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Dragon Quest 9 |OT| Last chance* to shine


I only ever used Tension in the sub-quests that required its use.

If you grind enough to have points to throw around, all the skill trees that boost your base stats are worth a squirt.


Firebrand said:
Hmm. I've might made a boo-boo with my Bobo.

So only after dumping tons of points into Swords and Courage on my main character do I realize maybe another character should have been the main damage dealer so I could utilize Egg On. I still have Psyche Up, but using only that it takes 4 turns to get to 100 tension. How important is tension?
It's good, but so far not as key as it was in DQVIII I feel.

In retrospect I probably would have made my main a Priest/Minstrel/Sage instead of a Warrior / Paladin / Gladiator because then I would just Egg-On on the other guy.

I do often use my Guardian (main character) to Egg-on my second front-line character, though only when I'm going for a full tension, Oomph-boosted, enemy double-Sap Uber Falcon Blade + Falcon Slash on said Warrior / Gladiator / Martial Artist. A great way to nearly one shot some tough Grotto bosses if you can keep your HP up and avoid Disruptive Waves.

I did what you did, actually. Swords, Courage, then Shields... then I went Focus (Martial Artist) on all characters for Agility...

Also, is the Courage tree worth pursuing? I got 28 points in it so I could get the taunt ability (Whistle) to make my main guy a tank, but the success rate is fairly low (33% or so?) so it's a lot of rounds wasted.

Courage is fantastic for the HP, Str, and Res boosts. I have it on all four characters up to 90 points.

I haven't really had any problem beating the last few bosses though (just reached
the desert and Gleeba
), so I guess I should just suck it up and realize my first (and likely only) playthrough isn't gonna be 100% ideal.

You don't really need to min-max for this game, and I say that having done so to an extreme degree.

That said, I have heard that you will need to min-max like crazy for the late Grotto and Legacy Bosses, so I'm doing well in that regard...

Oxx said:
I only ever used Tension in the sub-quests that required its use.

If you grind enough to have points to throw around, all the skill trees that boost your base stats are worth a squirt.

There are other quests where it is helpful, too. Killing Atlas with Zam is not so hard when you can pump out a 900 damage Zam. :lol


Confirmed; I got Exterminator and nothing else. Kind of boring really, since I qualified for all of the other ones, some of which were much harder / more time consuming to achieve.


It's amazing how legacy boss battles go from routine to desperate scrambles for survival as soon as they can move three times a turn.

I think I got pretty unlucky when he hit Disruptive Wave in each of the first two rounds. There was no coming back from that.


From a game design perspective, though, you've got to appreciate it. Letting a single gaming boss-figure have more than one action in a row is very good way to ramp up difficulty in games with large numbers of PCs. 4 on 1 with all getting one action means that the 1 guy with one action has to be able to, in that turn, do more harm to the other team than 3 of the other team can compensate for (otherwise it's basically a 1 v 0 fight), and that can get very swingy. Things usually get too easy at this point, because the frowned-upon alternative tends to be one-shot killing your heroes.

DQ and D&D have gotten away from that though, and it's a good thing. Dragons swinging their tail as a reaction when you approach while biting, clawing, and / or breathing fire provides a scenario that is a lot more interesting / complicated / fun, and can be difficult without being swingy.


Way too many bosses in DQIX attack twice in the same turn. In previous games this was mostly reserved to final bosses.

Along with the prevalence of dispelling wave, it has made DQIX more repetitive than previous games.


So far I have no complaints about Dispelling Wave being used more liberally; you could really bring down the difficulty curve in previous games with buffs. You still can do so in this game for most bosses, but the high-end stuff is less forgiving of those tactics and requires you to bring more power to the table pre-buffs.


I would probably be less annoyed about getting killed by legacy bosses if the process of warping-out and opening/closing grotto maps wasn't quite so annoyingly fiddly.

It's the little interface things that are depressing me most after hundreds of hours. Why does it take so long to deposit/withdraw money!? Why does it take seven button presses to get on the sky train!?


ya know...247 hours in and i had no idea there was a bank in the game(where is it?!?!?!)

also, this 90% monster completion is staring me in the face...i'm beginning to think i'll NEEEEEEEEVER see 100% monster/wardrobe completion


Just on the right as you enter the Quester's Rest.

