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Dragon Quest X |OT| Import Solution Found


I picked one up that said to kill 20 desert ghosts in eastern Goble desert. I walked all over the desert and found exactly one of them. I guess that's why it's worth 2420 points. Feels like it'd take forever. They seem more plentiful in other zones, but am I correct in assuming that since the quest mentions a zone, that they have to be killed in that zone? If so, I think I'll switch the quest.


I picked one up that said to kill 20 desert ghosts in eastern Goble desert. I walked all over the desert and found exactly one of them. I guess that's why it's worth 2420 points. Feels like it'd take forever. They seem more plentiful in other zones, but am I correct in assuming that since the quest mentions a zone, that they have to be killed in that zone? If so, I think I'll switch the quest.

Yes, the concept is that there are too many of that monster in that area so you need to cut down on their number, even if they're actually few in number. Knowing the monsters/areas and picking one that won't be too time consuming is part of mastering this type of activity.

You will likely accept some quests at first you will regret and in the end there'll probably be only a few monsters you'll do over and over again (though the appropriate ones will change as your level rises). Monsters that only appear during night time are also stinkers.

Edit: I feel the daily quests (there are also ones based on jobs, professions, equipment, titles and gestures) as well as the magic maze are good activities once you did all the unique story and mob hunt quests. I personally like to advance the story first if there are new parts added.


From my tumblr:

The official Dragon Quest X player site published user statistics on August 12th. Most of the data covers 30 days around the 2nd of August, which marks the 2 year anniversary for the game.

Source article: http://hiroba.dqx.jp/sc/topics/detail/4ffce04d92a4d6cb21c1494cdfcd6dc1/

Character chapter


Gender of player characters that logged on in 30 days:

51.6% female
48.4% male

Pretty balanced but slightly in favor of females. Apparently this is the first time that more female player characters were counted for any such census previously counted. [Comment: This doesn't refer to the gender of the players but to the one of the characters they created and used to log on. Players can make more than one character and nothing stops them from creating one of the opposite gender. But the number of female players definitely should be rather high too.]


Tribe of the player characters that logged on in 30 days:

18% Elf
16% Weddie
18% Ogre
18% Puklipo
10% Dwarf
5% Human (small)
15% Human (tall)

Humans decreased from 27% last time to 20% this time. Since the stat boni for the different tribes were reduced in version 2.1 apparently many people who had used the human form for its stat advantage went back to their original tribe.


Jobs of player characters that logged on in 30 days:

9% Warrior
15% Priest
10% Wizard
5% Martial Artist
11% Thief
5% Jester
13% Battle Master
3% Paladin
8% Magic Knight
4% Ranger
7% Sage
2% Super Star
5% Monster Tamer
3% Tool Wielder

The tamer grew to 5%. This job can learn the skill Summon Prey which is useful for leveling and hunt quests, can use powerful weapons (axe, claw, two-handed swords and whips) which seem to be the reasons why it gained popularity. In comparison, the most recently added job tool wielder is at 3%. Many players probably think it's a waste to use consumable items which is this job's play style.

The jobs which lost the most were thief (down to 11% from 16%) and martial artist (down to 5% from 10%). These two jobs benefitted from the high popularity of the weapon claw but as other weapons were improved it evened out among weapons and jobs that used them.

Rate of player characters that attained the title Fashion Master (out of the ones who logged on in 30 days):

6725 characters

This is the number of player characters who obtained all equipment items in the fashion catalogue.

Rate of player characters that solved the 7 wonders of the world (out of the ones who logged on in 30 days):

1595 characters

Surprisingly few. You can take the challenge from the scholar Kuchol in Dolworm Crystal Palace.

Rate of player characters that caught at least 50 types of fishes (out of the ones who logged on in 30 days):

12111 characters

Battle chapter


Most slain monsters over the course of 2 years:

Rank 1: Takometto
2 billion 896 million 304 thousand and 757

Rank 2: Slime Tower
2 billion 552 million 833 thousand and 830

Takometto is number one after all. Good exp and close to a ruler stone location, this enemy is great for leveling and raising intimacy with tamed monsters. The number 2 monster slime tower benefitted from being a favorite of real money traders and has weakened as the developers took counter measures to RMT. It still took the #2 spot in two years.

