Updated OP with the new difficulty.
Have Sorceress skeletons gotten any tougher? I consider Animate to be the weakest skill in her arsenal, but Food + Animate would be tempting if the skeletons were buffed.Little things I found:
- Create food now creates weapons (daggers, torches and the like) and bones to ress. Seemed guaranteed instead of random, but I used only 3 times. I have it maxed;
- The camera seems different, but can't really tell what;
- All enemies are lvl 255 on Ultimate, but didn't seem any tougher.
- Wyvern had a new attack - multiple explosions after his airbone fire spit hits the ground.
Apparently not, which is kinda disappointing. I mean, I understand the rationale (you'd cap out all your skills long before hitting the new cap), but it'd be nice if they added, like, "Ultimate Skills" that could be unlocked with "Ultimate Skill Points" so you've got something to work towards other than just grinding levels.What about skill points, you gain any more?