?? From an f2p perspective it's even worse because all of the units that bolster SSJ4 Gogeta are on different, future banners on Global, which is why we're getting fucked hard. JP gets his best subs, PHY SSJ3 Tenks and INT Gogeta on the banner. We have to wait months to get both of them on separate banners. For Omega's best team you need to pull both Omega and Gogeta, from different banners. If you're F2P the best thing to do is wait for the INT Gogeta banner because it has him, all his best subs, and every other Super 120% lead except Vegeta on it.
Well, I primarily play Japan so I'm coming at it from that perspective. I do think putting these units out before the rest of the Mono leads is a weird strategy. Same with syncing up the 200 Million banner when Global just had a celebration.
But for F2P, I guess I'm coming from the perspective of not having optimal teams but instead, having my current accounts since each of the 1 year anniversary events, that if more quirky 150 leaders are released, I'll have 3-4 of those units already. I have so many random SSR units that don't fit on a mono/hero/villain team, and I'd like to have a reason to play around with them.