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Dragon Quest 9 |OT| Last chance* to shine

DidntKnowJack said:
So my main character is level 20 and I just reached
Alltrades Abbey.
So far the game has been a cakewalk. I'm wondering if I'm actually grinding too much, if there's such a thing.
You are a scosh high, but not crazily so. I'm about level 16 at the same spot.
Slime said:
Speaking of those events, will I really be missing out if I don't go? I want all the treasure maps I can get, but if it's something that'll be made available in a DLC quest at a later date, I think I might hold off. Mainly because I'm really effing tired, and the closest store is kind of far away.
Anyone know the answer to this question? I believe GameStop is giving out the Zoma map, so is this map available in-game through DLC later on or something? The closest GameStop event is a 30 minute drive, so I am not sure it will be worth it.


Easystride said:
Anyone know the answer to this question? I believe GameStop is giving out the Zuma map, so is this map available in-game through DLC later on or something? The closest GameStop event is a 30 minute drive, so I am not sure it will be worth it.
So far, the promotions have mentioned that the maps will be available at these events first, not exclusively. But who knows how else they'll become available.
So I'm at Swinedimples, and all my main characters were about level 25 and getting pretty badly destroyed by the boss, so what I decided to do was go complete the new Classes quests. I also then decided to switch three of my four characters to one of the new classes, and I think I kind of broke the game, against me. But I'll get back to that.

So I then I proceeded as planned to scour every corner of the map, looking for secrets and Alchemy ingredients. My biggest problem, however, is that there are hardly any weapons available for my new Character classes yet. I think I'm going to keep my Gladiator, but for now, at least, I'll be switching all my other characters (hovering around level 15 in their new classes) back to their old jobs, and see, with the slightly better equipment I've gotten from Alchemy, if I can take down the boss now.

Question though: Does anybody know what the pattern is for getting the alchemy ingredients to respawn on the map? Does it take a day? Multiple boot ups? What's the rule here? It seems as if I can never get enough Iron Ore, as well as Iron weapons.


vagabondarts said:
going to the union city event south of atlanta today. anyone else going?
I know theres a few atl-gaffers so just throwin it out there.

I'm going to the one at the Chamblee-Tucker Gamestop in ATL. There's one south of Atlanta too?


Mr. Wonderful said:
So I'm at Swinedimples, and all my main characters were about level 25 and getting pretty badly destroyed by the boss, so what I decided to do was go complete the new Classes quests. I also then decided to switch three of my four characters to one of the new classes, and I think I kind of broke the game, against me. But I'll get back to that.

So I then I proceeded as planned to scour every corner of the map, looking for secrets and Alchemy ingredients. My biggest problem, however, is that there are hardly any weapons available for my new Character classes yet. I think I'm going to keep my Gladiator, but for now, at least, I'll be switching all my other characters (hovering around level 15 in their new classes) back to their old jobs, and see, with the slightly better equipment I've gotten from Alchemy, if I can take down the boss now.

Question though: Does anybody know what the pattern is for getting the alchemy ingredients to respawn on the map? Does it take a day? Multiple boot ups? What's the rule here? It seems as if I can never get enough Iron Ore, as well as Iron weapons.

Did you do Gleeba and Batsureag before Swinedimples? Swinedimples is noticeably harder if you skipped either or both of those areas. I did Swinedimples before Batsureag and when I finally got to B-town, it was laughably easy.


botticus said:
So far, the promotions have mentioned that the maps will be available at these events first, not exclusively. But who knows how else they'll become available.
I was under the impression that you can only get these maps from these events, or through tag mode from someone who has completed the map. Maybe that's what they meant by "first", since you can get it through tag mode.

I don't think you can get treasure maps through dqvc, right? I have extra quests (that I can't access yet), but I've never downloaded a treasure map.
Chairhome said:
I was under the impression that you can only get these maps from these events, or through tag mode from someone who has completed the map. Maybe that's what they meant by "first", since you can get it through tag mode.

I don't think you can get treasure maps through dqvc, right? I have extra quests (that I can't access yet), but I've never downloaded a treasure map.
I found a good post on Woodus forums explaining the event maps:
Quest 62 --> Baramos --> Murdaw --> Dhoulmagus

Greygnarl (Grotto) --> Dragonlord --> Psaro --> Nimzo

Quest 151 --> Malroth
Simon Malls Event --> Malroth

Quest 152 --> Estark
Best Buy Event --> Estark

Quest 158 --> Mortamor

Quest 167 --> Zoma
Gamestop Event --> Zoma

Quest 176 --> Orgodemir

Quest 179 --> Rhapthorne

Quest 184 --> Nokturnus
So, yes, you can get the event maps later if you can't make it to the events.


Found something interesting with the first paladin quest where you have to use pincushion to defeat infernal armors. I had the 'Warrior's Workbook' that I get from quest 92 on one of my guys. The workbook will sometimes have your character perform an automatic counter if attacked.