All in all, 56 billion 469 million 880 thousand and 783 monsters were slain in two years.

Takometto also takes the number one spot of monsters defeated in one day (on August 2nd) with 4 million 569 thousand and 771. Slime tower is not even in the top 20 for that day.


The monster hardly slain at all

This covers standard monsters only so it ignores bosses, reincarnations and metal monsters.

Rank 781 Death Gorgon
Slain 367 times in one day

Too far away, too few in number, too strong and no worthwhile item drop.

Battle related statistics


Weapon usage

18% Claw
17% Two-handed staff
17% Stick
9% One-handed sword
9% Axe
7% Dagger
6% Two-handed sword
5% Club
4% Spear
3% Whip
2% Fan
1% Bow
1% Boomerang
1% Hammer

The weapon that gained the most since last time is the stick. Its weapon skill Sparkling Bam can protect from all status afflictions and is very useful against strong bosses. The claw decreased because other weapons have been improved but it still is very popular thanks to skills like Gold Finger, which can undo status increases on enemies.

Most used skills and spells in one day (on August 2nd):

1. Tiger Claw (6 million 699 thousand and 168 times)
2. Tenka Musou (Without equal in this world, battle master skill) (6 million 471 thousand and 819 times)
3. Parallax (Blue Sky Demon Slash in Japanese, axe skill) (5 million 547 thousand and 220 times)
4. Summon Prey (tamer skill) (5 million 152 thousand and 425 times)
5. Multiheal (spell) (4 million 558 thousand and 377 times)
6. Axes of evil (axe skill) (3 million 748 thousand and 591 times)
7. Midheal (spell) (3 million 648 thousand and 130 times)
8. Explosive Fist (fisticuff skill) (3 million 258 thousand and 265 times)
9. Wolf Fang Thrust (spear skill) (2 million 963 thousand and 382 times)
10. War Cry (martial artist skill) (2 miilion 565 thousand and 351 times)

Pyramid clear rate by tomb

1st tomb: 95.3%
2nd tomb: 92.4%
3rd tomb: 86.1%
4th tomb: 80.7%
5th tomb: 64.9%
6th tomb: 45.3%
7th tomb: 17.6%

This is the win rate of players challenging the individual tombs in the pyramid. They get increasingly difficult and only very capable player characters can beat the 7th tomb on a regular basis. [Comment: In the pyramid you fight waves of groups of various enemies to obtain secret treasures. Some of these are broach accessories which can only be obtained in the pyramid.]

Manufacturing professions and housing chapter



19% Lamp alchemy (adds magic related effects to equipment)
18% Pot alchemy (adds physical related effects to equipment)
17% Sewing (manufactures wearables, carpets and puppets made from cloth)
14% Weapon Smith (manufactures weapons)
9% Tool Smith (manufactures the tools needed by all the professions)
8% Carpenter (manufactures weapons and furniture from wood)
8% Armor Smith (manufactures armor)
7% Cook (makes food)

Cooking was added in 2.1 and is already at 7 percent. The other professions decreased for this reason except for the tool smith who remains popular as they can create rainbow orbs and lures for fishing.


Most placed in door furniture

1. Slime Chime (visitors can leave a message)
2. Pawn chess piece white
3. Pawn chess piece black
4. Tombrero piggy bank (access your money bank account from your home)
5. Dress up doll male
6. Smith fireplace
7. Mormon Bazar (sell your goods to visitors)
8. Chocolate chair
9. Dracky statue
10. Weddie curtain

Most placed garden decoration

1. Field with scarecrow (to grow flowers or crops)
2. Post box (receive your mail)
3. Cube Light
4. Sakura tree pink
5. Chocobo statue
6. Sakura tree white
7. New Year's gate
8. Mandragora statue
9. Sabotender statue
10. Heavenly River Mobile white

Useful items rank highly, no surprise.

