I need to find the magical lamp the guy that pulled 8 SSRs rubbed...honestly how is that even possible?
I need to find the magical lamp the guy that pulled 8 SSRs rubbed...honestly how is that even possible?
Zamasu, Future trunks and INT ssj gohan are new... The top 3 ssr's are from the 200 ml tickets we got
This is from 3+1 on omega and 2 multis on Gogeta
Did a multi with the tickets I got and got 3 Chiaotsu's, a Yamaha, and Recomme shoving his ass in my face yet again. Guess I used up all my blessings from RNGESUS on the last two banners. If we get the daily stones again I'll have enough for one more pull, but I'm not even sure I will might just save for future stuff.
i bless you with my insane luck today
Bro I'm 3 pulls in and I don't even have an SSR :/
Yeah. Now imagine what it is to get shit from the last two banners. :")
I'm in!!! I gotta finish my missions then I'll do pulls.
ahhh yeahh
(not me lol)
Damn that's harsh. Hope the next pulls bring you some luck
i bless you with my insane luck today
he already pulled, you're too late
Lol why the fuck os SSJ4 Goku on Omega's banner whem he doesn't even team with him? Ahould be SSJ4 Vegeta.
Also FUCK Bamco for these shitty banners. This is the worst stuff they pulled on Global:
No leaders and SHITTY banners.
Japan got INT Gogeta and PHY Godtenks on Gogeta's banner and PHY Omega got Phy Cooler, INT Buu and AGL Super 17.
The frustrating part is that the Omega banner at least is actually quite good out of context - Rose and MZ, SSJ4 Goku, Super Vegito, those 4 on a single banner is great. But in the context of a new type of lead that only supports a handful of units, intentionally leaving those units off the banner is a total scum fuck move.
The SSRs are
MZ new
Omega Shenron x2 the STR one
Thats all T_T
Problem is for Global, they support no units. :""""")
lol, just did both 25 stone pulls. Nothing on Omega, Gogeta had SSJ3 animation in order to bless me with yet another int vegito dupe.
I do not feel entirely compelled to spend any more stones.
I'm in the middle right now. I might buy the 91 and 12 DS to finish off my last 2 pulls to get the free pull.
lol, just did both 25 stone pulls. Nothing on Omega, Gogeta had SSJ3 animation in order to bless me with yet another int vegito dupe.
I do not feel entirely compelled to spend any more stones.
Seriously, when I see some of your pulls, this is fucked up. I got SSR from the fuckin first generation. :"""")
Dont do my mistake. Bought a pack for 9 bucks for one last multi... which got me a dupe PHY Syn Shenron. FUCK.THIS.GAME. :")
Ok thanks to Goku ill be able to run my first real STR team. What units should i focus on ? Here are my STR units.
Dont do my mistake. Bought a pack for 9 bucks for one last multi... which got me a dupe PHY Syn Shenron. FUCK.THIS.GAME. :")