I had just cast pincushion on that character when the infernal armor attacked - and I got the message about the automatic counter which dealt 50HP of damage killing it. I initially thought that that screwed up the quest, but it somehow ended up counting anyway.

Not a guaranteed thing, but handy to have on you when doing the quest just the same.
Just got back from a Gamestop event in Kansas City. It started at 1:00, but I went in at about 2:00 thinking there would be more people if I gave it a little time. That was a mistake, as the guys there told me that there were about 30 people there right at 1:00! They also had t-shirts that they had been giving away that I just missed out on. They still had some posters left, though, and gave me one. There were probably about 10 people left standing around, so I got all of them, including the official NOA tag. I haven't had a chance to see what I got yet (and sadly won't until late tonight), but one of the guys there said he gave me a "level 92" map!

You can actually only tag three people at once. After that, you have to back out, walk out of (and back into) the inn, and go back into tag mode again.

It was great, I'm really glad I went! Next Saturday, the Best Buy near my house is doing one, too. I'll definitely go.


I just got back from the Gamestop event as well.

Here's the deal with the special map:

You walk in to the grotto and it's just a boss, Zoma from Dragon Quest III. I'm still pretty early in the game so my party ranges from about level 15 to 19. He was hitting me for 325-350, two attacks per turn. Needless to say, one shot.

They weren't giving out t-shirts at the Gamestop by my house! I even asked if they had extras because the employees were all wearing them, and they told me they were only sent enough for the people working that day. I did get a poster and some stickers.

I hung out from around 1:15 until 2 PM. I managed to tag six people, bringing me to nine total including the three guys at my work that play. It was enough to open up an extra part of the inn. I would have tagged seven there, but I was unaware of the three at a time limit until it was too late.

Best Buy is having a similar event next weekend and giving away a different map, so I'll probably head out there and try to tag some more people as well.


I just came back from my GS event. I should've asked if there were shirts or posters :-(. I think I only tagged the special guest and one other guy. I didn't know about the three at a time limit, and I had brought my brothers' ds systems to get them the map too, so I tagged them on mine... oh well. Just saw my brother try the special map. Its not even a dungeon, you walk straight in and fight the boss
Zoma from DQ IV, I think. (EDIT: oops, III) I think its cool that the special maps are old bosses

Wow. My brother got destroyed by the boss, he gets like 4 attacks per turn, haha. Nintendo is cruel.


About doing the Gladiator quest, it doesn't have to be metal slimes, just normal slimes.

When I did the Gladiator quest I went back to the starting areas and put the slimes to sleep or used War Cry on them to stop them from running while I powered up. (I think it was the Gladiator quest anyway...) If you are too high level to do some quests and the enemies run before you can kill them that seems like a generally effective strategy to use.
Since I wasn't able to go to the GS event, (the nearest one was 1.5+ hours away) I thought I'd go to the mall again and to my local GS (which of course was not participating) to see if I could at least get some tags.

I came home with a grand total of 0.

Just went up against the final boss for the first time, a secret trip: put an anti-status effect ring on your priest.

Battle was simple despite having a thief in my party the whole game, that's until he put my priest to sleep and obliterated my party with dark blast. Then thanks to the stellar design of the game I need to go all the way back up this huge arsed dungeon.

The game's still terrible in regards to design in places in my own decision: No readable world map, no description of skills as you level (I seriously would not have a thief in my party if I knew how terrible the skills were off the bat), poorly placed saved points (ones before boss rushes would be nice), no marker for head to next of your quest (I managed to skip past 2 Yggdrasil fruits because I wasn't paying attention to the npc dialogue as well as other mishaps throughout the game, I'd cover people not realizing you need to make your part in this area), the menus should be interlinked for easier item hunting and give me a clear turn order because agility stats clearly aren't the only factor in determining who moves when.

There's lots I really like about the game but given it was an attempt to modernise the series so it would appeal to a western audience they sure did manage to skip past some pretty obvious basics.


Had my gf take my game up to gamestop along with hers since I am stuck at work.
She said there were some people, not alot but more than a few.
Got come posters and stickers and one medium shirt (won't fit either of us but what the hell) and she said said everyone was really cool and we ended up with alot of maps.
(When she texted me someone was hurrying up to beat another so that we could have it :lol ).

Sucks that I will have to miss the Best Buy one too, but sounds like it was stress free and fun for her.


Just got back from the DQ event from Cartersville, Ga and managed to snag a poster, sticker sheet and a T-shirt! I also got 12 tag hits from the folks there which opened up the 2nd floor of my Inn and made Erin pretty happy also. The T-shirts are especially cool with the little slime on the front and the DQ9 logo on the back and I feel fortunate to have been able to land one.

