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Dragon Quest 9 |OT| Last chance* to shine

ExtraKr1spy said:
Level up Ranger and learn Vanish :)

Though its useless when those fucking big monsters spawn in small corridors.
Yeah, I might have to look into that. I've been planning to give each of my 4 characters 3 vocations each (at least to start) to fill out every class and the Ranger class is one of the last few I haven't done yet in my party. I just unlocked the final vocation so I'll "restart" with 4 level 1 characters in new vocations once I get my main character high enough to access Rank 7 Grottos.

Grinding from level 1 is going to suck but at least I'll open up some new vocation/weapon based sidequests along the way!


Mank said:
I am at like, 95 hours now, and I still have so much left to do. I think I need to place some sort of goal or something on myself and then stop till, say, all the downloadable quests are out, or I'll destroy myself. I'm thinking of just going for as many quests as I can knock out right now...

I might be at that point. I think there's very little left that doesn't require a huge amount of time and effort for the relatively small reward.
someguyinahat said:
The quest didn't show up for me this morning. Are they taking a break for Christmas eve or is something else going on?

That is the only thing I can think of. I hope the delay is only one week.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
How far do you need to get into the game to do multiplayer?

Also, any tips for skill point allocation? I really want to be a boomerang-er but I have no idea how to do so.


ghibli99 said:
Had a good run last night and did several more Alchemiracles and Hoimi'd most of the rare gear from the regular and legacy grotto bosses. I think I'm going to switch back to quests for a while until those start pissing me off again. LOL

So here's a question: On my Hero, the best sword in the game (Hypernova Sword) has an Attack of 840. The Uber Falcon Blade is 686. However, do you double the Uber # to an Attack of 1372 since it hits twice? Wouldn't this make the Uber (damage-wise) the best sword in the game? Granted, the Hypernova can Sap twice in one round if you use Falcon Blade (which is great), but I was just curious. I haven't done any calculations, but when I'm Oomphed and properly Fourced, using Falcon Slash for 4 hits is capable of doing 2-3k damage per round, depending on who I'm up against and the effectiveness of said Fource. Thanks!
Mother of god.

Speaking in theory:
Yes and no. The Hypernova would be better than a Uber from a damage point of view if a enemy has a very high defence/resistence ( not sure how high that statistic can be ).
For example if a enemy has defence/resistence of 680 then with a Uber you would do only 16 points of damage ( 8 x 2 ).
However with the Hypernova you would do 160 points of damage.
If enemy's defence is low enough ( most of the cases I believe ) the Uber has the upper hand.

At least that's how I see it.


Got this for Christmas. Cute game! Really enjoying the light-hearted tone of it all.

Question: Do enemy encounters scale to party size? I added 3 guys as soon as I had the option to do so, and we got smoked by
the black knight

Of course, they were still low level and had no gear since I didn't want to invest in them until I knew if they were "keepers." :lol
Firebrand said:
Question: Do enemy encounters scale to party size? I added 3 guys as soon as I had the option to do so, and we got smoked by
the black knight

Of course, they were still low level and had no gear since I didn't want to invest in them until I knew if they were "keepers." :lol
I don't think party sizes affect enemy encounters but I'm not entirely sure. And as long as you like your other characters' looks and name, they're keepers. Everything else can be changed at some point in the game.

On another note, it seems like I'm getting the hang of avoiding Moai Ministrels and Slugly Betties. Been grinding on MKS for the past few days and I'm up to the low 70s and finally maxed out a few skills. Having the
shield scroll
really really helps against
. :D


Little Green Yoda said:
I don't think party sizes affect enemy encounters but I'm not entirely sure. And as long as you like your other characters' looks and name, they're keepers. Everything else can be changed at some point in the game.

Yeah, that's what I meant, I'm afraid I'll regret the name / faces I created so I'm holding onto my money until I'm confident they belong to Team Bobo. :lol


Depending on what kind of helmet or hat you have equipped you might not even see the faces of your comrades.

I'm pretty happy with my party. Those names I chose some 350 hours ago are surprisingly non-cringeworthy.


