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Dragon Quest 9 |OT| Last chance* to shine

I don't have much experience with the DQ series, but I loved the atmosphere of VIII, so I decided to get this game. I just got to a small town called Zere.

Current party:
Swordsman :p
Spear wielding Priest girl
Wand wielding Mage dude
Claw wielding Martial Artist guy

Any tips? I'm doing fine so far, though. Martial Artist + Claws = pretty awesome right now.
This game is too overwhelming for me to think clearly :lol

Okay so I have a mage, warrior (main), MA and minstrel, all between lvl. 30-35. I'm right where you can choose to go to the final area, and I keep reading everywhere to switch to paladin/armamentalist classes, and Sage. Are these necessary? The armamentalist quest sounds like such a chore and I don't really feel like grinding more classes up, and armor/weapons are way too expensive.

I don't know, it's just turning into kind of a hassle right around the end and there are so many options and I don't really know what the best course of action would be.


Is the Uber Miracle Sword worth it?? I have all the ingredients, but I really love my life bracer(s)...

Also, what's the map called from the BB event? I thought I got it but I am not sure.


Princess Skittles said:
Estark's Map, the tag character holding it was NOA4, I beleive.

Yup. The rep we had decided to try to play with us. They'd apparently leveled the character up to 52 without playing the game, so she still sported the starter gear. It was a pretty hilarious fight we had vs. Shogum at the bottom of the map we took on :lol


brandonh83 said:
This game is too overwhelming for me to think clearly :lol

Okay so I have a mage, warrior (main), MA and minstrel, all between lvl. 30-35. I'm right where you can choose to go to the final area, and I keep reading everywhere to switch to paladin/armamentalist classes, and Sage. Are these necessary? The armamentalist quest sounds like such a chore and I don't really feel like grinding more classes up, and armor/weapons are way too expensive.

I don't know, it's just turning into kind of a hassle right around the end and there are so many options and I don't really know what the best course of action would be.

Don't worry about it, just go.


Thunderthrust continues to deliver. I'm not sure what kind of variables and random numbers are involved, but it has been hitting 3/4 of the time today.

My only problem is that my spear-user only has about 100 magic points, so I periodically have to give him a wand and grind some regular enemies to refill his magic.


I should probably tackle the end-game right now, but my main character has 71 skill points waiting to be spent and I can just tell that I'm going to end up grinding low-level characters as part of some long-winded attempt to max something out.



Apologies for the double-post, but it's worth noting that my earlier posts extolling the virtues of the Thunderthrust must have angered the Gods.

Since then it has missed 7 or 8 times in a row and the last 6 Liquid Slimes have managed to escape.
So yeah, Double Up + Uber Falcon Sword + Falcon Slash + 100 tension = 4000+ damage. (crappy, blurry cell phone pic incoming)


Sometimes, this game just makes me smile.


Oxx said:
My only problem is that my spear-user only has about 100 magic points, so I periodically have to give him a wand and grind some regular enemies to refill his magic.

Two words: Goddess Ring.
to Sage, leveled up Paladin trait and Spears and now I'm leveling up the Sage traits so I can get the -25% mp usage.

Not sure what to do with my main character. Wanna use swords but can't decide if I want to be a gladiator(already got the trait to 100 by leveling up luminary and using the points on it) or Warrior(I'll likely level up the warrior trait to 100 for the bonuses anyway).
Is there a point to this Thug gear? Ive nearly got the whole set! also fuckign game froze for some reason earlier and I lost out on top maps/boss kills and sacred Armour because of the damned mini medals lost :/


Do world map materials regenerate according to time, or do things get reset when you turn the game off?

Needs me some more Resurrock!


Dot Hacked
Fygg 3 get! I also finally got alchemy and the not-so-online store and quests I can't even do yet >_>

I didn't change job or use skill points yet. Are there more then 6 jobs cause it looks like theres room for more? If there are when do they open up? The mini medal guy is a bum I couldn't believe that. Guess that's why there is no special jingle when you get a mini medal in this game unless the others.
Lindsay said:
Fygg 3 get! I also finally got alchemy and the not-so-online store and quests I can't even do yet >_>

I didn't change job or use skill points yet. Are there more then 6 jobs cause it looks like theres room for more? If there are when do they open up? The mini medal guy is a bum I couldn't believe that. Guess that's why there is no special jingle when you get a mini medal in this game unless the others.

Yes there are (via quests) and yes it does have its own sound.Nearly at 50 medals!

also random map from boss's can go to hell. Ive beaten one map 6 times and another 2 at gold/one below gold level 44-48 and i keep getting no boss drop and shity level 30 maps. arghhh!


