I'm new to this, I say new, I have grinded from 0-37 in a couple days.
Any advice on good teams, or ways to get new characters etc.
Probably best to post a screenshot of your Character list so people can recommend you what units to focus on. Early on you wanna rank up as much as possible so that you can fit a team with your best units.
Did you reroll before starting ? You probably wanna start the game with at least a couple good units - we are likely getting a banner with two new Top Tier God leads this week, so you wanna save your stones and pulls for that banner...or even consider rerolling for those units.
Yeah you should reroll come Friday. Stock up on stones until then, pull on the banner, and if you get shit, start a new account. There is nothing here worth keeping if the new banner gives you shit.
First SSJ that started as an R and ended up an SSR. Also the first non UR SSJ I believe.
I got him to SA8 and he was a beast lol. Of course i didn't know better and didn't take him to 10.
Perfect person to farm if you need to up SA on LR Gohan.
Oh and he was the best PHY unit for a long ass time when PHY had the weakest selection of units until PHY Ultimate Gohan. He was better than PHY SSJ Vegeta who was a UR or PHY Xeno Trunks lol.
Can you farm cards to raise the SA of the AGL Gohan you can get using the SSR ticket from pilaf trove? If not I'll just unlock upper left and DA him.
Can you farm cards to raise the SA of the AGL Gohan you can get using the SSR ticket from pilaf trove? If not I'll just unlock upper left and DA him.
Oh, so should I just go ahead and Dokkan him? I almost have all the medals required.Closest thing is the 777 gem one in Baba shop for a single SA raise, really not worth. He's a support unit anyway so it's not that important, although it'd be nice
All the medals drop in baby saga too lol..Okay, all medals necessary farmed, just in time for the new GT event to leave. Now time to go get 20 Baby Vegetas. Then a boatload of hercule medals. I'm going to make LR Frieza my bitch muahaha.
All the medals drop in baby saga too lol..
He's gonna have a bad time
I really hope the new PHY Omega has the same weakness to GT link that the old one did
He's gonna have a bad time
I have that same team (except SS3 Vegeta) but you just know they're gona put like 3 different AGL phases just to fuck with that team comp.
They literally can't, there is no AGL shadow dragon except for Oceanus. Unless they pull some weird stuff out of their butts it's probably gonna be all STR/PHY, and they'll probably make us fight Eis and Nuova again just because.
I really hope the new PHY Omega has the same weakness to GT link that the old one did
He's gonna have a bad time
wish they did fights where they had no weakness
game needs to become a lot harder
Golden freeza is as close to a no weakness fight you'll get. One of the reasons I like doing it; it's just a long ass slugfest.wish they did fights where they had no weakness
game needs to become a lot harder
wish they did fights where they had no weakness
game needs to become a lot harder
wish they did fights where they had no weakness
game needs to become a lot harder
I thought SS4 Vegeta's was pretty tough, even with the weaknesses since they were such niche cards. Goku's wasn't bad thanks to AGL being so strong right now, but Vegeta's was quite the challenge. Was a grind that I actually had to pay a lot of attention to.
Super 17s is really annoying with his absorption technique and of course getting through Buu's all super attack round can be dicey as well.It will, some of the upcoming dokkanfests are pretty hard.
What it really needs is some kind of repeatable/weekly challenge for the high-end players. There's nothing to test your teams on besides boss rush and that's a one-and-done affair.
if you thought the servers flipped out during the ssj4's we aint seen nothing yet
gogeta is gonna melt them
For your AGI team I'd switch out GF and SSJ3 Goku for SSJ2 Gohan (when dokkaned) and SSB Vegeta.
Is Saiyan Spirit SSJ2 teen gohan worth dokkaning ?
I already have a pretty buff STR team (SSJ4 goku, SSJ3 GT Goku, SSJ3 Vegeta, Trunks GT, Paikuhan, and Gogeta, all dokkaned), and was wondering if it was worth the effort ?
Is Saiyan Spirit SSJ2 teen gohan worth dokkaning ?
I already have a pretty buff STR team (SSJ4 goku, SSJ3 GT Goku, SSJ3 Vegeta, Trunks GT, Paikuhan, and Gogeta, all dokkaned), and was wondering if it was worth the effort ?
He's better than SSJ3 Vegeta for the team
He's better than SSJ3 Vegeta for the team
Definitely worth dokkan awakening, he's not on the same level as Super Gogeta or SSj4 Goku, but he still does really good damage.
Maybe if you want a pure damage team, but on any recent Dokkan event I'll take the 80% damage reduction and 70% chance to stun on super over a touch more damage.
It's 50% to stun and it's not going to be easy to super with him since he really only has ki links with Gogeta. Might as well kill instead of prolonging the battle, SSJ4 Goku+ SSJ3 Goku/Gogeta usually kill anyways, last person is there for cleanup.
Closest thing is the 777 gem one in Baba shop for a single SA raise, really not worth. He's a support unit anyway so it's not that important, although it'd be nice
Ah okay, Yeh def not worth 777 gems, Ek is 350 and he gives it to whomever I want.It has to be SSJ2 Gohan which the farmed cards in the event are not.
I'm like 80% sure I had two dupes of him that I spent on SA before dupe system was here in global. FeelsBadMan.Hnnnnnnnng
Pretty neat, RIGHT?
I had both supports out
Just got Baby Vegeta to SA10 and dokkaned him. I can Z-Awakening him again. That's crazy. That's the last time he awakens, right? Or do I need more materials?
Also, which stage is best to farm Hercule medals?
So I've been playing a bit at random recently, don't really know what I'm doing, what friends are for or what I should be doing.
Here are my cards:
Thanks for the breakdown. Hopefully I can manage to farm everything before the newest GT event ends.It goes GT Vegeta > Z Awaken > Dokkan into Baby Vegeta > Z Awaken > Dokkan into Super Baby 1
If your goal is use for the frieza event, you need the following:
-20 vegeta cards (assuming no dupe paths)
-20 of each medal farmable medal
-9,000 hercule medals that gets you 9 Baby medals
That'll get you SA10 Super Baby 1 and SA10 Baby Vegeta, who share 5 link skills and are really strong together.
After tonight i should be sitting at 200 DS. What day does gogeta drop? Thursday?