Most grown crops and flowers

1. Treasure seeds
2. Gray Lily seeds
3. Vanilla Lily seeds
4. Fresh Lettuce seeds
5. Fluffy wheat seeds
6. Round potatoe seeds
7. Red Rose seeds
8. Night Mary seeds
9. Jumbo Onion seeds
10. Rice Flower seeds

Treasure seeds are actually rare items but they still beat the multitude of single easily obtainable other seeds.


Rate of ????

2% Elf male
15% Elf female
7% Weddie male
7% Weddie female
2% Ogre male
9% Ogre female
10% Puklipo male
13% Puklipo female
2% Dwarf male
8% Dwarf female
5% Human male
20% Human female

What might this be? They're the tribes and genders of the ever popular private concierges. 3:7 in favor of females. Human females and elf females are especially popular. The only males that attained notable popularity are the cute Puklipo males and the handsome Weddie males.

[Comment: Maybe this is giving a better impression of the number of actual female players (rather than player characters) as they're probably more likely to choose male concierges. This is a question of would you rather have a butler or a maid and even many female players choose female private concierges. There were also complaints from Jun that there aren't enough really good looking male concierges to choose from which should also affect this statistic.]

Strong warrior chapter


Strong coin boss win rates

83.09% Atlas (strong)
74.78% Bazuz (strong)
66.98% Belial (strong)

[Comment: Bazuz was the fiercest of the three in the standard form and Belial the easiest to defeat but with the strong versions Belial actually became the hardest of the bunch.] Belial is giving players the most trouble, probably because of the difficulty of stopping him from using omniheal on himself.


Darkness Buras: First day slay count

Added with 2.2.5, here is the number of times the new strong normal encounter monster Darkness Buras was slain on the first day:

1019 times

Rate of player characters who maxed out the level for all 14 jobs


[Comment: The level cap is currently 80.]

Rate of player characters who maxed out intense training stamps for all 14 jobs


[Comment: You can currently collect 3500 stamps per job for up to 9 bonus skill points.]


Highest paramaters reached by characters

HP: 602 (Paladin)
MP: 527 (Sage)
Offense: 590 (Battle Master)
Defense: 608 (Paladin)
Magic offense: 749 (Wizard)
Heal magic: 691 (Priest)
Strength: 271 (Battle Master)
Vitality: 314 (Paladin)
Agility: 663 (Martial Artist)
Dexterity: 557 (Thief)
Charm: 277 (Super Star)
Fashion sense: 772 (Super Star)
Weight: 416 (Paladin)

Paladin scores 4 top spots!

Bonus chapter


Popular names for tamed monsters

Slarin (slime)
22 008

Hoimin (heal slime)
28 454

Pierre (slime knight)
6 288

Golems (golem)
3 726

Robin (killer machine)

Drango (dragon rex)

Hoimin was the name of the party member heal slime in DQ4 who started the concept of fighting together with monsters in the same party. Slarin scores 15775 namings in the all katakana spelling and another 6233 in the mixed kana spelling. The former was used in the SFC versions of DQV and VI, the latter in the PS2 and DS remake of V. It seems among the players of DQX are many from the SFC generation.

Photos taken in two hours from August 1st 11pm to 2nd 1am

231 thousand and 23


Popular tamed monsters for certain names

Rikkii (magical hat)

Anzai (slime knight)

Aoyama (bamboo soldier)

These are the names of some of the creators of DQX, Rikkii D being the director.


Better research first where the mob is going to be, how plentiful, and how easy it is to farm them for the hunt quests. Assuming you can hire lv80 supports Foresdons in Samari are 30-50 for ~23k-34k points, gartland saurus lords 30-50 for 20k-30k points and are basically easy money.

It's too bad DQ didn't take the linkshell approach and opted for more traditional guilds, I'm in a Japanese team w/ folks I used to play FF11 with, but it'd be nice to have people online around the daytime hours in the states.