I think the maximum % for the monsters is 98% at the moment until they feature some of the remaining bosses in the DLC.

It wasn't much of a chore to complete most of the monster list, but I had to chase up the last few.

Item, wardrobe, and alchemy completion? That's going to be tougher.


Oxx said:
I would probably be less annoyed about getting killed by legacy bosses if the process of warping-out and opening/closing grotto maps wasn't quite so annoyingly fiddly.

It's the little interface things that are depressing me most after hundreds of hours. Why does it take so long to deposit/withdraw money!? Why does it take seven button presses to get on the sky train!?

My biggest issue with the game. It's terrible they don't have message speed controls. The train should work like the flying vehicles in every other DQ game - it should be on the map rather than an item in the menu. It could be both, but it should at least be on the map. Ugh.

Oxx said:
Just on the right as you enter the Quester's Rest.

Item, wardrobe, and alchemy completion? That's going to be tougher.

You're actually going to try completing items and wardrobe? Why punish yourself :lol


Re interfaces: I found myself wishing the alchenomicon, monster list, and map were all densely hyperlinked, so I could tap a missing ingredient and be shown what monster drops it, then where. Bonus points for giving Stella a chance to autopilot me there. :lol That would have been pretty sweet.

I may actually be dusting this off for multi again soon. I've been playing Rune Factory 3 with one of the guys I met at our local meetups; we're done with that now, and he suggested picking up DQIX again... truly the game that keeps on giving. :D


WTF!? After beating up on Dhoulmagus all morning he has suddenly become unstoppable. 3 wipe-outs in a row now.

It's amazing how superstitious you get when things go to shit. "Since I turned the sound on he has kicked my ass, better go back to silence".


At this point nothing matters more than getting a grotto with King Metals. I ran into one so far as an add in Tower of Nod, but I can't seem to get a grotto with enough floors and good enough starting monsters to get me to KMS grinding.


JayDubya said:
At this point nothing matters more than getting a grotto with King Metals. I ran into one so far as an add in Tower of Nod, but I can't seem to get a grotto with enough floors and good enough starting monsters to get me to KMS grinding.

If you can extract your save off your game card somehow and send it my way via e-mail, I can tag you one of the legendary maps over, and you can write the new save back. I do it between two copies of the game, so it's as legit as it gets.

PM me if interested; it'll probably be at least Friday before I can get to it.


*Throws toys out of the pram*

Fuck you, Dhoulmagus! No, you can not have the experience points from this battle.

This is just karma for that stretch of 8 fights where he didn't use Disruptive Wave at all.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
So are there actually accolades for being wiped out? I'm getting sick of Stella accusing me of cheating for never having been wiped out in my total 265 hours of play. I'm rather depressed about how the accolade for game completion works though, it being based on your completion time. The new row that appears in the battle records is rather confusing though. I think it's called "1st completion record" or something like that, so that almost makes it sound like you should be able to start a New Game + or something. I know that if you could restart the main quest while keeping all your other records intact (like hell I'd redo some of those side quests) I'd be perfectly happy to do that just to get a faster completion time.


I got an accolade for ten deaths.

And I managed to get the Zenithian clothes from Dhoul @ level 70, so I can forget about him now.


zigg said:
If you can extract your save off your game card somehow and send it my way via e-mail, I can tag you one of the legendary maps over, and you can write the new save back. I do it between two copies of the game, so it's as legit as it gets.

PM me if interested; it'll probably be at least Friday before I can get to it.

I don't actually have a flash card or experience with any of that, though I was considering doing that to get the 30 tags.

Billychu said:
I just spent $90 on Amazon buying DS games and got this. Any good advice on what classes to focus on?

You kind of want to get the passive boosts from all of them along with a few weapon skills and perhaps Shield 100 on most. Focus on roles, because you won't have enough skill points to go around.

Honestly, Gladiator seems to be paramount. Priest and Mage are also fairly important, though when you get Sage some people will make their Priest into a Sage and others made their Mage into a Sage.


I just had my first ever Co-op-de-grace. And at a moment of need in a legacy boss battle too.

