Do we know this for sure? I think we overestimate how many were willing to pay for a full priced game for a demo. Oh well.
King Trode's voice acting.. I'm not sure if it's so over the top that it's good or if it's actually one of the GOAT performances. Either way that dude has me hooked on every spoken line.
Regardless if it's true or not, I was one of the people who bought Dragon Quest 8 just for the FF12 demo. But...
...honestly, I thought Dragon Quest 7 (Warrior 7 in the US at that time actually) sucked when I played it on the PS1. I remember buying DQ7 because I heard Japan loved Dragon Quest and was curious about the series. I thought DQ7 was one of the worst RPG's I had ever played back in 2000/2001.
I remember a year after I played the FF12 demo, I finally played DQ8 and it easily became one of my favorite games ever. It made me appreciate all the other games in the series when I went back and played them all, including DQ7.
So both are great games. Just depends on the timing and gamer's mood. Both are different but amazing in their own ways.