Cool stats. I'm not surprised at all to see the default names for each monster in past games as the most popular name for the tamed monsters in this game. Slarin, Pierre, Golemuth especially have been around for a long time.

I'm currently not in a team at all and it's kinda boring. I guess I'll see about joining the Dragon's Den one or something. I'd really like to have people to talk to in-game.

With that said, doesn't this game have chat rooms? There's a room tab on the social panel and it seems like you can fit 20 people in each room. Seems like it could augment team chat with non-team members.


Better research first where the mob is going to be, how plentiful, and how easy it is to farm them for the hunt quests. Assuming you can hire lv80 supports Foresdons in Samari are 30-50 for ~23k-34k points, gartland saurus lords 30-50 for 20k-30k points and are basically easy money.

Those are the best ones but unless you're buying you won't come by 20k+ ones very often. Saurus Lords without tamers are tedious though especially because of the competition.

I guess your team members have very high reputation levels so they might be a bit more common.

Yellow ones are especially good because you get around double the points than you'd usually get for the number of enemies.

With that said, doesn't this game have chat rooms? There's a room tab on the social panel and it seems like you can fit 20 people in each room. Seems like it could augment team chat with non-team members.
Yes you can invite people into your chat room from the other tabs.


I just did the magic key quest, and the first magic labyrinth along with it. That seems pretty interesting. Pretty quick to do, too. Are there good rewards involved with those? I know I got a couple of lottery tickets at the end.

EDIT: Ah, the furrat told me that you can only get the final treasure once per day.


I just did the magic key quest, and the first magic labyrinth along with it. That seems pretty interesting. Pretty quick to do, too. Are there good rewards involved with those? I know I got a couple of lottery tickets at the end.

EDIT: Ah, the furrat told me that you can only get the final treasure once per day.

The number of tickets you can get varies but chances for more to appear increase every time you repeat the maze. 2 is standard, 3 is better. There is also a type of enemy which will give extra tickets for every one defeated (only if you haven't yet collected the tickets on a run before that day). If and how many of these enemies appear is random.

A good case scenario would be 3 plus 4 from Fukumaneki enemies. It's very rare though.

There are also random occurences of challenge floors, lucky floors, hidden rooms (with metal slimes or other special enemies and/or treasures), metal floors (all enemies become metal types). And you can meet Torneko or Minea in the room before the boss (very rare). Torneko sells accessories and coins, Minea gives 2 hour beneficial effects and cards (which can be used to fight a coin boss within a month before they expire).


So you mean choosing not to open the chest at the end of a run and going on to another one instead of quitting will still present you with a chest on the next run? So you keep running and not opening until you feel like you're done, then you open it and get more rewards?


So you mean choosing not to open the chest at the end of a run and going on to another one instead of quitting will still present you with a chest on the next run? So you keep running and not opening until you feel like you're done, then you open it and get more rewards?
Yes. It can happen that there will be only two tickets but an extra from a fukumaneki, I usually collect in that case. 3 + 1 is better of course. It really depends on how much time you want to spend. 2 is better than none and it only takes around 10 minutes.

Edit: Only the fukumaneki that appeared on the current run will add tickets to the treasure box. So if you met more than one it is probably time to collect.


I just unlocked the hard mode boss thing, although it says the book is empty when I try to use it. I thought I'd fought a boss before to get the key emblem I have. Maybe it only tracks bosses I've fought since I got the book or something?

Also unlocked fishing. That was amusing, a fish battle with the DQ7 battle theme.


I just unlocked the hard mode boss thing, although it says the book is empty when I try to use it. I thought I'd fought a boss before to get the key emblem I have. Maybe it only tracks bosses I've fought since I got the book or something?

I know that's not the case because my book had all of them when I cleared it. Which key emblem do you have?


I have the green key emblem. It's been a long time but I remember fighting the yellow dragon thing at the top of the tower in the marsh that dropped bombs all over the arena.


I have the green key emblem. It's been a long time but I remember fighting the yellow dragon thing at the top of the tower in the marsh that dropped bombs all over the arena.