It was a nifty little event even though I won't have a chance at beating the boss of that treasure map for awhile. I just opened up Alltrades Abby and did some vocation changing and will probably be doing a bit of grinding for skillpoints before I advance the story much farther. Now I just need to decide which classes I want to switch to next. I'm doing mage on my main til I hit wizard ward and I switched my martial artist to thief til he gets the stealing skill. After that I have no idea what I'm going to do. Any recommendations for other useful class skills?
Just got back from the GameStop event in Roseville, MN. I got 40 tags within the first half hour or so, and now I won't even need to go to the Best Buy event. This really surprised me as I was expecting to get around 15 tags. Also, at 21 years old, I was actually one of the youngest ones there aside from some elementary-aged kids. All-in-all, I was very surprised by the turnout, and I think Dragon Quest IX will do pretty well if the turnout was any indication of overall sales.
Picked up a nice DQIX poster, and set of stickers, but I was about a minute late for the shirt.


Neo Member
Just got back from the Gamestop event up here in Canada.

I tagged 25 people (though there were more) and got about 20 or so unique maps, we also did tag mode multiplayer and tried to take out the boss from the map that was given away, resulting in getting killed until someone with a Lv 99 paladin joined us. Lots of team players, I noticed a lot of people were Paladins lol. People would buff, revive, use kerplunk if needed, it was a lot of fun.

Prizes were a midnight blue DSI XL, which went to a girl and 4 slime t-shirts, along with the stand used to advertise the game. This game really is something else when you play multiplayer.
I went to the gamestop event in union city, there werent very many people there but I stuck around for about 40 minutes and got 5 tags. There were only two shirts there, and got claimed, but I did get a poster and some stickers (woot) apparently there would have been more there but the nintendo rep didn't show up.

Soooooo, I expect more people will turn out to the bestbuy thing which I definitely will be attending. I was surprised that they were hosting it at union city since the area is kind of going downhill.

I'm jealous of those of you that got like 20+ tags and hung out with cool dragon quest players. There was nothing like that where I went... It was weak.

LESSON LEARNED! Sticking closer to Atlanta next time haha


RoboManus said:
Just got back from the Gamestop event up here in Canada.

They were going on in Canada................nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Edit: Just checked the participating stores list and they're nowhere near me. Now I feel a little better.


I hope NOE partners with Game or someone to do something similar in England.

It would be the only way I would ever get any tags.


Apparently we each ended up with 30 tags each and a ton of maps, these events are fantastic

Edit: map count from the event is 16 new plus a few dupes.
I went to the event in Dallas, TX. Earned my first two tags - three if you count NoA. I didn't ask about t-shirts or posters. The map boss kicked my ass. I was expecting him to start out at the same level as
. It was a pleasant surprise.


I missed the event today, largely because it was an hour away and I had no other reason to go to the city. Hearing all these success stories makes me a bit disappointed I didn't go, but I also don't think I would've had as much luck in my area anyway.


Death Prophet
Nayishiki said:
Just got back from the EB Games event. Got 31 tags. Won a Slime Shirt and a DSi XL.
Nice! Wish I would have gone, but it wasn't very close to me. :( How did you win the prizes?

EDIT: Also, any way to check online what Best Buys are participating next week?


Neo Member
I got a slime shirt from the raffle but it's size XL, and it doesn't even fit me :(

Currently going through the maps people were sharing though, there's a lvl 86 one here!
Just left the event at Oakridge (Vancouver). Good turnout at the start - I picked up 13 inn-izens, but bottomed out within a half hour. I'm in the XL draw and got a t-shirt, though.


Registered User
Two questions real quick:

1) If a party member dies in battle, do they get less experience?

2) If no, then why are the levels of EXP for each member varying so much?


Oli said:
Two questions real quick:

1) If a party member dies in battle, do they get less experience?

2) If no, then why are the levels of EXP for each member varying so much?

1) Yes, at least I think so.
2) I've seen in the guide something about how some jobs require more xp than others, I don't know if that's related to your question.


Oli said:
The amount of EXP.

My levels are in the 13-11 range at the moment.

Yeah I was talking about levels as they do change the amount of exp.

Also, different classes do require more or less exp as Fewr said.


I think the amount of XP received is somewhat related to level so the vocation system can't be exploited too much.

And it ensures that low-level characters keep up with higher ones at a fair pace.


Registered User
Well I'm gonna redo this boss, because my mage has died before and keeps falling behind on EXP.

It kinda ticks me off that I can't revive a dead member mid-battle yet.


Oxx said:
I think the amount of XP received is somewhat related to level so the vocation system can't be exploited too much.

And it ensures that low-level characters keep up with higher ones at a fair pace.

It is so you can not take a level 1 to a metal slime and get full xp (though you still get a ton)


I like the xp system by the way.

I also like how when you drop off allies at the inn then get them back, they are auto equipped with what they had when you left them. This also happens when changing jobs.
Hex said:
It is so you can not take a level 1 to a metal slime and get full xp (though you still get a ton)

No, but you can take a level 1 to a liquid metal slime and get to level 10. :D

Lost Fragment said:
Is it just my imagination, or is the Bowhole better than Slime Hill?

I think so, if only because the LMS show up more frequently down there.


Got 12 tags, a poster, some stickers, and some MP action. Pretty fun. Also became jealous of DSi XL owners, because the game looked really nice on those bigger screens. :D
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