Dragon's Dogma 2 | Review Thread

What scores do you think Dragon's Dogma 2 will get?

  • 60-65%

    Votes: 4 0.9%
  • 66-69%

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • 70-75%

    Votes: 4 0.9%
  • 76-79%

    Votes: 17 3.8%
  • 80-85%

    Votes: 121 27.2%
  • 86-89%

    Votes: 196 44.0%
  • 90-95%

    Votes: 83 18.7%
  • 96-100%

    Votes: 18 4.0%

  • Total voters


This will be an example of a game that critics look for reasons to score highly rather than mark it down.

It looks like it runs like hot ass, so I'm giving it at least six months until biting.

I'll wager 87.


Identifies as young
I think you all overbid.



The media will ignore the framerate issues and give this game 10s.
I fear more or less the opposite.
Everyone and their grandma will whine about performance issues, while I genuinely will not care and I'll have to filter through reviews because I'm not going to play on console.
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Wait, why people went from expecting crazy high scores to fear of low 80s for this?
Did something particularly negative emerge?
Low 80s is a great score. This isn't a mainstream game, it'll be difficult with no hand holding and quirks like no dodge roll. Not to mention the likely performance issues and whateevr weird bugs it could have. Getting a 90s score would be a miracle.

Everyone and their grandma will whine about performance issues, while I genuinely will not care and I'll have to filter through reviews because I'm not going to play on console.
How do you know the PC version won't have severe issues?
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Identifies as young
I fear more or less the opposite.
Everyone and their grandma will whine about performance issues, while I genuinely will not care because I'm not going to play on console.

Most reviewers get PS5 review codes so it is going to be interesting to see if the performance issues noted from previews are addressed.


How do you know the PC version won't have severe issues?
1- The first one was buttery smooth.
2- I have a solid PC.
3- I'm not autistic, so if I'll have to lower one or two minor settings that kill performances for minimal visual gains I won't spend hours crying over it on the internet.

Even most of the ports this forum and reddit love to BITCH relentlessly about are stuff I always managed to run at very acceptable quality (when I cared at all about playing them).
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Mid 80s. Lets say 85-83. Some ideas will be brilliant but the overall execution may not be quite what we are used to.

That said, for the people this clicks with, it will awesome. (IE, just like the original).


High 70s. It’s pretty much what the first game received and this game is an evolution of that game’s ideas.


Gold Member
I guess that people who think that the game is gonna have lower scores because it's too hard never played the first dogma uh...

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
I guess that people who think that the game is gonna have lower scores because it's too hard never played the first dogma uh...

Didn't IGN give the first one a 7 and then later revised it to a 9? Being hard was one of the reason i recall.


Gold Member
The first dogma has a metacritic of 75 and dark arisen of 81, the theory checks out.
Not my point, the game wasn't really that hard and pretty easy to steamroll with almost every class, the game got those scores because it was deeply flawed and didn't had much going on other than a good combat system, those scores are even too generous.

I recently re-played the first one on hard mode that is not adviced for a first run and the game was nowhere near the challenge of many other action rpg on max difficulty.

In a world post elden ring i doubt that anyone is gonna score dogma2 lower for the "incredible" challenge...
I can see people lowering scores for stuff like no dedicated roll, no fast travel, but not for the actual challenge, unless they made the game like 5x times harder.
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Not my point, the game wasn't really that hard and pretty easy to steamroll with almost every class, the game got those scores because it was deeply flawed and didn't had much going on other than a good combat system.

I recently re-played the first one on hard mode that is not adviced for a first run and the game was nowhere near the challenge of many other action rpg on max difficulty.

In a world post elden ring i doubt that anyone is gonna score dogma2 lower for the incredible challenge...
I can see peoplelowering scores for stuff like no roll, no fast travel, but not actual challenge.
You are comparing you playing the game, vs "journalists". It's not hard in the traditional sense, but you are thrown into a huge world with almost zero hand holding and then the game just plays very different than anything else. Imagine the horror of your average reviewer that finally managed to get into souls combat after a decade, discovering you can't just dodge roll to win fights while stabbing toes. Challenge is a different thing to different people.
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Gold Member
Didn't IGN give the first one a 7 and then later revised it to a 9? Being hard was one of the reason i recall.
Then ign is even worse than i imagined but i bet they had more problems with stuff like no fast travel or the game being heavy/clunky.

But we live in a world where journalists are starting to praise hard games, i doubt that anyone is gonna use the too hard excuse to lower the scores this time.
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But we live in a world where journalists are starting to praise hard game, i doubt that anyone is gonna use the too hard excuse to lower the scores this time.
They are starting to praise specific "hard" games for fear of being burned alive by fans. If Dogma had souls in its name it would be a different story, but it's a toss-up right now.
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Gold Member
You are comparing you playing the game, vs "journalists". It's not hard in the traditional sense, but you are thrown into a huge world with almost zero hand holding and then the game just plays very different than anything else. Imagine the horror of your average reviewer that finally managed to get into souls combat after a decade, discovering you can't just dodge roll to win fights while stabbing toes.
But tbf, the mobs in dogma1 were a bunch of absolute retards that have nothing on some of the trash mobs in souls games.

The game was balanced for the lack of roll dude, you put some of the super aggressive enemies of the souls in dogma without a roll and you would be dead meat.


But tbf, the mobs in dogma1 were a bunch of absolute retards that have nothing on some of the trash mobs in souls games.

The game was balanced for the lack of roll dude, you put some of the super aggressive enemies of the souls in dogma without a roll and you would be dead meat.
I don't disagree personally, I'm just saying many reviewers might not see it the same way. Being conditioned to play a very specific Souls and souls-like formula for many years does weird things to the brain and its expectations. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm not counting on it.


Gold Member
I don't disagree personally, I'm just saying many reviewers might not see it the same way. Being conditioned to play a very specific Souls and souls-like formula for many years does weird things to the brain and its expectations. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm not counting on it.
I can't say you are wrong, but we had other challenging action rpg that rely less on rolls and backstab that scored pretty well like the last 2 gow(on max difficulty) or the last 2 monster hunter or sekiro so maybe they are not gonna feel completely out of their element with d2.

Also the previews were glowing so they already tried the game and they seems to be ok with it.


I can't say you are wrong, but we had other challenging action rpg that rely less on rolls and backstab that scored pretty well like the last 2 gow(on max difficulty) or the last 2 monster hunter or sekiro so maybe they are not gonna feel completely out of their element with d2.

Also the previews were glowing so they already tried the game and they seems to be ok with it.
Maybe you're right and I'm too pessimistic when it comes to reviews. The best thing though is that it doesn't matter all that much in the grand scheme of things, we're both playing the shit out of this..!
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