Pussgon is actually among the strongest of the first 5 ones. No idea why he doesn't appear in your book.


Those are the best ones but unless you're buying you won't come by 20k+ ones very often. Saurus Lords without tamers are tedious though especially because of the competition.

I guess your team members have very high reputation levels so they might be a bit more common.

Yellow ones are especially good because you get around double the points than you'd usually get for the number of enemies.

Yes you can invite people into your chat room from the other tabs.

I just buy the easier ones that don't have lines in megitolis 01 or 02. Screw waiting half an hour to make a couple thousand more Gs doing the same thing.

As for chat, we could just make a DQX-GAF chatroom for those of us still playing, though I dunno how many people that would be.


Pussgon is actually among the strongest of the first 5 ones. No idea why he doesn't appear in your book.

I actually went to the tower and it let me try strong mode. It was a hilariously quick fight. Though I knew it would be, which is why I threw all of my money in the bank.

Sadly the book still says it's empty.


I just buy the easier ones that don't have lines in megitolis 01 or 02. Screw waiting half an hour to make a couple thousand more Gs doing the same thing.
I only occasionally buy quests but I never had to wait anywhere near half an hour. The ones with lines move quickly enough too. I'd say if you buy go for the highest value ones.

The real problem here is that Aeana is level 30 without passives from other jobs. Foresdons and Saurus Lords won't be much fun if she gets killed all the time. And the supports will take longer too.

I actually went to the tower and it let me try strong mode. It was a hilariously quick fight. Though I knew it would be, which is why I threw all of my money in the bank.

Sadly the book still says it's empty.
Since you cannot beat any strong boss at the moment anyway I'd just ignore it for now. My suggestion still would be to move on with the story or do more (unique numbered) quests. You got the reputation points for obtaining the book, that in itself is worth something.


I still haven't gotten a single angel heart with all of the fighting around I've done! That's with party members who are all around level 50, with me being 32 now. But I've fought some level 50 stuff for quests. Eh. Oh well.

Yeah, I'll be moving on with story tomorrow. When I was heading out to the desert earlier I got a scene involving the phantom thief, I totally forgot that thing. Although the game seems to want me to go to the ogre place for the story, according to the little adventure memo. I still wanna check out the older cutscenes, but I'm afraid to spend the little money I do have on a house just for the projector because I dunno how to make money in the game yet.


I still haven't gotten a single angel heart with all of the fighting around I've done! That's with party members who are all around level 50, with me being 32 now. But I've fought some level 50 stuff for quests. Eh. Oh well.

Yeah, I'll be moving on with story tomorrow. When I was heading out to the desert earlier I got a scene involving the phantom thief, I totally forgot that thing. Although the game seems to want me to go to the ogre place for the story, according to the little adventure memo. I still wanna check out the older cutscenes, but I'm afraid to spend the little money I do have on a house just for the projector because I dunno how to make money in the game yet.
Ogre region is the easiest one so that is why it sends you there.

For money, sell materials you collect at the bazaar. Start doing a manufacturing profession for daily tasks (they pay well). Do the magic maze for lottery tickets and treasure. Play the lottery, you will get gold stones (rank 6) occasionally which are worth 1000 G. Other than those, daily hunts are the best way to get larger amounts of money quickly.

I don't recommend alchemy for the daily task money (you need to buy equipment a lot) but if you seriously pursue either of them they can be major money makers selling your goods to the bazaar.

Definitely buy a house as soon as possible. 10000 for the land (ruler stone) plus another 10000 for the house (storage), it is money well invested.

Oh, that's you! I like your photographs a great deal. You always take good shots!

Thanks. I think Rimu takes better shots than me but I do my best.


I actually have managed to win 6 gold stones via the lottery so far. I was wondering if they were for anything other than selling, although they do say they are for selling and the thing says they sell for 1k, sometimes in MMOs you never know if there's an alternative purpose. I got a bunch of lottery tickets via bonuses but I'm down to 24 now. Pacing my use of them because I can be kinda superstitious and if I get crappy luck a few times in a row I usually stop so that I can 'reset the bad luck' and try again later.