Dot Hacked
Booted this up the other night after having not touched it for months after finishing the story. Updated the shop thingy and saw I didn't even have enough money for a santa suit and prolly missed out on all kinds of holiday goodies ;_; Then I rummaged around for an hour doing a few grottos which was fun, the time just flew by! Really wish I had more time an less competition for this game but what can ya do. Are all of the special online shop items gonna repeat in the future an if so I need ta find a good way to make moneys without playing much!


I assume that Dqvc stuff will cycle around eventually. Aside from the month-long Christmas theme, I'm struggling to remember the other specific festivals. There was a Fall/Autumn one and I do recall a Dq3 theme. But most of the time it's just stuff from the main game.


Had a couple hundred hours in the game, told my brother he could play it cus I was done with it.

What a stupid move.

Fast forward a couple months and I got another copy and just reached Alltrades Abbey. :(
All my maps are gone. Why oh why couldn't there be more than 1 save file per cart?

This is my new game to play while waiting for my Gran Turismo Bspec driver to do his thing. I'm guessing there's a yo dawg meme here, grinding while I grind and all.

Man, I can't afford anything at the online shop :lol


So did I make a mistake in having my priest be a guy? Most mending gear in the shops (at the third town now) seems to be for girls only. Should I even have a dedicated healer? This is my first DQ game so I don't really know the game systems yet, which weapons to use etc.

And should I prioritize defense or evasion? Looking at some boots in the shop I see some have only defense, while others have only evasion.

I'd look it all up in a FAQ but I don't want any spoilers.
Firebrand said:
And should I prioritize defense or evasion? Looking at some boots in the shop I see some have only defense, while others have only evasion.

It's a personal preference but I'd say go for the evasion ones.


Oxx said:
I'm making serious progress with the remaining quests but this Critical Pratfall one is pretty annoying.

I'm almost done with non-postgame quests, aside from weapons, I suppose (still need to do Knives / Whips / Staves / Claws / Fisticuffs / Bows / Whips / Claws / Fans / Hammers / Bows), and man that's a lot of skill points I still need to max out all those. :lol I also still need to do the L40 Armamentalist (no KMS in main game) and L15 Sage (just need to go rekill that Grotto boss). Oh, and Luminary L15 would be hard in main game as well. :p

For the Crit Prat one, you can't use monsters that are immune to it, and it seems to me as though having multiple people use the skill is not helpful; as in, if they're already laughing, and the next guy Crit Prats, the quest doesn't seem to count it.

I don't know what roll deftness plays in Critical Pratfalls, but my Priest / Minstrel / Thief / Ranger has all the Deftness upgrades and she seemed to be most successful.

It's just time consuming. Best to ditch all but the person with best Deftness (unless that's your Guardian), find a single, non-threatening monster that won't run away, and just spam Pratfall. You can probably get both in one fight; I guess that quest took me 20 minutes?


A huge advantage would be to level up a non-used job to 99 and leave them there. The highest level of any job for the main character is part of the formula, so level some job you don't care about to 99 and never touch it again. :D
Oxx said:
I'm making serious progress with the remaining quests but this Critical Pratfall one is pretty annoying.

I'd recommend doing multiple of these type of quests at once if you're aren't already. I think I did the Crit Pratfall quest alongside the critical hit (martial artist?) quest. Helps speed things up a little bit.


donny2112 said:
A huge advantage would be to level up a non-used job to 99 and leave them there. The highest level of any job for the main character is part of the formula, so level some job you don't care about to 99 and never touch it again. :D
Yeah that is why I choose the minstrel. I already recovate once, but still getting crappy grotto.


Firebrand said:
So did I make a mistake in having my priest be a guy? Most mending gear in the shops (at the third town now) seems to be for girls only. Should I even have a dedicated healer?
You didn't really make a mistake, so long as you haven't spent skill points randomly, because class changing becomes available to you pretty soon into the game, at which point you can make this person into a heavy fighter or whatever job you think better suits his appearance. You can earn skill points in any job, and then spend them in any other job, so a job that you use and then get rid of pretty much has no lasting consequence (or benefit for that matter, besides the skill points you earned).

But then you might be lacking a dedicated healer. How you balance your party is up to your own playing-style preferences, but I think it's a safe bet to say that most people will always want a dedicated healer.

