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Dragon Quest 7: Fragments of the Forgotten Past |OT| Roman numerals are hard


To answer the question I asked above:

During the post game if you're given a choice to be teleported to a few different towns OR re-fight the last boss, re-fighting the last boss doesn't do anything different. No EXP or items, nada, it just lets you watch the credits again basically, so don't bother. (unless you want to)


Finally finished to Dharma.

Not sure whatever I should give Heart Slime Heart to Maribel or keep it for Mervyn, hmm. I could also give it to Gabo, I guess.
Not sure if I'm on a side quest or if I'm just stuck

Guessing mid game spoilers
so I do sized a town stuck in a time loop and crossed a bridge which took me back to green thumb gardens. The town had progressed a bit, and I exposed the wife as poisoning her husband. She fled and spoke to the Maidstone and the husband who say nothing much. I visit the son e and have a flashback and read a letter, and now not sure if there's anything left. Didn't get given an reward or fragment so unsure what to do


Just beat it. Really liked the game and the final boss put up one hell of a fight. Of the DQ games I've played, I'd probably rate this above DQ IX and VI, but behind IV, V, and VIII. Still all good games though.

I'd like to challenge the almighty but I'm kind of burnt out at this point and don't feel like gambling and scrounging for the 40+ mini medals I need to get the pieces.
Not sure if I'm on a side quest or if I'm just stuck

Guessing mid game spoilers
so I do sized a town stuck in a time loop and crossed a bridge which took me back to green thumb gardens. The town had progressed a bit, and I exposed the wife as poisoning her husband. She fled and spoke to the Maidstone and the husband who say nothing much. I visit the son e and have a flashback and read a letter, and now not sure if there's anything left. Didn't get given an reward or fragment so unsure what to do

I don't think there's any reward. If you go to the next town across there's a similar quest there as well.

Seeing everyones lives get fucked up is a reward in itself though.


I have been using nose for treasure on the left passage(the dead-end) when on Cathedral of Blight basement 5. It says that there is chest there but i am not seeing anything. Has anyone found it?
I have been using nose for treasure on the left passage(the dead-end) when on Cathedral of Blight basement 5. It says that there is chest there but i am not seeing anything. Has anyone found it?

If it's the room I'm thinking of, try using the 'snoop' spell inside the dead end house.
What level is recommended for (optional boss)
Gracos V

Got the flying carpet and explored everywhere around that I can now other than that boss fight.


What level is recommended for (optional boss)
Gracos V

Got the flying carpet and explored everywhere around that I can now other than that boss fight.
You should be able to take him down as soon as he's available. Buying elemental/spell resist gear helps a lot, as does the Shepherd's Insulate skill. Kabuff is also useful if you have it.


So I'm about 32 hours in the game, my party is 25/25/23 (Heroe/Maribel/Ruff)

Heroe is gladiator Maribel is Sage and Ruff now is a sailor (got martial artist,Fighter and thief mastered).
I'm right before
dungeon I heard this boss was a difficulty wall in the original so my question is , am I ok with levels and jobs ? Because I think I'm locked out of the present now so hopefully Il be ok .
You should be able to take him down as soon as he's available. Buying elemental/spell resist gear helps a lot, as does the Shepherd's Insulate skill. Kabuff is also useful if you have it.

Sweet. I continued the main story a bit and got the next party member, and Maribel learnt Kabuff and Multiheal in the process (and already knew Insulate) so I should be fine.

So I'm about 32 hours in the game, my party is 25/25/23 (Heroe/Maribel/Ruff)

Heroe is gladiator Maribel is Sage and Ruff now is a sailor (got martial artist,Fighter and thief mastered).
I'm right before
dungeon I heard this boss was a difficulty wall in the original so my question is , am I ok with levels and jobs ? Because I think I'm locked out of the present now so hopefully Il be ok .

You're higher than I was so you should be good. The NPC that helps you can resurrect so even if it goes south you can recover.
I'm having such an easier time with this version than I did with the original. I understand DQ now, while the first time around I went in with expectations based on other series. I know I can stack Buff now, that "protects versus fire" doesn't really mean it protects against Frizz, while "protects against magic" doesn't mean it guards against Breath. I never expected a skill that uses no MP to to be more effective than one that had a cost associated, at least not ones obtained around the same level, but this game has a bunch like that and they make the game pretty easy at various points.

(I had two characters with Thin Air and one with Hustle Dance. GG.)

I just lost Maribel. I can no longer press the Maribel button while in town,
so my drive to play this game has diminished a lot. As I recall, the point where
you get her back
is where I stopped playing the original, so I should at least push on that far.