I actually did want to ask about professions. I have lamp alchemy. Can you have multiple professions, or just one? I seem to remember reading a while back about "choosing one to take to master level," which led me to think that maybe you can work on a bunch and only take one really high, kinda like in FF11, but that could just be my bad memory.


Gold stones cannot be used as a material but おうごんのかけら can (they sell for 300).

You can try all the professions and switch freely until you reach a certain profession level. You then have to commit to one and cannot change it anymore, except with a ticket item they introduced with the cooking profession.

You should have gotten two of them so you can try another profession and also change back in case you liked the old one better. Although if you haven't comitted yet you won't need it and should save it for later.

Lamp alchemy is definitely worthwhile just not quite as easy to do daily tasks with as the other professions. I was a pot alchemist before switching to cooking. Sorina sews, it is really quick to do on a daily basis. Cooking requires lots of costly materials, if you don't grow your own crops it's hard to make a profit.


How big of a pain is it to get the Japanese SE Account set up and find some way to do billing?

I only have a debit card and my bank is using this outsourced "fraud protection" crap that means if I try to buy something from Europe / Asia I have to call first or they disable my bank account until I call them to fix it, so I think just using a CC to bill won't work.. I also heard buying the Square Enix Points thing isn't possible for westerners anymore?


How big of a pain is it to get the Japanese SE Account set up and find some way to do billing?

I only have a debit card and my bank is using this outsourced "fraud protection" crap that means if I try to buy something from Europe / Asia I have to call first or they disable my bank account until I call them to fix it, so I think just using a CC to bill won't work.. I also heard buying the Square Enix Points thing isn't possible for westerners anymore?

They most likely will not accept your credit card on the main site. But you can purchase a WebMoney code from somewhere like Play-Asia and use that code to buy Crysta and then use that to apply to a subscription. I know some people are doing that now. In fact I think everyone on Dragon's Den who's playing now but doesn't have the game on Wii or Wii U is doing it that way. Wii/Wii U owners can pay via Wii points which aren't as restrictive.


Finally finished Quest #264 so it's off to the new continent at last. I was having a lotta trouble with the Killer Machines, didn't drop anything for ages.

Also, I saw that you hired me out Aeana, thanks, unfortunately I don't think I'm kitted out as well as I could be. I'll put on the Angel Hat next time I log-off as well.

EDIT: Wow, this ship has everything, maybe I should just live here.


Finally got my first angel heart... in the puklipo starting zone when I was running to the starting town to meet a friend who is trying the trial.


Finally finished Quest #264 so it's off to the new continent at last. I was having a lotta trouble with the Killer Machines, didn't drop anything for ages.
In my experience these mob quest special item drops are influenced by the average party level (I went with level 80 supports with Sorina and got it on the first try). I guess they don't want to make a high leveled player grind unnecessarily long. But it is still luck after all and can take a while regardless of your level (or be quick too).


The Saurus Lords just showed up on my list. Sadly I don't have any level 80s to hire to help me. :(

How many? Your party doesn't need to be at 80, upward of 60 should be enough. More important is that you should focus on magic based jobs (magician, sage) because they have high defense and having a human tamer who can use prey call really helps. Supports don't use prey call, at least not consistently.


How many? Your party doesn't need to be at 80, upward of 60 should be enough. More important is that you should focus on magic based jobs (magician, sage) because they have high defense and having a human tamer who can use prey call really helps. Supports don't use prey call, at least not consistently.

20. I spoke with muu about it, he told me if it were 40 then I could sell it for a lot, but that nobody would buy the 20 one. Shrug.

Sadly I don't have many people on my friend list to hire, just you, Gloam, and muu. :(


You don't need to be to hung up on the two recommendations muu gave. They're the best for high level players. For you anything that is around 10000 or above could be interesting if you can defeat the enemy without too much trouble.