And ideally you will be stuck with these characters for a long time, so appearance is very important. If I were you, I'd go back to the Inn and drop off your male healer (and anyone else who doesn't click with you) before you invest too much time into him, and make a white haired little girl, or whatever you think looks better. In the long run, it won't matter that they're behind a few levels. They'll catch up in levels reasonably quick, and with class changing (which reverts people to level 1) you'll be doing a lot of catching people up anyways.

This is my first DQ game so I don't really know the game systems yet, which weapons to use etc.
Pick one unique "signature" weapon for each character (it doesn't matter much which ones you pick), and dump skill points into that weapon. Don't spread points across multiple weapons per-character. If you don't have a weapon equipped, the points spent on it are useless, and you can obviously only equip one weapon at a time. When you've spent 100 points on that weapon type, it becomes available to equip in any job class.

It's also a good idea to dump points into shields, because when you spend 100 on them, you can equip shields and get the defensive boosts while in any job.

You can spend points on the fifth options (the ones that are unique to whatever job you're in) without worry, because those abilities and stat boosts always carry over. Those "fifth option" abilities are how you carry something positive from an old job along with you.

But just remember, you can earn points in one job, and spend them in another. So you can spend days going to level 50 as a white mage, become a fighter for 30 seconds, spend all of your accumulated points, then become a warrior and have all this great agility that came from being a fighter... for about 30 seconds.

And should I prioritize defense or evasion? Looking at some boots in the shop I see some have only defense, while others have only evasion.
IMO, the defense point boosts you get from shoes are puny and will become almost insignificant when you get some better armor. But a 2% chance of dodging an attack is a 2% chance of dodging an attack, and will be so for the rest of the game. It will never get old. I'd go for evasion.


NomarTyme said:
Yeah that is why I choose the minstrel. I already recovate once, but still getting crappy grotto.

I think you missed what I said. Get a job up to Lvl. 99 and do not revocate it. Go revocate some other job, and leave that one at Lvl. 99. The current highest level for any profession of the main character is part of the fomula for what level grotto you get. Therefore, always have some job of your main character at Lvl. 99 (do not revocate it) to get higher grottoes.

ruby_onix said:
most people will always want a dedicated healer.

with both attacking but one more toward healing, as it's needed, works, too.
I Push Fat Kids said:
GF and I are going to start playing this and I bought the 448 page guide... Is it worth it?

Not particularly, no. The game itself is pretty straightforward, and everything else post-game you can probably find out online if you need to.


donny2112 said:
I think you missed what I said. Get a job up to Lvl. 99 and do not revocate it. Go revocate some other job, and leave that one at Lvl. 99. The current highest level for any profession of the main character is part of the fomula for what level grotto you get. Therefore, always have some job of your main character at Lvl. 99 (do not revocate it) to get higher grottoes.

with both attacking but one more toward healing, as it's needed, works, too.
Yeah, but don't you need you need to revocate in order to get S rank chests? I'm a little confuse.


Good gravy, the pincushion quest is pretty tough to do with my pimped-out posse.

Am I going to have to create a new character just to make this easier?


Neo Member
Can someone help me out? I'm trying to do quest #024 where you
have to scare 10 betterflies
but the problem is I can't seem to even find one. I ran around Zere for about 20 minutes, but I didn't see any. What am I doing wrong?


Firebrand said:
So did I make a mistake in having my priest be a guy? Most mending gear in the shops (at the third town now) seems to be for girls only. Should I even have a dedicated healer? This is my first DQ game so I don't really know the game systems yet, which weapons to use etc.

And should I prioritize defense or evasion? Looking at some boots in the shop I see some have only defense, while others have only evasion.

I'd look it all up in a FAQ but I don't want any spoilers.
Revocate a Minstrel and you won't have that issue with the male/female gear anymore. :)

I focused on defense, although the high evasion % of some items later in the game do help you avoid crits, which can be pretty painful depending on the situation.

For a large portion of the game, I had a warrior, martial artist, mage, and priest. That got me through the main game with no problem. By the time I stopped playing at the 250-hr mark, I was using a gladiator, martial artist, mage, and sage. Good combo that was pretty much overpowered for 95% of the postgame.
NomarTyme said:
Yeah, but don't you need you need to revocate in order to get S rank chests? I'm a little confuse.

