Hooooly mooly!
Decided to go all in (8 multis counting free ones) on Omega, since it had all units I needed. Only Omega STR would have been a dupe.
1st- SSJ4 Goku! I had Vegeta already, so this is just amazing!! Also got my... 4th? Family Gohan dupe I think. And a dupe for GT STR SSJ3 Goku, so that's making my team even better
2nd- SR Trash
3rd- INT Bardock! New sir for me
Free- TEQ Pikkon! Been looking for him for a while, he will do VERY nicely in my mono-TEQ which I'm slowly building up
5th- TEQ Bardock, my... 3rd or 4th copy. I cannot wait for his dokkan, he'll be a beast
6th- STR Meta-Rilldo. GT link and nice special, I'm too overwhelmed with STR Units though
Free- Dupe STR Buu.
And the tickets I got? Trash.
BUT WHO CARES?! I now have both Goku and Vegeta SSJ4, and Goku's got a dupe! Combined with GT SSJ3 Goku (now with a dupe path), Gogeta, Beers, SSJ3 Vegeta, Pikkon, and so many more, I'm overwhelmed! This was a great, great time!
I also somehow managed not to pull on the SSj4 Gogeta. Good unit, maybe, but I have almost everyone else on that banner and can wait, even for 25 stones. That'll go towards the Elder kai thing and get my new Goku to max quickly. My only regret is not farming his medals. I'll make a decent dent today, but have to wait until the weekend to finish.
Decided to go all in (8 multis counting free ones) on Omega, since it had all units I needed. Only Omega STR would have been a dupe.
1st- SSJ4 Goku! I had Vegeta already, so this is just amazing!! Also got my... 4th? Family Gohan dupe I think. And a dupe for GT STR SSJ3 Goku, so that's making my team even better
2nd- SR Trash
3rd- INT Bardock! New sir for me
Free- TEQ Pikkon! Been looking for him for a while, he will do VERY nicely in my mono-TEQ which I'm slowly building up
5th- TEQ Bardock, my... 3rd or 4th copy. I cannot wait for his dokkan, he'll be a beast
6th- STR Meta-Rilldo. GT link and nice special, I'm too overwhelmed with STR Units though
Free- Dupe STR Buu.
And the tickets I got? Trash.
BUT WHO CARES?! I now have both Goku and Vegeta SSJ4, and Goku's got a dupe! Combined with GT SSJ3 Goku (now with a dupe path), Gogeta, Beers, SSJ3 Vegeta, Pikkon, and so many more, I'm overwhelmed! This was a great, great time!
I also somehow managed not to pull on the SSj4 Gogeta. Good unit, maybe, but I have almost everyone else on that banner and can wait, even for 25 stones. That'll go towards the Elder kai thing and get my new Goku to max quickly. My only regret is not farming his medals. I'll make a decent dent today, but have to wait until the weekend to finish.