Maturity, bitches.
I think I'm at a similar spot Coinspinner
since Maribel has left to look after her father.
she was my main healer, so until I get her back I'll have to rethink my strategy.
I think I'm at a similar spot Coinspinner
since Maribel has left to look after her father.
she was my main healer, so until I get her back I'll have to rethink my strategy.

That was my situation with the PS1 version.
Fortunately memory led me to another career path for her. (She fulfilled her dream of being a sailor and then a pirate queen.)
I also made the mistake of further weakening my party by trying to make the old man become a "Teen Idol".


How's Paladin in this? Ruff got access to it, but not sure. Levels pretty slow too.

I think I'm at a similar spot Coinspinner
since Maribel has left to look after her father.
she was my main healer, so until I get her back I'll have to rethink my strategy.

Yeah, I recall her leaving put me in an hard spot during the PS1 version. This time I immediately maxed Priest-Ruff in order to not incur in the same situation.
How's Paladin in this? Ruff got access to it, but not sure. Levels pretty slow too.
Paladin becomes everything a party needs in one package: Strong fighter, Multi-Heal, Kabuff, Oomph, and I think Kazing and Kasap as well. It also gets Double Up but that's less impressive than it was in DQ6 because of Lightning and Thin Air one turning fights and no Carver to learn it early. :p
DQ really needs a "select all" option for resurrection at the church. My biggest annoyance from getting wiped out is having to manually select each character and hear that same jingle.

Anyway I am almost done with the Alltrades stuff. Can't wait to change classes. This Alltrades quest line was pretty daunting but it felt like a memorable journey so I don't mind.
DQ really needs a "select all" option for resurrection at the church. My biggest annoyance from getting wiped out is having to manually select each character and hear that same jingle.

Anyway I am almost done with the Alltrades stuff. Can't wait to change classes. This Alltrades quest line was pretty daunting but it felt like a memorable journey so I don't mind.

This is where I'm at right now and TBH I'm losing steam.


Just spent the whole weekend at a Smash tournament (PM and Melee) and now I have Dragon Quest Builders. Might take a small break from this game during the week before I come back to it this weekend.

So far I'm still loving it, around 40 hours in. Only complaint is the job speed. I feel so over powered, hopefully some of the next bosses put me in my place.


Finally done with Alltrades, i just unlocked the class system. this game really makes you earn them. i am really having a good time.
Small thing, but in wonderful praise to the animators, I want to start killing all monsters and bosses off with criticals/knuckle sandwich because those special death animations are amazing.


So I hit my first wall in DQVII against a boss closer to the final tablets in the game. Forgot to save and got walloped hard and died and lost half my gold. Been awhile since I lost that bad, but motivated me to keep grinding classes on my last character to join with me. Guess I better start mastering the intermediate classes faster now :p. So far enjoying the game and it'all be a letdown once I'm done. DQVIII can't come soon enough.


Any idea where to find
king metal slimes?

I beat the game and I need to level up a bit for the
optional dungeon. I beat the final boss fairly easily and this secret boss in the first bonus dungeon wiped the floor with me.


I think I'm finished now? I just cleared
the second postgame dungeon, and got The Almighty living in my town (weird!).
Is that it for postgame stuff, not including tablet stuff? Is there anything I might have missed?

All in all, great game. Overjoyed that I finally got to play it. One of my favourite Dragon Quest games for sure. Now I need to go back and finally clear VI.

Any idea where to find
king metal slimes?

I beat the game and I need to level up a bit for the
optional dungeon. I beat the final boss fairly easily and this secret boss in the first bonus dungeon wiped the floor with me.

On the world map, outside of Grondal, all kinds of slimes spawn. Including King Metal.
I sent a King Metal, a Liquid Metal and a Gem Slime off to find a tablet, then used that to level my team to 70ish for the postgame dungeons. Overkill probably, but it worked.


I just reached the 50 hour mark and I'm on my second visit to the
lighthouse near the floating city
. This seems to be
the last island trapped in the past, so I'm expecting something to go down regarding the main story as I finish this.
I totally forget that I ordered this game sometime ago.
So they shipped it today and this will be my first Dragon Quest game.

Is it a good first start for a newbie? Or should I track down some other Dragon Quest game first?


I totally forget that I ordered this game sometime ago.
So they shipped it today and this will be my first Dragon Quest game.

Is it a good first start for a newbie? Or should I track down some other Dragon Quest game first?

As good as any of them, the only ones I wouldn't start with are the first 2 and IX. Just bear in mind that VII and VIII will both take a long time to complete
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