You didn't read the rest of the instruction did you?

Keep one job at level 99, then revocate another job.


Oxx said:
Am I going to have to create a new character just to make this easier?

That's what I ended up doing. Couldn't seem to do any real damage, otherwise.

jimmyhowlett said:
I ran around Zere for about 20 minutes, but I didn't see any. What am I doing wrong?

Aren't they in the crops south of Coffinwell?

someguyinahat said:
Keep one job at level 99, then revocate another job.

Yes. :)

NomarTyme said:
don't you need you need to revocate in order to get S rank chests?

Revocating adds a little to the formula that determines how high a grotto (in level, boss, monsters, and maybe chests(?)) you get. However, keeping one unused job at level 99 for your main character is worth as much as 20 revocations in that same formula, and you can only use 10 revocations toward the formula, anyways. :D

Revocating doesn't directly affect chests gotten to my knowledge.

Formula: Hero's Maximum Vocation Level + 5*Hero's Maximum Revocation + Level of Previous Grotto => Maximum possible is 248 +/- 10%. Highest grottos are 221 and up.



Thanks for the suggestions above.

I decided to dump minstrel at level 16 and make my main guy a warrior. So now I have the original line-up of warrior, (female) mage, thief and (male) priest. Right now my priest is doing the spear thing with a few skill points in it, so he can stab people for a little bit of damage when he's not busy healing. Maybe he can be a paladin/cleric or something eventually? The enemies do plenty of damage where I'm at now so I don't want to have too many squishy people in the group.

I did dump 4 skill points into the minstrel abilities (Hot Lick) to see what it was, have I ruined my game file? :lol Is there any way to reset skill points for a fee? I also got the quest to raise tension on someone with the Dragon Slash sword skill, but my main character is the only one with both Egg On and Dragon Slash...

It annoys me that the game (like most other JRPGs) doesn't have a thorough explanation of game mechanics before you make decisions about your characters. :/ The manual is pretty much useless.

But yeah. It's an addictive little game. I find myself flipping open the DS and grinding a little bit way too often.


Wait, didn't someone say that there weren't any quests/guests Christmas week? I just logged-on for the first time in a while and I have new stuff and it's now the handwear festival.

They don't usually update this early, do they?

Regardless of whether or not I'm confused or insane, this is the first time I have spoken to my beautiful
in the inn.

And there were 3 gloves I got that were new as well! And the new quest is a story one too! I picked a good day to start playing again.

donny2112 said:
That's what I ended up doing. Couldn't seem to do any real damage, otherwise.

I managed to struggle through all 3 with a naked bunch of level 10s using Hot Lick to deliberately lower HP and Double Up to increase the amount of damage dealt to my party.


Firebrand said:
I decided to dump minstrel at level 16 and make my main guy a warrior. So now I have the original line-up of warrior, (female) mage, thief and (male) priest. Right now my priest is doing the spear thing with a few skill points in it, so he can stab people for a little bit of damage when he's not busy healing. Maybe he can be a paladin/cleric or something eventually? The enemies do plenty of damage where I'm at now so I don't want to have too many squishy people in the group.

I did dump 4 skill points into the minstrel abilities (Hot Lick) to see what it was, have I ruined my game file? :lol Is there any way to reset skill points for a fee? I also got the quest to raise tension on someone with the Dragon Slash sword skill, but my main character is the only one with both Egg On and Dragon Slash...
You can't really go wrong with spending points on job abilities and stat-boosts. Like if you have a stereotypical dumb, slow, warrior, you can give him extra strength or brains or speed or a little bit of everything, and there is no wrong answer. Just opinion and maybe a potential for strategy. It's spending the points on weapons you'll never use that you have to watch out for. And even then, a few wasted points won't kill you.

If you want to avoid squishy people, spend 10 points on your thief so he learns the steal command (it's called half inch) and then switch his job to something else. Thief isn't a very useful job in a fight.

