frontier lands's true. but don't forget about the quarry. we have weird dead ends there as well.
Maelstrom I can deal with. Pawns get sucked into it and it can be a while before I get them out. I usually have Gale Harness and Showdown active when I enter in a room like that. I can run away from the tornado with relative ease, but what really fucks my toast is the damn Seism spells. Its area of effect is titanic and it always blindsides me. Maelstrom does suck in its own right though. Even at its least harmful it makes you turn from steel wielding badass to nurturing baby sitter in seconds.
I'm so damn salty right now.
frontier lands's true. but don't forget about the quarry. we have weird dead ends there as well.
There are weird dead ends in the quarry? I don't remember this.
Could you elaborate?
try inspecting the walls there. sounds like there is something behind them. scrapped dlc is my bet.
No worries! I'm glad you and the others could get some use out of the items AND actually got stuff you wanted. That's awesome!I just wanted to say a big thank you to phierce, who was kind enough to gift me two lv.2 weapons... which ended up being Dragon's Glaze and Dragon's Tempest, the exact two I was after. Thanks again!
They said they planned for the world to be much bigger. Those are likely connected to the snipped off areas.try inspecting the walls there. sounds like there is something behind them. scrapped dlc is my bet.
They said they planned for the world to be much bigger. Those are likely connected to the snipped off areas.
On that note I wish Dark Arisen added those areas. Then again it ran out of space on 360 so maybe being multiplatform (or a current gen game period) hobbled it.
No worries! I'm glad you and the others could get some use out of the items AND actually got stuff you wanted. That's awesome!
As I said previously, I'm out of town for work until Thursday, so I won't be grinding BBI this week. When I get back, I'll be able to give out some more cursed items (currently only need lv3 everything is up for the taking as I obtain it).
With that said, you guys keep an eye out for Sway while I'm telling what she'll try to get into while I'm gone!
Edit: really should buy a travel PS3...actually may have some downtime this trip. Or just two PS4s...hmmm
try inspecting the walls there. sounds like there is something behind them. scrapped dlc is my bet.
I figured these would open up later in the game..but if not..aww..
After clearing out the quarry, talk to Alon and buy 2 Promissory Notes, sleep a couple days and those areas will be opened up.
Is that where you find the Triforce?
Who are you kidding, that'll always be happening. And it's not inherently a bad thing, sometimes the cut content just wasn't going to be any good.I just hope they can really deliver on the sequel.
No "we wanted to do this but..." this time!
I want bigger and better and more epic everything for Dragon's Dogma 2
If you are using a ranged vocation, you can kill everyone from the balcony.
Who are you kidding, that'll always be happening. And it's not inherently a bad thing, sometimes the cut content just wasn't going to be any good.
The question is how much will be cut, and how badly it'll stick out.
haha rock on! Glad she could help!Took Sway on a wyrm-hunt. Killed several post-game dragons with relative ease. I feel way overpowered having her in my party, but it's a helluva lot of fun. Into BBI we go
Thanks for the weapons. Sway was a big help against Daimon!With that said, you guys keep an eye out for Sway while I'm telling what she'll try to get into while I'm gone!
Me and my main pawn:
Me stabbing a prisoner gorecyclops in the head after it died because I hate them.
Pic of the fallen city from a rooftop:
Taking down a cursed dragon:
Stabbing Daimon in his face.
Man, on that note I don't like how that helmet looks, and outright hate it on female characters (or at least ones that arn't huge and buffed out) for how awkward it looks, like you're wearing a mascot head or something. I'd just stick with the Dragon Wings/Band as the rest of the armor looks fine.Nice pics B.A.L.
I didn't realize that hair was so long in the back, it makes me wish I had it for my pawn.
My turn for screen sharing...
Man, on that note I don't like how that helmet looks, and outright hate it on female characters (or at least ones that arn't huge and buffed out) for how awkward it looks, like you're wearing a mascot head or something. I'd just stick with the Dragon Wings/Band as the rest of the armor looks fine.
That's why I wish the stuff like the dragon band or wings had higher stats or higher stat equivalents, nevermind how homogenous it can be if everyone's wearing gear that won't show their faces. It's probably the biggest reason to be against armor showing on your character, I hate having helmets block their faces!Yeah, I should probably remove the helmet. The hellfire helm gives a huge amount of stats, though, but it's really not worth it for how terrible it looks lol
That's why I wish the stuff like the dragon band or wings had higher stats or higher stat equivalents, nevermind how homogenous it can be if everyone's wearing gear that won't show their faces. It's probably the biggest reason to be against armor showing on your character, I hate having helmets block their faces!
Yeah, that'd work too, though I wonder with the way the pawn system is set up that they'd want it forced on just for the sake of character customization as the original pawn owner saw fit.Needs a toggle like in Kingdoms of Amalur, which gives you the stats of whatever helm you're wearing but makes it invisible.
Just for fun I like to jump -> brain splitter -> mid air instant reset -> brain splitter.Also, Brain Splitter is killing chimeras in one or two spins. So crazy.
Mystic Archers simply can't use them, their arrows are literally made of magic.How do you use specialty arrows like blast arrows? I just switched to mystic archer buf cant seem to equip them... Thanks.
Mystic Archers simply can't use them, their arrows are literally made of magic.
For every other class that can use bows: go into the menu and use them, then you'll keep firing them until you select "put away" in the menu or run out. Even when you're doing special shots, which means 5/10 shot can be MURDER.
I'll be very disappointed given they're the best way to farm Daimon 2.0, but honestly they'd still be amazing if they had the knockdown power at a fraction of the damage output, though that'd work better with pawns that run into something's face and pound the shit out of it.Yeah, blast arrows are kind of broken. I wouldn't be surprised if they got nerfed.
Also, is there such a thing called BBI 3.0 where enemy patterns remix a third time?
Thinking of changing my assassin to a mystic archer. Decent path?
Yeah, blast arrows are kind of broken. I wouldn't be surprised if they got nerfed.
Also, is there such a thing called BBI 3.0 where enemy patterns remix a third time?
If you think that was badass, just wait for the later stuff.The Griffin's Bane quest is badass.
Love this game.
Sad that I got this game so late, doubt my pawn will ever be hired!
Finally max ranked sorc and decided to try magick archer out..yeah..I might switch to this instead of the mystic knight. Seems the best of both worlds.
Are you on ps3? I go out of my way to hire lower than me pawns. I'm still rocking level 30 versions of Cherie and Ally Mcheal.
Yep, lvl 31.
PSN: Ferrio.
Added you. Provided your pawn isn't a guardian (unless it's a mage), I will use it next time I jump on. Feel free to use mine when you hit the 40s.
Added. She's a ranger currently, warrior in the near future.
Finally max ranked sorc and decided to try magick archer out..yeah..I might switch to this instead of the mystic knight. Seems the best of both worlds.
Are you on ps3? I go out of my way to hire lower than me pawns. I'm still rocking level 30 versions of Cherie and Ally Mcheal.