Hahah ouch. Stock up on Periapts (conqueror's if you're an assassin). You need to make it so that he's in constant stun. It'll allow you to crawl freely around his back.
Quick question. Are the HD Textures worth installing and do they have and impact on the games performance? (360)
Is it okay to just add everyone on the Google Docs-list so i get more pawns to choose from, because my friend dont play Dragons Dogma, or is it regarded as random-invite spam?
Is it okay to just add everyone on the Google Docs-list so i get more pawns to choose from, because my friends dont play Dragons Dogma, or is it regarded as random-invite spam?
Alternatively: just add everyone to your Favorites list, you won't bother anyone or worry about a clogged friends list, yet you can get their pawns. Friending does allow higher leveled ones to be summoned for free, but higher level pawns reduces the EXP learned so I'd save that for an uber-enemy you want taken down.F dat I just added people down the list if I saw they were near my level. They wouldn't put their name there if they didn't want to be added.
Alternatively: just add everyone to your Favorites list, you won't bother anyone or worry about a clogged friends list, yet you can get their pawns. Friending does allow higher leveled ones to be summoned for free, but higher level pawns reduces the EXP learned so I'd save that for an uber-enemy you want taken down.
So any tips for BBI gear farming? I've just opened up the second shortcut and i've not had one piece of gear I would use on my Assassin and only a votary robe for my sorc pawn.
I love bbi but its getting a bit disheartening not seeing my gear progress a bit. Also what lvl is suggested for the boss here, i'm lv 75 i think and i had no problems at all on the second shortcut boss.
Just got rocked by some bandits. I really need to learn the controls a bit more.Enjoying things so far but I need to get more gear!
Assumin you're just startin out, getting a feel for the combat (especially melee) will def take a bit. Don't give up. Also, unlike a lot of games, the gear from vendors in this game is actually good. Buy it as you won't find much useful gear from around the world that early in the game.
Is there a good reason to max a vocation before switching to another one?
Some have augments that unlock with the final level you may consider invaluable, namely Leg's Strength for Striders. Otherwise it's not a big deal and you can just jump back when you feel like it.Is there a good reason to max a vocation before switching to another one?
Classically I play these games and go for a bow user first, since so many games seem to be biased towards ranged spellcasters. Only hit lvl 10 or so and some of the skills are interesting but the stamina issue early on took me a while to adjust to.
It is taking a while to figure out the controls but I am having fun so far. Just got the Hydra and escorted it to Gran Soran (I think that was it) so I am now trying to find somewhere to buy new gear.
Is there a good reason to max a vocation before switching to another one?
FYI this is actually kind of impractical in the late game as you start leveling up so rapidly it'd require constantly backing out just for the vocation switching, but the gains taper off so I guess it balances out, you seem to get a grand total of FOUR attack/defense points per level after 100.There's no reason to stick with a vocation till max unless you desperately want all the augments. Still, you can switch and just come back and finish it off anyway. The real reason you might want stick with a vocation is for the stat growth (or to avoid it even). Some people play on the voc they want to rank up in, but just before leveling they switch over to the voc they want the stats from, they level up, and then switch back to rank grinding voc.
FYI this is actually kind of impractical in the late game as you start leveling up so rapidly it'd require constantly backing out just for the vocation switching, but the gains taper off so I guess it balances out, you seem to get a grand total of FOUR attack/defense points per level after 100.
Def didn't say it was practical, but even for someone like me who doesn't necessarily want to hardcore min/max, if I was running a mage but wanted sinew from fighter, playing normally until I actually got sinew might level me up what.. 8? 10? 12 times? That's a lot of lost magic stats for one augment. The other route of course is just to employ the DP grinding tricks.
How are you all uploading your screenshots? Going through that capcom website is a nightmare.
It is a big reason I wish you could restart from level 1 in NG+, the equipment you have will lurch you ahead really fast even if you get heavy stamina drain initially, and you can properly mix it up without undermining any of your stats.Gl playing in bbi if you only leveled as sorc, making a 'pure' is a terrible idea, you'll have NO hp and no def and get oneshot by everything.
Gl playing in bbi if you only leveled as sorc, making a 'pure' is a terrible idea, you'll have NO hp and no def and get oneshot by everything.
Okay some of the notice board quests I've gotten in Grand Soren (I have advanced the story line no further after bringing the Hydra head to the city) are telling me to go pretty far west. I have not yet left this coastline with the starting city, the pawn fort, and Grand Soren.
If i'm level 20 do you think thats high enough to venture west? I tried going west up one of the paths with a boulder that rolls down at you around lvl 12 and got destroyed by some super fast assassin hanging around with his thugs up there.
