So when does the regular story take you there?
A side quest very late into the game.
So when does the regular story take you there?
So when does the regular story take you there?
Lol I cant beat daimon anymore as sorc
My pawns went unbelievably retarded, mage tries to climb him, war climbs his back instead of the front ,when he does his vortex and i dont have bolide going I die because my pawns don't stagger him and i cant stagger him (getting staff to shoot the head is almost impossible)
Last time he got staggered every time by py pawn or meteors
I guess ill just go alone as ranged class, pawns are totally usless for some reason (i hired new ones they suck it seems)
They drop aggro constantly despite not having guardian and me being close to the boss
You need holy focused bolt man.
Also you will need Seism to knock him out of the vortex.
And cast your spells while standing behind the indestructible columns.
What spells do you cast, mealstorm is worthless since he moves around, bolide works and can randomly stagger him during the vortex quite often, tried glicel but that does pretty much nothing, neither does high levin.
I also need to find a way to equip my fighter so he is usefull , guess i'll start by taking shield drum and cymbal strike away
Holy boon and seism are the only spells I use against daimon.
I assume you're fighting daimon v2?
I just use holy focused bolt on daimon v1 over and over while moving about dodging his attacks. If your holy focused bolt is not strong enough to knock him out of the vortex, when you know he's about to cast it stand behind an indestructible pillar and cast the highest version of seism you can. When it's almost finished charging let him suck you closer and release the spell when you're almost there.
Wish is were easier to take action shots of pawns - it's hard enough to take shots of them just standing there. The devs programmed them with this annoying behavior that makes them flee from wherever you have the camera pointed, ostensibly so they don't obscure your vision. But it just makes them seek out the poorest lighting possible and constantly show you their back whenever you're trying to take a screenshot of them. Any good screenshot of a pawn is a fluke.
It's definitely more manageable in DA with the moveable camera, though. In Vanilla DD it was annoyingly difficult to arrange a solid shot with them. Try picking them up and putting them down where you want them. They'll do their dust off animation while you position yourself/camera.
Nice shots, a lot of folks in the pawn community site use the archer skills like keen sight to take awesome face close ups of pawns as they engage in combat, it can have some excellent results!More screens from the road. Calder and Sigurd are now both lv.101, the highest I've ever gotten a character in DD.
Wish is were easier to take action shots of pawns - it's hard enough to take shots of them just standing there. The devs programmed them with this annoying behavior that makes them flee from wherever you have the camera pointed, ostensibly so they don't obscure your vision. But it just makes them seek out the poorest lighting possible and constantly show you their back whenever you're trying to take a screenshot of them. Any good screenshot of a pawn is a fluke.
Thanks I'll try that later tonight, I realised I had no dcp for seism so I went ranger for now , arrows should be good to stagger him.
Also does he respawn right away or do i need to sleep 7 days
Nice shots, a lot of folks in the pawn community site use the archer skills like keen sight to take awesome face close ups of pawns as they engage in combat, it can have some excellent results!
Damn I can't stop playing this. Over 90 hours and haven't touched BBI yet. Best game of generation. Also never used Sorcerer and Mage. Are they good? Prefer brute force. Especially that skill with daggers which covers you in flames. So badass.
Damn I can't stop playing this. Over 90 hours and haven't touched BBI yet. Best game of generation. Also never used Sorcerer and Mage. Are they good? Prefer brute force. Especially that skill with daggers which covers you in flames. So badass.
i need to stop using slash to cancel the rolling animation in town, got me in jail because I slashed someone![]()
Are you on PS3? If so, shoot me a message, I'll send you a longbow better than reinforced. (PSN: phierce_)Im really struggling with finding a decent longbow. I have a 3 star reinforced longbow but at lvl 35 its doing barely any damage. On the other hand my daggers are absolutley ruining anything they touch. Is it just the luck of the draw with this or is there a vendor somewhere that could have an upgrade?
Damn I can't stop playing this. Over 90 hours and haven't touched BBI yet. Best game of generation. Also never used Sorcerer and Mage. Are they good? Prefer brute force. Especially that skill with daggers which covers you in flames. So badass.