For the dragon slashing quest, spend 16 points on your hero's martial artist ability and he can learn to increase his own tension. You should teach that skill to pretty much any of your frontline fighter-types.

funkmastergeneral said:
Should I have a party with me at all times? I just defeated the wight knight and don't know if I should keep these people with me or not.
Would you like the game to be significantly harder? That'd be the only reason to go solo. Unless you're playing multiplayer and need to make room in your party for some friends.
ruby_onix said:
Would you like the game to be significantly harder? That'd be the only reason to go solo. Unless you're playing multiplayer and need to make room in your party for some friends.

Well partying was never explained in game. In fact I went to the wight knight twice and got obliterated solo until i found out i could form a party.


funkmastergeneral said:
Well partying was never explained in game. In fact I went to the wight knight twice and got obliterated solo until i found out i could form a party.
That happened to a lot of people. Don't worry, there's never any reason not to have them. They just make things easier. Unless you're specifically looking for challenge, take them along with you.


And now I have finally completed all the main-game quests (and all the dlc ones so far).

Good to see a few of the completion percentages shoot up a bit, but that wardrobe completion seems as far away as ever.


Oxx said:
And now I have finally completed all the main-game quests (and all the dlc ones so far).
Nice! That's quite the feat, actually. I'll keep doing the story quests, though. I'm playing the first Golden Sun at the moment, and in a month, it's DQ6, so not sure how much time I'll be able to devote to DQ9 anymore. I also bought my wife a 4G iPod Touch, and that thing's been a huge time-sink! I have been checking DQVC regularly though, since it only takes a minute.


Ha, I got an iPod touch too and it made me spend even more time with DQ. Having maps, faqs and my own notes always at hand has made things a lot easier.

Not really sure what to do now, really. I could go back to some of the legacy bosses now that I have better equipment. I don't think I have any of the super-rare weapons yet. They're found in grotto chests, right?

I should probably just start Golden Sun 3.


At least all those skills and abilities I accrued from all those quests might actually help me against the legacy bosses once they get tough.

Twocus Pocus and having Fource bonuses for the entire party are pretty sweet... until you get hit with disruptive wave every single turn.


Oxx said:
until you get hit with disruptive wave every single turn.

I could handle three turn Legacy Bosses, if it wasn't for that. I wish they had done an ability that would make the party immune to that. :(


donny2112 said:
I could handle three turn Legacy Bosses, if it wasn't for that. I wish they had done an ability that would make the party immune to that. :(
That would be too easy then! Also I finally got a MKS map!


someguyinahat said:
I can't wait to hear what your end-game accolade was. Mine was "Monster Masher" and I didn't put in nearly the grinding you have.

I think I have an answer to your question.

On learning that there were multiple accolades on beating the game, I went for all of them.

I have since learned that you only get one, and there is a tier.

There is only one more accolade I could qualify for, it is Cartographer, it requires 30 grottoes completed, and I have completed 28. If I understand correctly, it is impossible for me to get Cartographer anyway because again, you only get one.

I am on hour 146 of play.

If I go to 150 hours, I will get Easy Rider as my accolade, as the time-sensitive-accolades seem to be in a higher tier than the others I qualify for. If I hurry up and just go beat the boss already, I will instead get Exterminator, which one gains for killing 1500 monsters, something I did ages ago.

The best / hardest to get accolade, therefore, would have to be the one for beating the game quickly. In retrospect, I should have done this one. Oh well. :lol


The orbs are the only thing I should really be concerned about getting multiples of from legacy bosses, right?

I finally got the Midenhall garb after about 25 attempts and I decided to keep leveling Malroth even though he doesn't drop it again until an extremely high level.


Hmm. I've might made a boo-boo with my Bobo.

So only after dumping tons of points into Swords and Courage on my main character do I realize maybe another character should have been the main damage dealer so I could utilize Egg On. I still have Psyche Up, but using only that it takes 4 turns to get to 100 tension. How important is tension?

Also, is the Courage tree worth pursuing? I got 28 points in it so I could get the taunt ability (Whistle) to make my main guy a tank, but the success rate is fairly low (33% or so?) so it's a lot of rounds wasted.

I haven't really had any problem beating the last few bosses though (just reached
the desert and Gleeba
), so I guess I should just suck it up and realize my first (and likely only) playthrough isn't gonna be 100% ideal.
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