Also, just added myself to the Pawn drive document! Kamikazee-Cowboy - My pawn is named Bruce, he's an enormous green fighter who I tried to make look like The Hulk.
Okay some of the notice board quests I've gotten in Grand Soren (I have advanced the story line no further after bringing the Hydra head to the city) are telling me to go pretty far west. I have not yet left this coastline with the starting city, the pawn fort, and Grand Soren.
If i'm level 20 do you think thats high enough to venture west? I tried going west up one of the paths with a boulder that rolls down at you around lvl 12 and got destroyed by some super fast assassin hanging around with his thugs up there.
Also, just added myself to the Pawn drive document! Kamikazee-Cowboy - My pawn is named Bruce, he's an enormous green fighter who I tried to make look like The Hulk.
Quick question, I'm trying to work out what wolves hunt in. Anybody know?
Also I'm getting a heck of a lot of money and can't see much to spend it on. Is this one of those games where you just end up with a heap or am I not picking up something? I'm doing quests around Grand Soren now.
Quick question, I'm trying to work out what wolves hunt in. Anybody know?
Also I'm getting a heck of a lot of money and can't see much to spend it on. Is this one of those games where you just end up with a heap or am I not picking up something? I'm doing quests around Grand Soren now.
While im training assassin right now do you guys advice to drop my pawns and take on authority augments for Ur dragon fights and the damage boosting skill at the different daytimes. The pawns became complete stupid in UR fight.
I can never find a pawn in the google docIf anyone has a 145-155 ish mage or strider or sorc pawn who isn't a guardian and who has ok stats (2000+str or magic) I'll gladly hire it.
All the way from lvl 1 I've rarely found people of the right class within +5-+15 levels of me
Every quest is doable up till then except, in my opinion, escorting Reynard to the great wall or whatever it is. That place is insanely far and has some serious fights. Level 20 on normal might be able to handle it, but still, when you get back you'll prolly be level 30 lol.
Also, why must the make enchants longer augment be rank 7..gahhh..
Okay sorry to be asking so many questions but I really feel lost at this point as far as my character goes. I understand how augments work, and how you can switch vocations at will, but I am at a loss as to which augments to pick up to best help me later in the game.
I started as a Mage and brought him to lvl 12, then, for reasons unknown even to me I switch to Assassin and brought him up to when I hit lvl 22. I have now switched to Sorcerer to get the overall Magic Buff augment and was then going to go fighter (or warrior?) for the power / melee buff someone told me about.
I think I have purchased only one augment. Its the one that boosts your stats overall during the night time.
Eventually I want to be a Mystic Knight that has both good magic power but that I can also jump into the melee battle if I feel in the mood for it. I want to essentially be good at both magic and melee.
Any tips on which vocations to lvl up and which augments to get? I have tons of points that I haven't spent yet and lots of augments available for Mage and Assassin that I haven't picked up yet. Not sure what to do at this point honestly.
Actually escorting Reynard to the greatwall is the epic baller quest that all vets should take the instant they hit gran soren. This is because soulflayer canyon has the best equipment available in the main game until the greatwall quest. I did it at lvl 15 on hard with only my main pawn.
My pure sorcerer is steamrolling through BBI on hard difficulty. Moreso now with the perk that saves you from one-shots with 1 HP remaining. Just takes a lot of battlefield awareness and clever situating to survive. Pure sorcerer is a great way to take on BBI.Gl playing in bbi if you only leveled as sorc, making a 'pure' is a terrible idea, you'll have NO hp and no def and get oneshot by everything.
By did it, you mean ran your ass there without engaging anything? Or you actually beat all the cyclops, saurians, whatever on the route? If it's the first, my arisen don't roll like that, he ain't a bitch. If it's the second, I'm going to hide in a corner.
My pure sorcerer is steamrolling through BBI on hard difficulty. Moreso now with the perk that saves you from one-shots with 1 HP remaining. Just takes a lot of battlefield awareness and clever situating to survive. Pure sorcerer is a great way to take on BBI.
I fought the cyclops, the goblins and the harpies. Had to run from the phantasms and the saurians. It's hard but very doable, and definitely worth it, especially on hard mode.
I just think anyone not playin on hard is used to takin a few hits. They don't know about dat one shot by bats life.
I just think anyone not playin on hard is used to takin a few hits. They don't know about dat one shot by bats life.
What makes it worth it? The gear from vendors? I'll get there eventually.
The following items are available in soulflayer canyon....for free:
A lot of these, especially the weapons, are better than almost everything that the dude in gran soren will sell even with the gold idol.