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Dragon Quest Community Thread: Come in! Would you like a Puff-Puff?


I'm excited by this because VII comes after VI, I'm interested to see you blow through that one in a couple of days as well! Reach for the stars!

I didn't really plan to play 7, or at least I'd play it last, since I just played it last year with the 3DS remake. On the other hand, I haven't replayed 8 or 9 in a very long time, and I haven't played 6 since the English DS release and I've been wanting to replay the SFC one ever since then.
Every time I play a DQ game these horrendous accents, puns and references really kill the experience for me. I wish they just did a straight translation.

Me too, dude. That is why I liked the ds version of 6 more than 4, 5, and 9's translations. Unnecessary alterations to the text and arbitrary name chamges were still there yes. But the game had far less "cute" changes.


I didn't really plan to play 7, or at least I'd play it last, since I just played it last year with the 3DS remake. On the other hand, I haven't replayed 8 or 9 in a very long time, and I haven't played 6 since the English DS release and I've been wanting to replay the SFC one ever since then.

Fair enough. Yeah, I remember some folks were pretty down on the English DS version of DQVI. I have to say it's one that I sped through when it was released so can't I remember too much about how I felt about it. Still, it's the entry in the series I'd be least inclined to go back and play again.


I love the puns and accents. Far better than the old DQ translations, for me. And Rocket Slime was the best package of puns I've ever read.


Fair enough. Yeah, I remember some folks were pretty down on the English DS version of DQVI. I have to say it's one that I sped through when it was released so can't I remember too much about how I felt about it. Still, it's the entry in the series I'd be least inclined to go back and play again.
So sad to hear people say that. 6 is one of my favorites, but the DS version is just off in so many ways. Similar to how I try to get people who played FF3 DS to play FF3 NES because it's so much better, I try to do the same for DQ6 SFC.


So sad to hear people say that. 6 is one of my favorites, but the DS version is just off in so many ways. Similar to how I try to get people who played FF3 DS to play FF3 NES because it's so much better, I try to do the same for DQ6 SFC.

I love FF3 DS. The amount of enemies in battle is less than in the original, but it's still really fun to play. I haven't played much of DQ6, since I got it while I was going through another DQ, so I didn't really focus on it.


So sad to hear people say that. 6 is one of my favorites, but the DS version is just off in so many ways. Similar to how I try to get people who played FF3 DS to play FF3 NES because it's so much better, I try to do the same for DQ6 SFC.

I remember trying the DeJap translation of DQVI many years ago. I think I got up to the point where you get the wagon (so not too far) might give the game another go soon. There's a guy selling copies for 13 euro in one of the local retro game shops nearby.
Just started playing the Dragon Warrior III remake for GBC. Kinda bummed about the shrunken field of vision, but it moves snappily enough. Would kill for an auto-battle option though. I tend to start zoning out on RPGs when I find myself tapping A too often.

Rolling with a Hero, Fighter, Mage, and Cleric.
So sad to hear people say that. 6 is one of my favorites, but the DS version is just off in so many ways. Similar to how I try to get people who played FF3 DS to play FF3 NES because it's so much better, I try to do the same for DQ6 SFC.

True. The SNES version is leagues better than the ds version. Monster tamer being butchered is upsetting.


I decided to play DQ9, first. It's the only DQ game I can say I feel generally nonplussed about, and I'd like for it to grow on me some more. I figure playing it before 6 and 8 would be a better idea, particularly before 8. So we'll see how it goes this time. Previously I played about half of it in Japanese (had a crappy incident that kept me from continuing), then picked it up in English and beat it, then played it again with a solo hero run a few months later. So it's also my least-played entry by far. The latter playthrough helped me appreciate it a bit more but I was still kinda ehhh on it. I decided to go ahead and play the Japanese version this time through though, for various reasons.
DQ6 SNES would've been a classic like Chrono Trigger and FF6 had it been translated in NA back then. The sprite graphics and music were top notch for that generation.

I remember this gaming magazine I used to have that compared these 3 beasts when they were released.

We'll never see jrpgs like those ever again. ;_;


I decided to play DQ9, first. It's the only DQ game I can say I feel generally nonplussed about, and I'd like for it to grow on me some more. I figure playing it before 6 and 8 would be a better idea, particularly before 8. So we'll see how it goes this time. Previously I played about half of it in Japanese (had a crappy incident that kept me from continuing), then picked it up in English and beat it, then played it again with a solo hero run a few months later. So it's also my least-played entry by far. The latter playthrough helped me appreciate it a bit more but I was still kinda ehhh on it. I decided to go ahead and play the Japanese version this time through though, for various reasons.