Awesome scenes.


Just when I think I'm done with this game, I read through all the new posts, and the thirst comes back. LOL Maybe I'll hit quests again. I think I completely burnt myself out on the Hoimi/Kawasaki/Alchemiracle stuff before the holidays, but the time away from the game has helped. Golden Sun (the original) hasn't really been holding my interest, and with DQ6 a little more than 5 weeks away, this should help keep me in the DQ spirit until then.


Oxx said:
I just had my first ever Co-op-de-grace. And at a moment of need in a legacy boss battle too.

Awesome scenes.

I'm quite planning on using that Paladin / Priest Co-op-de-grace in Legacy Boss sistuations; I just need to figure out how to trigger them more reliably.
My build for Grotto bosses and Legacy bosses usually

Sage-For Kazing and heal support, extra damage with the spells
Priest-support and omniheal
Gladiator-main damage dealer. Psyche up and hope the enemy doesnt use disrupting wave before I reach 100. buff with oomph and Falcon slash with uber Falcon Blade.
Paladin-I use the skill where all attacks are taken by the Paladin. Equipped with best armor I have(Mostly Metal King Slime gear) and the item that prevents you from getting hit by Crits. Also buffed with the spell that reflects magic.

Not invincible but works well for me.

I've noticed that the less team members you have buffing skills/magic on the less often disrupting wave is used.


Everyone has a gladiator but me. I'm too far down my current path to turn back now. And I promised myself that my level-grinding days were over.

My legacy boss system is a mess of compromises and buffs that takes a few turns to set-up, but is working well so far...

Armamentalist - Oomph + Uber Falcon blade slash
Paladin - Kerplunk + Uber falcon blade slash
Sage - Twocus Pocus + Anti-critical + healing, buffing, kazammle
Ranger - Fource buff entire party + wolf whistle.
I just picked up multiple Murdaw maps in consecutive fights. Any need to keep both? I know certain items only drop at lower levels but as long as I get one of each before leveling the boss beyond the threshold, I should be good, right?


New quests and guest. And DQVC-exclusive items in the shop.

Edit: I just realised that the people that work in the inn are called 'Patty and Selma'. *Facepalm*


Little Green Yoda said:
I just picked up multiple Murdaw maps in consecutive fights. Any need to keep both? I know certain items only drop at lower levels but as long as I get one of each before leveling the boss beyond the threshold, I should be good, right?
Yep. If you decide to Hoimi orbs later, though, having low-level legacy boss maps will save you a lot of time, so for me, it'd be worth keeping.


Just managed my first Alchemiracle!

I think I might have found a good place to stop. I've completed the costumes for the DQ 4 and 5 heroes and I'm content.

I'll still start the day by checking DQVC and collecting materials, though.
ghibli99 said:
Yep. If you decide to Hoimi orbs later, though, having low-level legacy boss maps will save you a lot of time, so for me, it'd be worth keeping.
Alright, thanks. I'll probably leave the Hoimi stuff (essentially RNG abuse for rare items, right?) alone until I get sick of grinding for rare alchemy materials. Fighting and leveling the legacy bosses is still pretty fun unlike level grinding against metal slimes. The level 50-99 stretch is pretty lousy when it comes to acquiring skill points, especially compared to the level 20-50 range.

Just unlocked
so I'll probably start a brand new team once I get my current team revocated.


Little Green Yoda said:
Alright, thanks. I'll probably leave the Hoimi stuff (essentially RNG abuse for rare items, right?) alone until I get sick of grinding for rare alchemy materials. Fighting and leveling the legacy bosses is still pretty fun unlike level grinding against metal slimes. The level 50-99 stretch is pretty lousy when it comes to acquiring skill points, especially compared to the level 20-50 range.
Sounds good! Yeah, I just got to a point in the game where the time investment wasn't worth the weak % returns. I still screwed up a lot on timing and counting, so the process isn't foolproof... it will save you potentially days/weeks of frustration/repetition, however.


A'right. Finally got a map with Moai Minstrels, got the Luminary class, did its L15 quest, and working on getting to L40 for those skill points.

