Whelp, I started a team (i.e. guild) tonight. Team names are JP only, unfortunately. I present to you...the メガトンレンジャーズ (and our absolutely hideous emblem):
Emblem creation is pretty lame actually. We threw the two most American things we could find in ours (an eagle and a rose ;p) but we'll probably remake it later when something better comes along. Of course, they charge you to do this. But the options are really limited right now.
It costs money to put it on a shield, too. I paid 150G to see what it looks like. That part is kinda cool actually, but it'd be better if they had more/better design options.
Happy to invite anyone who wants to join, but don't feel obligated obviously. There's a core group of us here in JP who play almost every night, and we realized tonight we could really use the team chat feature because we had two parties going at once. (Team members can chat with each other anywhere/anytime, regardless if they're partied up or not. Super useful.)
Three of us paid the $10k for the guild (@FarmboyinJapan, @revenantkioku, and me, @johntv). I'm pretty sure we'll be adding in @jonnyram and @RyougaSaotome tomorrow. If anyone else wants in, just say so and I'll invite you.