After 140 hours the pawn ai still makes no sense
For the past 2 hours my fighter has been stuck in climbing mode
ALL he does is climb enemies
If I have to hear i'll scale it and strike from above' one more time I'll start playing solo
World I hate dark souls, the lock on system is shit, it's garbage on a technical level and there is tedium in every aspect of the game.
The combat isn't good enough to make up for everything else about the game for me, every enemy was fun to kill once or twice and then it became a chore.
What inclinations does the pawn have? Try having a pawn with Utilitarian as a primary inclination.
Is he a scather. Scathers climb. If you have a sorc pawn that's a scather it'll spend more time climbing than casting.What does utilitarian change then? does it make him stop climbing? Anyhow my pawn was fine for the past 3 days with the exact same augments and inclinations, now he's doing nothing but climb (and not climbing right) while he's supposed to tank
Is he a scather. Scathers climb. If you have a sorc pawn that's a scather it'll spend more time climbing than casting.
That explains a lot, what do I need to make him then... can't be scather can't be guardian can't be pioneer can't bte the loot one...
What spells do you cast, mealstorm is worthless since he moves around
Hahahaha awesome, I'm imagining Daimon sidestepping a flying turkey and strawberry parfait while a 6-pack of soda goes spinning around
Don't knock my spellingMy English is better than your Dutch
You canSo is the ascalon really that Good against ur Dragon? If I upgrade it it has slightly less attack points than my normal weapon, but I'm guessing Holy enchant plus blessed trance plus grand Cannon is going to own their shit right?
Also if IBeat the game and don't save, what happens? I kill myself as Seneschal but I can still Mill about in the post game? I need the trophies in the final run but I also need to be able to pay in posy game for BBI...
Is mystic knight fun to play? it's the only vocation I haven't maxed (or even tried at all)
Is mystic knight fun to play? it's the only vocation I haven't maxed (or even tried at all)
Is mystic knight fun to play? it's the only vocation I haven't maxed (or even tried at all)
Farming daimon is not for me, 5 mins of running for a few mins of the same fight for make believe rewards![]()
I always worry about my ps3 dying when the great cannons start going off. Also, it's a boring playstyle imo, unless you're in the front doing ripostes and hacking away with abyssal anguish and stuff.
I REALLY wish you could sleep at BBI and actually have a day pass...
Killing some dragons in the first sanctum to dragonforge some gear and having to go back to grand soren every time is beyond retarded
A lot of these, especially the weapons, are better than almost everything that the dude in gran soren will sell even with the gold idol.
It's pretty ridiculous when it comes to variety. Can play it straight melee, can play it ranged, can play it tank mode, can play it utility with sigils. The one thing I'm interested in is if I can completely eliminate the need for a healer with holy aid/grace perfect blocking.
You canmill about a little, but you're in ghost form and really can't do anything except walk around in ghost form lol. You'd need to finish it for the trophies and then play BBI in NG+.
So is the ascalon really that Good against ur Dragon? If I upgrade it it has slightly less attack points than my normal weapon, but I'm guessing Holy enchant plus blessed trance plus grand Cannon is going to own their shit right?
Also if IBeat the game and don't save, what happens? I kill myself as Seneschal but I can still Mill about in the post game? I need the trophies in the final run but I also need to be able to pay in posy game for BBI...
You could rest at the benches (the first one is next to Olra)
First of all a big Thank You to YoungOne for giving me the blackwing bow. The increase in damage is significant (even though it still takes ages to hurt some monsters).
I beat Daimon 1.0 today after a VERY long fight. Easy but so long because I had to chip away slivers of health with manual shots >_<
So now I'm in BBI 2.0 even though I skipped one or two optional zones the first time through.
Got a few questions now.
1) I realized the shortcuts reset between 2 versions of the dungeon, but assuming I kill Daimon 2.0, will those once again shut or will they stay open forever now?
2) Any idea what the second best armor "set" is for a Magick Archer in BBI 2.0? I'm
asking second best because I assume the best one is final boss farming ^^;
3) Has anyone managed to get free of an Eleminator's stun stomp? It's a OHKO and it's very annoying because it's always right when I'm about to get free that he cracks my skull open >_<