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Dragon Quest 9 |OT| Last chance* to shine


Hyunkel6 said:
Probably asked a million times before, but what's the best place to farm metals? The Bowhole?

Bowhole before the end of the main story, Slime Hill a bit after, at least in terms of liquid metal slimes.

There is a good video on youtube for bowhole. Once you can get to slime hill you can do almost exactly the same thing in a couple spots and get 1-5 lms per battle instead of just one.

After that it is just a matter of getting a grotto map with metal king slimes.
Went to 62nd and Broadway. The Nintendo rep couldn't find the DS cart and said they wouldn't have the map. He gave me a shirt and stickers for my troubles. After that, I went all the way to 23rd and 6th, where they actually had the map. It also turns out that the map was there all along, in the box with the shirts. The Best Buy employee running the event (Axel?) at 23rd and 6th was super-nice and obviously a fan of the game.


Just got back from the bb event at manchenster, nh. Very surprised it turned out better than expected! I got a total of 14 tags and some good lvl 40ish treasure maps. Also got a nice slime t-shirt :D

I hope they continue these events.


Running off of Custom Firmware
55 hours into the game and I finally decided to move the story along a bit.
I just got the 4th fygg and wrapped up the Bloomdale events! It seems like these vignettes are mostly all going to end on a sad note, aren't they? :/


A friend and I had to help a confused rep setup the game to properly to send out the treasure map, so thankfully we got that and some swag (stickers, slime t-shirt). No one else showed up for canvassing though. =(


Got back from the best buy event in Orlando (waterford). Pretty good! They gave out posters, stickers, magnets and shirts. I got 20 new tags. Probably about 5 new maps. Two guys there had over 200 hrs on their games. One had a lv 99 * Gladiator and the other had a lv 99 +3 Sage. From what I heard, you can level past 99, and the star shows when you're maxed out.

One of the coolest things I saw was a family come in. I guy came with his wife, two daughters (probably around 10 yrs old) and a son. Him and his daughters all had DSes and they connected with everyone. Later, his older son (probably about 18) also came and connected. It was cool to see a family into games like that, especially DQ. I thought it was funny that the dad's character said Demon king on it.

I was able to do the new dungeon with the two Lvl 99 guys. Saw some cool equipment/spells that I want to work towards getting now! We beat
with not too much trouble, but mainly because their characters were so awesome. I guess when he beat the boss, he had the option of giving us the experience since he's already maxed out. It wasn't as much experience as I expected, and the other Lvl 99 character got the bulk of it. And we only got a mini medal for beating the boss :-(.

It was a great experience though, I'm only 6 away from getting the full Inn upgrade. There's one more event at a mall close by on September 12, so I can't wait for that. I love this game!

Forgot to mention: my brother knew the Nintendo Rep there. There was an actual Nintendo Rep, and then someone that I guess NoA hired just for this event to help out. My brother's friend was the latter. He said that he found the job on Craigslist!


Scored about 14-15 new tags, the map from this week, and when I got there some people were busily beating the GameStop map so they could share it as well! :D

Not quite a full inn, but a lot closer.

Spent three hours playing multi, too. It was pretty hilarious with my level 29 and a couple guys at 50-odd. :D


Got 20 tags out of the event. Was weird at first to hang around with a bunch of neckbeards chilling on the Best Buy carpet, but I ended up really getting into it and not giving a shit about the condescending smirks and glances from random store employees. Got a couple of insane high level maps, and even the one from the Gamestop event I missed that someone was nice enough to share with me.

I even experienced a bit of multiplayer, which is awesome, and if the next game has all this plus online mode this shit could blow up and potentially be bigger than something like pokemon.

Got 20 tags but left before the event ended to get free posters and shit. By 3 o clock there was no one new and the nerd-level factor was getting too much to take.

Any more retail events on the horizon? I need 10 more tags and I doubt I'll meet another living soul who even knows what this game is outside of these events.
Got 3 tags.

Got there at 12:30 and didn't bother with the poster. stayed for about 45 minutes and more people were showing but they started to play before canvassing. hoped to get more tags but didn't wanna stay any longer.
Argh got a head ache from screaming at the DS :lol fucking Metal slimes will be the death of me. Little bastards kept running away on the first turn must have lost about 9 in a row.
In the end gave up and went and done a new map I had, killed shogun and got a new map.

Headed off to that got to the bottom and it was a new boss. tension tension tension Boom whole party dead in two turns o_O


I was so excited when I thought I had finally accrued all the materials to make an Uber Miracle Sword... then I noticed that I needed two Life Bracers.