Besides that, I guess I need to use "Slime Hill" and get to L65-L70 or something in Paladin if I'm ever going to get a metal slime grotto. In retrospect, didn't know Grottoes worked like this or I would have focused on grinding the main character's level in a faster advancing vocation.


JayDubya said:
A'right. Finally got a map with Moai Minstrels, got the Luminary class, did its L15 quest, and working on getting to L40 for those skill points.

Besides that, I guess I need to use "Slime Hill" and get to L65-L70 or something in Paladin if I'm ever going to get a metal slime grotto. In retrospect, didn't know Grottoes worked like this or I would have focused on grinding the main character's level in a faster advancing vocation.

i revocated from minstrel(never reached max) to warrior(maxed out 99) and i was getting mks maps before i even reached level 50 in warrior; not sure what the exact stipulations are for getting certain maps/certain monsters in them...maybe i'm just lucky but i haven't ran into any of the problems other people have with not finding certain monsters :/

not-so-ninja-edit: to be fair, i have like 250 hours in the game now so i do a lot of runs through grottoes :/
JayDubya said:
A'right. Finally got a map with Moai Minstrels, got the Luminary class, did its L15 quest, and working on getting to L40 for those skill points.

Besides that, I guess I need to use "Slime Hill" and get to L65-L70 or something in Paladin if I'm ever going to get a metal slime grotto. In retrospect, didn't know Grottoes worked like this or I would have focused on grinding the main character's level in a faster advancing vocation.
Good luck on the Lvl 40 Luminary quest. Most annoying quest I've completed so far.

Axis said:
i revocated from minstrel(never reached max) to warrior(maxed out 99) and i was getting mks maps before i even reached level 50 in warrior; not sure what the exact stipulations are for getting certain maps/certain monsters in them...maybe i'm just lucky but i haven't ran into any of the problems other people have with not finding certain monsters :/
AFAIK it's just a matter of using high level maps and a high level MC to get the best base quality grottos and hope for the best. :D


Little Green Yoda said:
AFAIK it's just a matter of using high level maps and a high level MC to get the best base quality grottos and hope for the best. :D

i'd feel so much better if i could find wrecks or fowleye at the bottom of one of my 60+ maps :(


Damn Lava lumps. I wonder how many hours have been dedicated trying to get those. The lava lump spawn west of Alltrades gives me a single one on a very rare occasion, rest of them I'm stealing from the Admirers beneath Gleeba. Steal success rates are a bit obnoxious in this game, no matter how much deftness I have.


Firebrand said:
Damn Lava lumps. I wonder how many hours have been dedicated trying to get those. The lava lump spawn west of Alltrades gives me a single one on a very rare occasion, rest of them I'm stealing from the Admirers beneath Gleeba. Steal success rates are a bit obnoxious in this game, no matter how much deftness I have.

what are these good for? i have like 42 of them D:

i've found live lava's are the best way to get them IMO


They're used in a bunch of fire-related recipes, Hephaestus' Flame is one. Wanted a bunch when I was making iron->steel gear, but had to settle for just the sword, helmet and shield. Now I wanted to make an Infernal Blade and Combusticlaws, and so the hunt for lava lumps began anew!


Firebrand said:
They're used in a bunch of fire-related recipes, Hephaestus' Flame is one. Wanted a bunch when I was making iron->steel gear, but had to settle for just the sword, helmet and shield. Now I wanted to make an Infernal Blade and Combusticlaws, and so the hunt for lava lumps began anew!

live lava's in the realm of the almighty or w/e and some grottoes are your best bet. if i could transfer you some i would D:


Ok time to revocate my main

I am torn between Gladiator and Martial Artist for the main.
Probably keeping my priest a priest and making my theif a sage, not then I will run Paladin, Sage, Priest and then whatever I make my main.
Any input would be awesome.


Hex said:
Ok time to revocate my main

I am torn between Gladiator and Martial Artist for the main.
Probably keeping my priest a priest and making my theif a sage, not then I will run Paladin, Sage, Priest and then whatever I make my main.
Any input would be awesome.

i'd recommend gladiator...really good skillset. maybe go warrior to paladin(for their +resil, stregnth, HP) then to gladiator, possibly?
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