that he got 25 Hercule statues and about 5 of each of the other cards, except Gohan. Really shows how much higher the rates are for the statues.![]()
I would probably say it's less than that. Probably 0.5%.Yeah if you look at the character list it specifically states that each unit has a different drop rate. Wouldn't be surprised if Gohan is 1% or something ridiculous.
Ok so when the battle begins arrange the two guys i want in 1,2?
So going by my characters should I link super Saiyan four goku w ss3 goku gt?
Can more cards please use bubbles? I have 157 in gifts and 999 in my inventory. Send help...pls
did a single pull...IT'S OVER FRIEZA!
phy pan...fuck. my. life.
lol definitely felt like that
I hate you both
That happened to me the pull before I got SSJ4 Goku. I would say keep trying, but then again maybe don't. There are better things to spend your money on. Don't let yourself spiral down the path of sunk cost.
Three of my four dailies have been ssj gotenMy two dailies got me Supreme kai for the 3rd time and my 2,000,000th SSJ Goten (kid)
1 Stone as compensation for this maintenance. Surely, you could of given everyone affected a higher amount than that
They have to be stingy, they want to get as many stone sales as possible. I'm still waiting for ticket compensation...
Anyone know what team I can use to take down Rose and Gotenks? oh and SSGKK Goku I posted my box.
but why tho
Is that ticket compensation happening for real or is it your hopes ?
I mentioned before, but your Agi team should be able to beat most content:
SS Vegito lead
Golden Frieza
SSB Goku
SSB Vegeta
SSJ3 Goku
You could also do a very effective Super team - this would be best for Rose, as he takes extra damage from SSB Vegito.
SSB Vegito Lead
SS Vegito
SSJ4 Goku
SSJ3 Goku (Str or Agi)
SSB Vegeta (agi) OR SSJ3 Gotenks
SSB Goku
but why tho
Oh i see! So the Golden frieza is better? my AGI line up is
SS Vegito (lead)
SSB Vegeta
SSB Goku
SS3 Goku
Ultimate Gohan
I was confused when you said an AGI for Rose and Gotenks because Rose is AGI right? and Gotenks is TEQ. Won't I be at a disadvantage?
Can more cards please use bubbles? I have 157 in gifts and 999 in my inventory. Send help...pls
did a single pull...IT'S OVER FRIEZA!
phy pan...fuck. my. life.
Gotenks fight cycles through teq and str phases, and he takes more damage in the str phases. You tank the teq phases with frieza (his passive is insane for tanking) and vegito, then do damage during the str phases.
even Vegeta is no match for Vegeta
10 Elder Kais
Super Vegito
Goku Black Rosé
Both SA1
... Dilemma. :")
fuckin Rose making me use 2 items.
le powercreep.
Could've easily been itemless but missed a heal from whis and zamasu was being a huge dickhole.
even Vegeta is no match for Vegeta
10 Elder Kais
Super Vegito
Goku Black Rosé
Both SA1
... Dilemma. :")