It'll be interesting as a counterpoint to DQ10 there's a lot of similar stuff going on in those games.

When rumblings started up about DQ10 having online elements I thought it would be like DQ9 but with rentable characters from other people. I suppose we got that in DQ10 but with all the other MMO stuff as well.

Are you doing a full party with DQ9 thus time around?


DQ6 SNES would've been a classic like Chrono Trigger and FF6 had it been translated in NA back then. The sprite graphics and music were top notch for that generation.

I remember this gaming magazine I used to have that compared these 3 beasts when they were released.

We'll never see jrpgs like those ever again. ;_;

It would be nice if the indie sector took charge there. So far we've just got...what...Pier Solar? Yacht Club needs to throw their hat in the ring.


It would be nice if the indie sector took charge there. So far we've just got...what...Pier Solar? Yacht Club needs to throw their hat in the ring.

You might see some classic style RPGs come up through Japanese indies. Certainly we've heard a lot about bitsummit and other initiatives trying to galvanize developers. One Way Heroics was pretty interesting.


I think I might actually dislike DQ9 more now than before, based solely on the class quests. They are so mean-spirited and honestly ridiculous. I don't feel like doing any of these again.


Aaand on to DQ6. Not wasting my time any further. I hate that there's a DQ game that I'm not a big fan of because I've always maintained that the DQ series is the most consistent series out there, but DQ9 in particular does a lot of stuff that I personally dislike in single-player games, the quest system being the biggest offender.
Why not just ignore the quest system? It's not like it's important in any way, mostly there to just add filler content for people who want to play the same game for a really long time.


Why not just ignore the quest system? It's not like it's important in any way, mostly there to just add filler content for people who want to play the same game for a really long time.

You can't ignore the quest system if you want more classes than you start with, or want to extend those classes with extra abilities or get class-specific equipment.


Why not just ignore the quest system? It's not like it's important in any way, mostly there to just add filler content for people who want to play the same game for a really long time.

You have to unlock some of the more exotic classes with quests that are not-so-good Al.
It would be nice if the indie sector took charge there. So far we've just got...what...Pier Solar? Yacht Club needs to throw their hat in the ring.

As an Indie game dev it is something I've thought about doing. I've kicked around some ideas.

The problem is that it requires a lot more time/effort/people than most 2d game genres.

Also don't forget about Breath of Death and Cthulhu Saves the World!
But it's piss easy to beat Dragon Quest 9 with the classes you start out with. I looked into it midway through both of my playthroughs and had zero desire to change my classes -- with just sap/oomph + a heavy attacker (Warrior) + a healer you can take out every boss in the game with few difficulties.


But it's piss easy to beat Dragon Quest 9 with the classes you start out with. I looked into it midway through both of my playthroughs and had zero desire to change my classes -- with just sap/oomph + a heavy attacker (Warrior) + a healer you can take out every boss in the game with few difficulties.

Yea, what you have is good enough for the main game, as long as you don't get into the grottos. But for some people, the limitation of possible customization here can feel restrictive and annoying. And if you find one aspect like that wholly frustrating, you'll lose the drive to finish the game. For example, I doubt I'll have the drive to play Dragon Quest 8 again, probably forever, because that game has a lot of things that just annoy me at every point, and they get in the way of what I like in that game.


But it's piss easy to beat Dragon Quest 9 with the classes you start out with. I looked into it midway through both of my playthroughs and had zero desire to change my classes -- with just sap/oomph + a heavy attacker (Warrior) + a healer you can take out every boss in the game with few difficulties.
It doesn't matter if it's easy to beat it with the starting classes. It's also easy to beat the game with just the hero and no party members, I've done it before (as mentioned earlier in this thread). I don't want to do that every time. It's about access to variety. It's about how choice is hampered by stupid quests (the armamentalist unlock quest is seriously mean-spirited) when in every other Dragon Quest game with a class system, you unlocked more advanced classes simply by progressing in related classes, or in the case of DQ3, finding a particular item to make sage available. They added this entire layer of stupidity that should not be there to begin with.


Feeling better about not having played DQIX.

Thanks DQ Community Thread.

Same haha!

I had the chance to pick it up for $4.99 when Best Buy had that deal years ago and I still passed on it. I'm sure the game is worth that amount, but why bother when I've still got 20 other RPGs (and three other Dragon Quests!) I'd rather play?