I am 6 or 7 fyggs in and I just figured out how to get other party members; I thought the game was a little harder then normal as I was playing....


carlo6529 said:
I am 6 or 7 fyggs in and I just figured out how to get other party members; I thought the game was a little harder then normal as I was playing....
Omg, I don't even... how did you... o____O

This seems to be the big failing of the game, doesn't seem it was clear to anyone immediately that you could create your party early on. :lol

I got another of my girls (my thief) up to level 99 and revocated her tonight; but the reward I got for it
Honor Among Thieves accessory
doesn't seem to have as much deftness as the utility belt I was using. But the description talks about making stealing more successful. Is there some hidden value that actually increases stealing, or is it just talking about it's base deftness? Seems kinda bs if it's only deftness since I got the utility belt from a chest really really early in the game.

My other two girls who I revocated yesterday are up to level 50 already tonight, and I have another girl at 91. I figure I will revocate her, then get her and my thief up to decent levels again and store them in the Inn and work on leveling my other 5 girls to revocate them in their jobs. Currently up to 156hours and haven't gotten tired of the game yet. :)


Dot Hacked
OMG I just thought of something! If you change vocations do you get more SP as you level up again?? I think I've been gimping my team for no reason if that's the case X_X

Johnlenham said:
Yes there are (via quests) and yes it does have its own sound.Nearly at 50 medals!

Quests? Ack I've been neglecting those! But no way any time I got a mini medal it was just the normal item get sound not the classic mini medal jingle!

Koomaster said:
Omg, I don't even... how did you... o____O

This seems to be the big failing of the game, doesn't seem it was clear to anyone immediately that you could create your party early on. :lol

I dunno that might be a failing but the entire game really feels like only your character is there. No party member makes it into cutscenes or nothing they're just kinda there. Kinda feel like dumping the bots and going solo at times but that'd be crazy.


Just went to a mall, Best Buy, Target and a Starbucks throughout a day of shopping while in Tag Mode and didn't meet anyone :(
Well okay now I'm just getting flattened by
Hootingham-Gore; it's not even that it's a really hard fight, he just keeps spamming swoosh which does pretty incredible damage.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Koomaster said:
This seems to be the big failing of the game, doesn't seem it was clear to anyone immediately that you could create your party early on. :lol

The game points you in the right direction without coddling.
The only big failing here is the seeming inability of people to RTFM.


Mejilan said:
The game points you in the right direction without coddling.
The only big failing here is the seeming inability of people to RTFM.
Pretty sure the game should have a giant neon sign over the Stornway Inn saying 'Recruit Adventurers Here'. I figured it out cuz I tend to talk to everyone after every major event. But it seems a lot of people missed it. I think I just saw the new chick in the inn and started chatting her up. Having a few people in Stornway talking about adventurers flocking to the inn hoping for adventure would be a better clue.

I could see how people would be story focused, go off to fight the boss, rely on herbs, never go back to the inn, and then once the plot point is complete, head off to the next town. Having the king/princess mentioning adventurers gathering after hearing of your deeds would probably suffice in pointing people in the right direction.


Oxx said:
Do world map materials regenerate according to time, or do things get reset when you turn the game off?

Needs me some more Resurrock!
Materials regenerate as gameplay time passes (so I think you can just leave your game running while you go make a sandwich or something), but they also disappear as gameplay time passes. They don't just pile up. Resurrock is pretty rare, so it's not always in a place it appears. Maybe it's there, maybe it's not. It seems like it takes longer than other materials to regenerate, but that might just be bad luck because you showed up on time and the game decided to screw you by not letting any appear.

CoolS said:
So, how and when do you get the first map(s)? I just got the ship and still have none :(
You probably skipped the "Zere Rocks" area between Dourbridge and Bloomingdale.


ruby_onix said:
You probably skipped the "Zere Rocks" area between Dourbridge and Bloomingdale.
Was that the area, where the guy built whole village out of rocks? If so, I just finished that area last night..


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
How do i get the Meteorite Bracer for creating a Uber Facon sword ?


I'm at the town where you get the boat, I feel like I'm not getting anywhere, but I've been dragging my feet a bit, grinding, doing older quests that have piled up, changing classes - hero went from minstrel -> warrior -> gladiator - My gladiator level if half that of my warrior, but the normal attack hit is already about the same, I guess because I'm still putting points into swords?

I hit up the alchemy pot to see if I could make anything decent, is it still a bit too early in the game to make anything interesting, as all the recipes I had (pretty sure I checked every bookcase) were below the equipment I have, which all pretty recent (last couple of towns).