Saurus Lords (and their more powerful palette swaps) were the ideal leveling partners for magicians because they have high physical defense and give good exp. Magicians can rush them down regardless and collect that exp.

With prey call you can summon up to 5 of them at once and up to 12 per encounter. With strong area attacks (not limited to but obviously available to magic jobs) you can defeat a lot of them in short time that way which is why they became so popular. They're one of the best suited enemies for prey call. And come up often in daily hunts.

But without prey call they're not a particularly good recommendation. Hippo Warriors would be best in your case. You can also take them on with high level supports and they will still give the strong enemy bonus but they're numerous enough that you don't absolutely need prey call. Since they're beasts spears are effective against them. Bring a sage (with the ability 零の洗礼) to undo their tension increases and you can take them on with level 50+ supports already.

Edit: I also don't know if your SLs are in Gartlant or Choppy, but both are pretty far from the easily accessible places. Unless you have a ruler or can use the train to Gartlant even going there is a lot of trouble. Which is another reason why you want to progress in the story so you can use the train stations in the capitals.

Edit2: You could accept the quest and keep it for later. You can still cancel it and check new quests on following days even while you have one on hold.


Oh I'm not too worried about it. I was just surprised because it had a yellow name and I was surprised I got it. I'm not particularly hung up on it or anything. Thanks for the other suggestions, though! I'm still trying to decide which particular path I actually want to take in the game. In any other MMO, I love to play healer, but in this I spend most of my time with AI members so I'm not sure. My favorite DQ classes have always been priest and sage anyway, though, so I'll probably go for those first. I'm pretty sure my skill points on priest are messed up from back when I first started, so I'm glad they added respeccing.

At any rate, I just find myself needing a lot of general guidance about how things are in the game, because so much has changed since I was playing last and I dunno what's what, so I appreciate all of the info you guys have been giving me. Even if it's info I can't use right now, like what muu told me about saurus lords, that should be useful someday or another.


The selection and the yellow bonus (double the reward) are random. Anyone can get good hunt quests, the chances are just better with higher reputation. I see why you wouldn't want to pass that chance up.

Another note on SLs (maybe muu already told you): Paralyse guard equipment comes in handy, especially on your healer (would include you).

Priest is a good job for single play as well, because of Kirakirapon. That is the 100 point stick skill which can make any character immune to all status afflictions for a while (edit: you need to use it on everyone indiviually).

Sages are great for the obvious reasons and for 零の洗礼, but supports will do that too.


A well-equipped 50-60 support with full passive skills can equal or overpower a 70-80 that's not as such. 2 healers / 2 attackers work well since one can res the other in case of an accident. Because of the way defense works in this game a 2 handed weapon that hits hard once, or mages that can buff themselves with 覚醒 are going to be preferable if you're gonna take on stronger mobs. Or take along a subhealer that has バイシオン・バイキルト.

As far as your quest not being in demand, basically people are looking for biggest bang for their buck. Once you got train access to megitolis doing these quests will be much, much easier. Until then I wouldn't sweat it too much, it's just a easy way to make a quick buck and some exp at the same time.

But in any case. Have you gone to レンドア港北 and gotten access to the labyrinth? The furball there will get you access to the random instance dungeon, and after you've beaten it once you get an item to play through it again at any time.


Yeah, I have the magic key. I've done it two days in a row now, gonna make it a third. It's a pretty neat thing, I must say!

But now I need some tips about skill points. Where should I be putting them for priest? extralite said the 100 point stick skill is pretty good, so I guess I should be putting them there? And what passives should I be wanting from other classes?


You'd want to get the priest skills to 100 as well so I recommend getting the stick ones from different jobs. You can get passives only from the one job but weapon skills from several jobs. Take whatever left over points you have from various jobs and focus them on the weapon skills you want. Other than the priest, super stars and paladins also can use sticks.

You definitely want the big HP passives (warrior, martial artist, magic knight, paladin) and the heal magic passives (paladin, sage, jester). So that leaves super star as your main stick skill point source.

