Is this AGL spirt bomb goku any good for my super agl team?
Is this AGL spirt bomb goku any good for my super agl team?
I don't think they can NOT put them on there. SS4 Gogeta without SS4 Goku/Vegeta would be kind of weird. Plus it's two banners, they're gonna rake in the cash. If they aren't on there it'd be really shitty imo.
also that global vs JP thing had to have been rigged. I don't really care since I'll never use either card but bandai and numbers is not a happy couple. The goals on this spirit bomb Goku campaign are ridiculous too. Hope they fudge those in our favor.
Simple, they skewed the numbers so JPN would win. I find it highly unlikely that Global lost by that large of an amount.
Of course it wasn't rigged. Jesus what nonsense.
JP player claims it wasn't rigged, news at 11
quickest way to earn some stones? Need to get ready for new banner drop!
Tempted to load up on another couple devices and just hold everything until tomorrow.
Does it feel...
From reddit:
Daily missions net you 20 stones atm.
Gohan/Yamcha comparison has been going for years now haha. It's even funnier that you can get it with cards :")
Oh yeah, it's amazing how some things change, this will always stay the same.
Gohan in the classic uniform in the DB Super poster for the current arc even looked like Yamcha lol
Also, maintenance announced for later today. I wonder if the banners will come up after it or if it's just to prepare for it.
edit:wtf at the new login claim times lololol
Banners are Thursday at 11AM PDT.
Oh shit it's earlier than I expected, thought it'd be Friday morning at like 4 or 5 AM. This is tomorrow evening if the countdown here is accurate
prepare for RIP servers
Banners are Thursday at 11AM PDT.
Gohan in the classic uniform in the DB Super poster for the current arc even looked like Yamcha lol
Also, maintenance announced for later today. I wonder if the banners will come up after it or if it's just to prepare for it.
edit:wtf at the new login claim times lololol
Oh noes, I have to wait 10 more minutes to grab my stuff. :O
Gohan in the classic uniform in the DB Super poster for the current arc even looked like Yamcha lol
Also, maintenance announced for later today. I wonder if the banners will come up after it or if it's just to prepare for it.
edit:wtf at the new login claim times lololol
It's a really bizarre change lol
gotta love power creep. My strength team now easily kills buuhan in his first phase.
Just a quick question, if I Dokkan my Super Vegito before unlocking all hidden potential paths with dupes will I still be able to do post-dokkan awakening?
Same with AGL. Last time through, Luck had 4 instances of Buuhan attacking Super Vegito. SV got all 4 with crit counters, plus his super crit as well. It was... convenient. I remember this fight being so damn hard when it came out.
Just a quick question, if I Dokkan my Super Vegito before unlocking all hidden potential paths with dupes will I still be able to do post-dokkan awakening?
gotta love power creep. My strength team now easily kills buuhan in his first phase.
You'll have to use an Hourglass to reverse him to use dupes.
But dokkaning him back is free, so it's not that big a deal.
Thank you guys so much for the help. That's really nice to know. I already have two hour glasses it seems but I'll keep an eye out for them in the shop.Absolutely. There's an hourglass that's sold in Baba's shop. I horde them because I'm constantly dokkaning characters and then getting dupes like 5 minutes later.
Sometimes the hourglass is for sale for Baba Points. Otherwise, it's in the Treasures section and costs 30 of those green gems you can farm in Quest stages.
Once you use the hourglass to bring your SV back to its original form, you can unlock the dupe node, then do a "reverse", which basically brings him right back to where he was in his dokkaned form, stats and all.
Thank you guys so much for the help. That's really nice to know. I already have two hour glasses it seems but I'll keep an eye out for them in the shop.
By the way, is there a somewhat easy way to get Elder Kai medals for Z-Awakening? I find that I'm constantly needing him and he's super expensive in Baba's shop.
Not knowing what the banner will include...still in general. What would be your Top Most Wanted pulls outside of the SSJ4 units and Shenron ?
Man I just want Vegito Blue. I have a beastmode Super team with no leader.
I get Villian team outpowers my Super team....but whenever i use my Super team its just crazy to see how often my non-duped VB can attack. If i could just unlock his bottom right node my Super team would make a mayor jump xD
Not knowing what the banner will include...still in general. What would be your Top Most Wanted pulls outside of the SSJ4 units and Shenron ?
Not knowing what the banner will include...still in general. What would be your Top Most Wanted pulls outside of the SSJ4 units and Shenron ?
Thanks, this is a great tip. Already got one! Plus the rank exp is really nice. Hopefully I can snag some Grandpa Gohans too, always low on those.Do the latest Bulma mission and pick the Nimbus cloud right in the beginning. Take the right most path and the gold awakening capsules have had a pretty good chance of being elders or shins for me.
Those are my top 3 too1. Merged Zamasu
2. Rage Trunks
3. Vegeta Blue INT
4. just dupes, pretty much. SSJ4 Goku dupe would be lit.