Hit up Best Buy today, not many people there so i only got three tags, but I did get the Map and a big DQIX poster, and some general DSi stuff like a lanyard, some fridge magnets, and a wristband.


my local bestbuy only had the sticker sheet... luckily they had slime shirts at the gamestop event last week. didn't know it was a different map, that's pretty cool. there were a few other guys around that i pulled tags from, but they were really overly enthusiastic and a little smelly, so i moved along to the next destination.

need to do some serious leveling so i can start hitting these maps up. only in the low 20s right now and about to start bloomingdale, but quests are TOO MUCH FUN I CAN'T STOP AHHHHH!!!
You guys that got swag all suck
Not really
. I swear I had the worst rep ever. All I got was three tags, and dude was acting like the swag was the holy grail and he was the old knight from The Last Crusade protecting it.

Yeah, I'm a little grumpy about it. On the bright side, I beat
fairly easily.


I had too much stuff going on today to stick around at the Best Buy event for too long, but I did manage to get the map, three tags, and a t-shirt. I then went grocery shopping for two hours and decided to leave my DS on as the store was really full.

Not one tag. :lol

Not that I was surprised.


Docpan said:
Any more retail events on the horizon? I need 10 more tags and I doubt I'll meet another living soul who even knows what this game is outside of these events.
Check out the dqix site. There's an event going to different Simon malls. The one in my area is Sept 12.

Forgot to mention, I got a King Slime shirt. Its cool, but I was hoping for the blue slime shirts. Oh well.


Human_Shield said:
Yeah, no swag for me. The rep won't give any out unless you buy the game here, today (Boo). And sure enough, I'm the only one here. :(
The rep at my store was saying the same things about the t-shirts. Maybe it was something they were told, hold out for people buying stuff?

Either way a few people said they would buy something from the store and she gave out some tshirts. But she only had I think she said 11, and wanted to make em last throughout the whole event.

I left at one point for about an hour, and came back, and by the end when no new people showed up, she just started handing 'em out to people who were left. If you are in CA, maybe try going back a half hour before the event ends. Our rep said they didn't want her to send stuff back, hand it all out.

The event near me went awesomely; had a really awesome guy there handing out all the rare japanese maps to everyone, tons of people showed up, I got my inn maxed out plus some more, loads of DQ related swag (poster/stickers/shirt/etc), and lots of nice people to chat with about the game.

Our Nintendo rep was a really nice lady too and talking about how they sent her the game to play and keep, but weren't letting her keep the DS, so now she's gonna have to buy one because she's so into the game. :lol

It was pretty much all older people there playing/tagging. The only 2 kids that were there were there with their mom/dad who both had the game on their DSs.

Our whole group just huddled around one section of the store talking and tagging. It was great!:D


Funny that all these positive impressions and tales of addiction make me want the game more, but also make it less likely that I'll buy it.

I think I'll at least get a job first.


Went to the event for about 45mins. No shirts, posters only if you bought the game (WTF?) or a DSi. I got a sticker sheet and 6 tags. It was pretty dead. Everybody I saw just came and left except a female neckbeard? talking to the rep for about half an hour.

So far, I've logged 6 hours and 6 tags. I need more time to play. :( I'm only up to Coffinwell.


What a frustrating yet rewarding day.

So I go to one of my local Best Buys (which was on the official list of participating stores) around 11:45 and ask an employee where the event was taking place in the store. The conversation went something like this:

Me: Hi, can you tell me where the Dragon Quest IX event is taking place?
BB: The Dragon what?
Me: ....Dragon Quest IX? I read online that there was an event today where people could get free maps and promo stuff.
BB: I have no idea....Hey [BB2] do you know about this "Dragon Quest" thing?
BB2: No man, he's like the 5th person to ask about it. *calls manager* Are we doing some "Dragon Quest" thing or something today?
Manager: No, not at this store.
Me: Your store is on the list online.....
Manager: Oh well, then it got canceled.

....right. I cruised up to the other Best Buy near my house (also on the list) and arrived right at 12. As I was walking in, I saw a big sign advertising the event and saying it would be in the game section from 12-4. I walked back to the game section and sure enough, nothing. I asked an employee about it and, again, he had no idea what I was talking about. I directed him to the giant sign in their doorway and, after checking out the sign and asking another employee, he said the Nintendo rep hadn't showed up yet but he should be there soon. I bumped into another DQIX player and chatted with him for a while before leaving around 12:15.

After picking up some PSN cards at K-mart and 3 Dirty Dwarves for Saturn at Play n' Trade (woo!), I figured I'd give Best Buy another shot. I arrived shortly after 1PM and headed back to the games section. Sure enough, the Nintendo rep STILL hadn't showed up BUT the manager offered me $25 store credit "for [my] trouble"! I grabbed 2 PSN cards ($10 and $20), paid the $5 difference and headed home.

