I noticed it during the end game.I never noticed this but tossing pawns or corpses at enemies is actually damaging.
There's something fun about using my pawns as ammunition as I one shot goblins outside of gran soren.
You could have just as easily killed the female bandits and continued on, but it's okay.Heh so thats why I couldnt get through there. Its not that I dont want to explore on my own (restarted from my vanilla save on hard mode via dark arisen, since I hadnt played in awhile and wanted to start fresh albeit with my original character), its just i've walked all over Gransys and couldnt figure out how to get there.
hahaha...much love for that move, sir!I'm temped to let her tits hang out but does any one have good recommendations that go well with the trophy jacket?
Dat as-calon
Gold forged that bad boy now I'm hitting like a mac truck. But I have a bigger issue which is this.
I've been very fortunate with drops. I used my first gemstone to open the special room and I picked up the trtrophy jacket which is great stats wise but now my pawn is wearing a patterned gambeson and it looks awful I'm temped to let her tits hang out but does any one have good recommendations that go well with the trophy jacket?
I thought Dragon leather was OK, but White Hawk Tunic goes best I think. I'll post pictures later if I remember to show how it looks.My Arisen had a trophy jacket for a while, too, and you're right it looks TERRIBLE with Patterned Gamebeson.
If there is anything that goes well with trophy jacket, I know not of it.
Abyssinal Outfit probably looks okay with it. Maybe Dragonleather Vest, too?
If not... just let her tits hang out it will probably net you lots of RC
Showing off the Twinterfang
This shot took me forever to get the correct camera angle
Amazed at the detail of those eyelashes!
Someone's about to get murdered
Guys I kinda got stuck. Got to the first city with the head of the monster and so far so good. Now I found this quest about the book and bandits and also I should look for a girl from my village. What happens is I get slaughterd wherever I go. Bandits own me and I dont know where else to go. I'm strider with a mage, warrior and strider pawns.
Any ideas?
I've been very fortunate with drops. I used my first gemstone to open the special room and I picked up the trtrophy jacket which is great stats wise but now my pawn is wearing a patterned gambeson and it looks awful I'm temped to let her tits hang out but does any one have good recommendations that go well with the trophy jacket?
More adventures in Medieval Photographer 2013!
Saurian synchronized swimming
I'll take a few weapons if you don't need 'em, I'm trying to get a Magebreaker and the damn thing won't pop up.
how much time did you spend on that face?
i used your pawn btw. hopefully you got some RC.
Just had a "This game is awesome" moment.
I'm still early in the game, was at the dungeon at the pawn guild in the first city. Going down the spiral steps... come across a ogre or whatever they are. Start fighting it... decide to jump onto it's head and slam the pommel of my sword into it's skull. It walks toward the edge of the, dangling me over shaking me wildly. I think "Oh shit if he bucks me off here I'm fucked". So I jump off, soon as I do... he falls over the edge... goes splat and dies. Stood there kinda shocked for a moment...coool.
Just had a "This game is awesome" moment.
I'm still early in the game, was at the dungeon at the pawn guild in the first city. Going down the spiral steps... come across a ogre or whatever they are. Start fighting it... decide to jump onto it's head and slam the pommel of my sword into it's skull. It walks toward the edge of the, dangling me over shaking me wildly. I think "Oh shit if he bucks me off here I'm fucked". So I jump off, soon as I do... he falls over the edge... goes splat and dies. Stood there kinda shocked for a moment...coool.
So what's your advice gaf? I think my options are three:
1) new game altogether, so an acceptable level of challenge but the hassle to play the game all over again for the third time;
2) load game, so that would put me at the very start of NG++. My fear is that the game would be too easy, just like NG+ was.
3) hard mode, new challenge but maybe too frustrating and time consuming since I got Dark Arisen exclusively for the new content.
For me he just sort of ran past me and fell off. Was grateful for the xp ^^Just had a "This game is awesome" moment.