With the angel slime hat it is easy to level to 40, which is the point where you have learned almost all the passives you need from each job. For some you want to go to 42 (warrior has another vitality boost at 90 points).

A lot of people prefer to raise fisticuffs to 100 as soon as possible for explosive fist. It'll make sure you defeat metal slime enemies when they appear. You can respec to other skills later but it helps getting hired too at lower levels (< 50). Edit: You also don't need to spend points on other weapon skills that way (or money on weapons for that matter).


Ah, interesting. I'll keep that in mind. I've already spent 21 points on sticks so I should probably respec I guess. I think the first one is supposed to be free, anyway...


I'd wait with respecing until you got some stick points from the other jobs because the benefits from those 21 isn't something you want to give up again. I usually respec when I can reach some new goal that way. Only give up what you have when you get something important in return.


Today, I got the black, yellow, and white key emblems! The pupliko story was surprisingly good. :eek: I'm really having a great time with the stories in this game. Up to 4 key emblems now.

I can't not see the ringmaster's name as Nublet, I hope I'm not alone

EDIT: omg, hahaha. I just challenged a queen slime. That was hilarious.


The puklipo story is interesting, also how they continue it in Megistolis. I wrote an article about the Megistolis key emblem storyline and its parallels with Death Note on my blog.

The Orphea part of the puklipo storyline which you're referring to strikes me as a variation of The Pied Piper of Hamelin.
Of course it turns the role of the kidnapper around and reveals he did it to protect them from a great evil. I take that as a defense of the escapism in video games as something that can shield children from the truth of historic war heroism. Of course it is better to indulge in a harmless fantasy than to become the next generation of actual soldiers.

Fostail is the Roto of the puklipo region, and he will play a bigger role in Megistolis. And the warrior job quests have their fair share of dark mature scenes, appropriate of what the job implies.


Was messing around with the item master earlier, to be honest, I didn't really know what that class was all about until today.

Reading up a little it seems that I can scout certain types of monsters? I would like to try and get one of those Wizard Pig fellas. Is the Scouting Manual for that monster easily obtainable?


The tool wielder can scout enemies of the types machine and physical.

The scouting manual for the magical hat can be obtained from its reincarnation, the alchemist. Should be available on the bazaar too, could be expensive though. Haven't checked myself.

The tool wielder can learn great job skills that can double the effect of consumables and make them effective in a range (on all party members if they're close enough). So he can keep the party fueled up with mp even better than the magic knight (but needs to use items for it). He's also a capable healer, world tree leaf on all party members is quick and can revive every fallen at once. Again, at the expense of items.

His special technique (randomly charged) can increase the effect of all actions made in its range for a short time and he has defense up and power up spells.


I ordered a WiiU Pro controller to wireless BT-USB adapter and installed Splashtop on my ipad. My D-Pad no longer sucks, range is much better than the 360 controller (I was losing connection once I entered kitchen area, now I can be in the bedroom and still control), and most importantly the game runs largely lag-free anywhere in the house.

I think I'm like 3 years late into discovering this, but this is pretty awesome. Of course, I'm still just ramming myself into monsters and letting my supports do all the work...


You don't. He was very recently added and only serves to get you to the beginner's villages which aren't reachable by train. I guess it wouldn't have made sense if he didn't also stop at the camps half way.


Just saw this on 4gamer too. They said it continues the tradition started in 3 to give the player means to freely fly around the sky. So no set paths I think.


Just saw this on 4gamer too. They said it continues the tradition started in 3 to give the player means to freely fly around the sky. So no set paths I think.

Wow that's great. One of my hangups with the game is the length of time it takes to get from one area to the next, even with the hover board it's slow.


Apparently the dragon can only be used in Rendacia though. At the end of 2.2 Ann-Lucia (or was it Lucienda? I forget) mentioned
, looks like we get this dragon instead. Maybe

The dollboard isn't too bad. And you also have trains, wagons and ruler stones.


The only issue I have had with the dolboard so far is that it seems like I'm always out of fuel. I've gone through so much.
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