I really wish people would hire my pawn now and then
but no luck.
I never have any rc, my pawn is 73 and still has only been hired once way back when.
@ thanatos, weight makes most of those group potions a pain in the ass to manage for me.
Can't carry many which means constant restocking, i'd rather jsut have each char carry 50 potent greenwarish and some mushrooms and about 10 of the silence/stifle/frozen/blind/petrify single target ones.
The debuff ones take up very little weight, rarely get used but are useful in a pinch, and the greenwarish while semi heavy get used up slowly as I progress and pick up loot , I really hate carrying dead weight that I won't be using.
Wish this game was on pc so I could just ini edit some more weight limit, carrying less curatives is all good and well but with the ridiculous weight of all the materials you pick up I constantly have to waste my time managing the dumb inventory, I can decide for myself to take limited curatives without having to constantly deal with the tedium of the inventory managment for loot.
I have 85 hours played time or so and I'm sure that at least 15 of those are wasted on inventory managment.
I found a moonbeam gem at arisen's respite in a hidden attack, I noticed some doors where you first meet the upgrade npc in BBI that need it.
Can I reuse the gem? What's behind the doors?