I'm still early in the game, was at the dungeon at the pawn guild in the first city. Going down the spiral steps... come across a ogre or whatever they are. Start fighting it... decide to jump onto it's head and slam the pommel of my sword into it's skull. It walks toward the edge of the, dangling me over shaking me wildly. I think "Oh shit if he bucks me off here I'm fucked". So I jump off, soon as I do... he falls over the edge... goes splat and dies. Stood there kinda shocked for a moment...coool.
Ok. So i just finished the the watergod's altar quest. Next up is. It warns me once i start it though, that current quests and unfinished business can't be returned to. Are there any quests and other miscellaneous events i should definitely have finished, before starting this?Come to Court, where I've to meet the duke
The new content is on an island you enter through Cassardis beach at night. Purple marker on your minimap.
Depends on what your lvl is. And how much time you intend to spend on the game.
If you only want to play the expansion content you can do so immediately upon starting your NG++
Hard mode is now available anytime with complete retention of items and level. So you can consider that, but like I said, it depends on your level. If you're sitting at lvl 200 I suggest going directly into hard with your old save.
Basically all of the stage specific quests. Notice board quests or quests don't expire before that stage (like Reynard) can be kept, but things like the grimoire quest or the quests from the bandit camps will be lost as they're time sensitive.
So I'm going to start playing this today. Should I play on hard more for the first time or will I regret it? (I'm reasonably competent)
Also are warriors fun to play as?
Is there Gorecyclops theme in OST? Epic music.
Quite long, I was modelling her after the lady in my avatar.
i'm surprised it works so well in game.
I'll send more after my next run later today.Thanks to phierce for the donation, didn't get Magebreaker, but got a Cursed Light at least. Time to fool around with MK stuff.
So I'm going to start playing this today. Should I play on hard more for the first time or will I regret it? (I'm reasonably competent)
Also are warriors fun to play as?
Do quests ever become unavailable? Like if I get too far in a story mode?
My Arisen had a trophy jacket for a while, too, and you're right it looks TERRIBLE with Patterned Gamebeson.
If there is anything that goes well with trophy jacket, I know not of it.
Abyssinal Outfit probably looks okay with it. Maybe Dragonleather Vest, too?
If not... just let her tits hang out it will probably net you lots of RC
Do quests ever become unavailable? Like if I get too far in a story mode?
You don't always get a prompt though. If you want to go for the platinum you need a missable trophies guide. Or you could always follow the guide on your second playthrough since you'll have to do that to unlock every trophy anyway (this way you'll also be able to avoid spoilers).Yes, all the time. You'll get a warning prompt when your progress in the story will kill some of your active quests.
You don't always get a prompt though. If you want to go for the platinum you need a missable trophies guide. Or you could always follow the guide on your second playthrough since you'll have to do that to unlock every trophy anyway (this way you'll also be able to avoid spoilers).
Fine then, just make sure not to get too obsessed with those boards giving quests, they're almost random generated and very boring, accept them only if you care about the reward or think they could be fun. Escort quests especially are a pain.Eh don't give a shit about trophies, so if I miss a single quest no biggie. Just wanted to know that I should try and tackle them asap.
Fine then, just make sure not to get too obsessed with those boards giving quests, they're almost random generated and very boring, accept them only if you care about the reward or think they could be fun. Escort quests especially are a pain.
Another thing is, since many NPC's quests are missable, the first time around I skipped almost half of those quests and some of them were really cool, so try to explore towns as much as possible and always talk to NPCs with a green baloon above their head.
That's all the advice I can give, enjoy the game![]()
Oh board quests are random? Good to know.. I was valuing them way too highly... wasn't looking forward to another venture to the shadow fort.
I don't remember if they're really random but they tend to repeat later in the game even if you do them at some point, so I guess they are. They're very generic anyway, the most sensible thing would be to get only those that go like "kill x enemies of y type" so you can do them along your other, more important quests. Those give good money too.
Escort quests are somewhat useful only if you want to increase your affinity with that character but there are other ways (gifts), much less boring and risky.
What does affinity with characters actually do?
It'll usually unlock escort quests with decent rewards. If they're a vendor, they'll sell better items.