So I didn't get any free DQIX maps/swag, but I got $25 for free and picked up 3 random DQIX characters via tag mode. Can't complain, I suppose! :lol


Best Buy event was meh for me. Went to the one nearest to me which was supposed to have it, but nothing. Got a tag from someone who was there looking for the event as well. So then I decided to drive to a different store like an hour away, but only 4 people showed. So 6 tags total for about an hour and a half that I was there, including one guy who had 2 DS's and the event map. No shirt for me because they ran out for some reason (Best Buy employees snatched some probably). Got two Japanese maps though so that was awesome. Then I headed off to Mitsuwa for the Obon Festival and got 2 tags there. So far 21 tags, 9 more to go.

Hopefully next week's Gurnee Mills event will be better, but I dunno.


I went to the event at my BB and hardly anyone was there. The rep there smelled like alcohol and cigarettes but he was really cool. Neither one of us knew how to work Tag Mode but I finally figured out how to get the map. I only got 1 tag but that's ok with me as no one else was there when I was. Plus, it probably would've been a pain getting other people as I had no clue. I should've read the newest posts from this thread before I left as it probably would've helped.

The guy wasn't supposed to give out any shirts unless you bought the game but he said my wife and I could take one. However, when we were going back to the car she informed me that she took three shirts: one for me, one for her, and a workout shirt for me too! Also, got a couple posters and stickers. Needless to say, I'm happy even though I got totally trounced using the map with my mid-40s team!


Went to the best buy in North Canton Ohio and got 12 tags. My son got a "party slime" T-shirt, the stickers, and poster. The rep there seemed pretty cool when I asked if he could have a shirt. He just said sure first come first serve.

BTW I forgot it was Hall of Fame Weekend, Canton is crazy during that.


Question, is there anywhere to buy an Ascetic robe or anyway to make one with the alchemy pot? I checked gamefaqs and it seems like the only way to get one is a 1/128 drop from Wight Priests. There has to be another way...


Got 7 tags, lvl 4 zoma map, esturk, stickers, and a poster. Multiplayer with some friends to fight the bossed anf it was brilliantly awesome. Very challenging doing it that way but man that was a good time. If this were all available online itd be the best game this year without a doubt. Sad that today wad likely the most fun ill ever have with the game. I dont wanna solo it anymore. Probably stop playing now and only open it back up for events or gatherings with friends.


Dot Hacked
Another event missed oh well I don't even know how to download maps or the online shop or w/e guess I'm still just to early in the game ;.;

Currently L17 after laying the smack down on some ragin' contagion. Still no skill points spent and none of the baddies in the current area are worth grinding on now. It feels like the overworld is to big for what littles in it. I wonder whats next?


Registered User
Well I just wrapped things up in
Coffinwall. That fairy is a real jerk. I can't believe the insensitivity she shows. :(


bluemax said:
Question, is there anywhere to buy an Ascetic robe or anyway to make one with the alchemy pot? I checked gamefaqs and it seems like the only way to get one is a 1/128 drop from Wight Priests. There has to be another way...

Nevermind I got one on my first steal attempt. And it looks like I could've got one through a quest I have. Oh well.
The Best Buy event was awesome for me. I got 19 tags, which, combined with the 11 I got last week at Gamestop, brings me exactly up to 30! Plus, one of the guys there had the famous Japanese map with the floor full of KMS (Ruby path of Doom lv 87)!

So, hey... cool!


Best Buy event was awesome got a ton of maps and enough tags to fully expand my inn.
Got these legacy maps:

Dragon Lord
Estark (both from event and person)

and the Metal King Slime map. People were really cool
You guys should cherish your awesome/horrible tag events. You don't have to take the insane route of 30 new games that average an hour a piece.

Just got through number 7 (first upgrade!), almost a quarter done... @_@


wish these events were happening in canada best buy..

i keep beating grotto bosses and getting crappy new treasure maps

also - not one tag as of yet =/


I got about 18 tags at an Austin Best Buy. Still haven't beaten the game and haven't gotten into the maps, but more is better than none so I'm happy. I liked seeing/meeting other Austin DQers (I missed the Gamestop event last week).


Gin said:
wish these events were happening in canada best buy..

i keep beating grotto bosses and getting crappy new treasure maps

also - not one tag as of yet =/

The" NOA Rep" took pictures of us as we were playing/gathering. He said he has to send them to Nintendo to report back the outcome of the events so Nintendo will hold more. Hopefully they go up your way.
Chairhome said:
Got back from the best buy event in Orlando (waterford). Pretty good! They gave out posters, stickers, magnets and shirts. I got 20 new tags. Probably about 5 new maps.

damn, I went to the Florida Mall Best Buy one and got 11 tags and I think 4 maps


I got my map from Best Buy,

but I never exited canvas mode, I jus left it on and drove home.

then like an hour later I went to my DS and it shut itself off from drained battery.

it didnt save my new guest ;_;
Well, I've got my 30 now. I can't believe people are still doing canvassing in Japan a year later.

For some reason, probably because this is my second playthrough, I'm not overly compelled to finish the game. I just keep farting around leveling up different jobs and doing quests, haha.
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