Need to step it up and continue the story I know. :)


Stencil said:
Is the Uber Miracle Blade worth it? I really love my two Life Bracers
It's the best sword you could probably get during the main story line. I beat the game with it equipped to my main character, and I had it up until I switched to the Uber Falcon Blade.


i feel like i got so addicted to this game just because it was on the DS and i could power level or play and not pay too much attention to the game. if it was on a console on a TV, i would see myself getting bored of this game, but it just clicked on the DS for me and i loved it. anyone else feel the same? great game.
47 hours into the game and about to get my 6th fygg ( ̄ー ̄〃). spending too much time changing classes and doing quests lol.

anyway...here are my characters:





this game is so awesome and addicting.
Chesskid1 said:
i feel like i got so addicted to this game just because it was on the DS and i could power level or play and not pay too much attention to the game. if it was on a console on a TV, i would see myself getting bored of this game, but it just clicked on the DS for me and i loved it. anyone else feel the same? great game.
Yeah. It's why I generally prefer my RPGs to be on handhelds.


CoolS said:
Was that the area, where the guy built whole village out of rocks? If so, I just finished that area last night..
Teleport back to Zere Rocks and immediately walk south for about three seconds. You almost can't miss it.


ruby_onix said:
You probably skipped the "Zere Rocks" area between Dourbridge and Bloomingdale.
I did this myself. The boss of Zere Rocks was certainly much easier when I did fight him, hah.

In the first treasure map dungeon now..how many levels do they typically last? My party is a Gladiator (Minstrel), Priest (Minstrel), Mage (Priest) and Monk (Warrior). I will make the Monk a Rogue next to help open Rangers and my hero a Paladin whenever I can unlock it.

Edit: Yikes, Equinox hits like a truck!

Jedeye Sniv

Meier said:
I did this myself. The boss of Zere Rocks was certainly much easier when I did fight him, hah.

In the first treasure map dungeon now..how many levels do they typically last? My party is a Gladiator (Minstrel), Priest (Minstrel), Mage (Priest) and Monk (Warrior). I will make the Monk a Rogue next to help open Rangers and my hero a Paladin whenever I can unlock it.

Edit: Yikes, Equinox hits like a truck!

It's only a few levels but be warned, the boss killed my level 20 party in about 2 hits (and the party were just the right level for the monsters in the dungeon)

EDIT: :lol missed your edit. Yep, he's a bastard.


Crap, I've actually been doing pretty well on him.. lasted quite awhile but I'm afraid the end is near. I googled him and it looks like people suggest 30+ for him. Kind of lame to give access to a guy who you have no chance in hell at beating this early! I have 3 level 22s and a 14 at this point. :lol

Jedeye Sniv said:
It's only a few levels but be warned, the boss killed my level 20 party in about 2 hits (and the party were just the right level for the monsters in the dungeon)

EDIT: :lol missed your edit. Yep, he's a bastard.
I have actually lasted about 20 turns so far.. I wish there was a way to tell how much HP he has left. I feel like I've done a good bit of damage.
Chesskid1 said:
i feel like i got so addicted to this game just because it was on the DS and i could power level or play and not pay too much attention to the game. if it was on a console on a TV, i would see myself getting bored of this game, but it just clicked on the DS for me and i loved it. anyone else feel the same? great game.

Exactly. I've put about 50 hours into it so far (just finished the main story last night), which is about three times as long as I usually last on a console game these days.

Crap, I've actually been doing pretty well on him.. lasted quite awhile but I'm afraid the end is near. I googled him and it looks like people suggest 30+ for him. Kind of lame to give access to a guy who you have no chance in hell at beating this early! I have 3 level 22s and a 14 at this point.

It's a fair introduction to the treasure map concept, really. :) Manageable dungeon, ass-ravaging boss. Rinse and repeat.


Gray-Jaeger90 said:
47 hours into the game and about to get my 6th fygg ( ̄ー ̄〃). spending too much time changing classes and doing quests lol.

anyway...here are my characters:





this game is so awesome and addicting.

Holy cow! My priest is also named "Kallen" and looks identical to yours! Code Geass fan? :D


Joe Shlabotnik said:
It's a fair introduction to the treasure map concept, really. :) Manageable dungeon, ass-ravaging boss. Rinse and repeat.
I actually find some of the stronger grotto monsters tougher than the boss in the same dungeon :p
They don't have as much HP as the bosses, but otherwise, seem to have higher stats. I'm guessing the later bosses are tougher, though; the strongest boss I've fought is Atlas.


Jedeye Sniv said:
Nice! What was your strategy/party makeup? Do you have omniheal or something? I'm sure I need a power to heal all before I try again.
I keep my priest set to Focus on Healing since it's smarter than me and takes away some of the boringness. I got a lot of Coups since he was ravaging me and that helped especially since the Monk's scare seems unresistable at least so far. Choir of Angels helped a few times too from the priest. I tried to keep up Accelerate but he debuffed it a lot.. Sap didn't seem to stick much either.

Tension was very helpful. I don't know what Omniheal is by the way. :lol

Princess Skittles

Prince's's 'Skittle's
So are you supposed to just guess (which is impossible) on certain things for alchemy? Specifically, quests.

I've got a few quests clogging my list up that I don't have recipes for.
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