I think it's worth experiencing once. It's still a good experience. It's just hard for me to replay, which hurts me because DQ games are my most replayed games ever. I just love revisiting them.
I have played DQ9 twice. First time when it came out in Japan, and again when it came out in America. Both save files are over 200 hours in them.


There is an "unlock all jobs" cheat code available (if you have a cheat device). Also, cheats to compensate for the now-dead online servers.

But having to use cheats at all just sucks the fun out of things.


I finally found the world map in DQ2. The layout of the world was pretty confusing, not that I'd now know where to go, but that's part of the fun.


What's the best team setup to use in DQVI? I'm replaying the game right now and I'm just at the part after you recruit Amos and wondering what's the best team to breeze through it. Got fairly lucky at the casino i guess :

Do you DQX players sign up with your original NA SE account to play it ?
(If possible anyway)

I had a throw away JP account to try out the beta/trial over a year ago, but rather use my main SE account if I was serious about playing it.


Do you DQX players sign up with your original NA SE account to play it ?
(If possible anyway)

I had a throw away JP account to try out the beta/trial over a year ago, but rather use my main SE account if I was serious about playing it.
You cannot use your NA account.


Is DQ2 (SFC version) normally that buggy? Apart from that bug I posted a few posts above, I now had characters teleporting, party members walking out of the line, my name messed up and now I got completely stuck here:


Couldn't move in any direction, I had to cast "Outside" to get away. I just want to know if these are normal issue with this game or if it's a problem with the fan translation or the emulator I'm using (playing on the WiiU using that special SNES9x version), or maybe it's even because something's different about the ROM that comes with the Wii collection, so maybe the fan translation screwed something up here.
I played through it on Snes9X for OSX years ago without issues.

Got to Dharma Temple in DQ7 this weekend. I don't think I'm going to try and get all the hybrid skills on everyone. It frustrating last time when I got stuck in the past with a really bad set of classes.


I guess it's probably due to some differences in the ROM I ripped from my Wii collection. It should be fine anyway, unless some bug really blocks me from finishing the game. Two crests left to find.


:S I don't like how there is no way to know in game if battles are counting towards vocation mastery or not. You have to check online a guide to see the caps for each area.

Carver is leveling up too fast T.T


:S I don't like how there is no way to know in game if battles are counting towards vocation mastery or not. You have to check online a guide to see the caps for each area.

Carver is leveling up too fast T.T
There is an NPC at Dharma temple who tells you how many battles you need to rank up. You can talk to her and see if the count changes.


There is an NPC at Dharma temple who tells you how many battles you need to rank up. You can talk to her and see if the count changes.

Thanks! It seems like she also tell you how difficult ranking up high level character will be. Oh and in the DS version it's Alltrades Abbey like in DQ9 ;)


That synchronous walking animation for your party in DQ2 is kinda hypnotic.

Edit: What the hell? I just found the Sun Crest, that was just plain evil.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
DQ 2 has some of the most cryptically placed story essential items I can think of. I guarantee some people had to beat the game by examining every single tile of some of these maps.


Worst of it was the Dew's Yarn (so far). I mean they give you a hint that outright tells you where to look, but it still took me an eternity to find it.
I remember having some issues with DQ2 SFC+patch. I forget if it was an emulator thing (I might have still been using shitty ZSNES at the time) or an issue with the game itself. All I remember was that I lost progress somehow and that soured me on that run. I'll have to look back at the game, but I need to make sure I have everything working properly, because I'd rather play through the SFC version with its music and graphics if possible.

I'm pretty certain the answer is no, but there's no special bonuses for beating DQ1 on SFC before playing DQ2 is there? I doubt it, but I remember that Fire Emblem 3 had a bonus for Book 2 if you beat Book 1, so I wanted to be certain.


I finally made it through that damn cave! Took me quite a few tries. I died shortly after on the map (after I got to the save point, luckily), but it already feels as if I'd beaten the game. Now for that final stretch.

Edit: I stored the statue in the vault.......

Edit2: Forgot about the Return spell. For a minute I thought I had to go through that cave again.


Since I finished my Trails in the Sky replay, I just now started up DQ6. Good times ahead. Messing with CRT shaders in RetroArch got me a pretty good result, too. I had no idea they were so advanced these days.

The Real Abed

Just stopped in a classic game store to look around and was very tempted by the complete in box copy of NES Dragon Warrior for $65.

I want it so bad.
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