Hey has anybody purchased the "New Character Edit Options Pack" from Orla at BBI?
Hey has anybody purchased the "New Character Edit Options Pack" from Orla at BBI?
For once, being a PC gamer benefits me in a console game. I'm a habitual saver after events I'd rather not do again.So I just got to thefight. I got my ass handed to me at 72 and then I reloaded my checkpoint and ended up back where I last slept at the start of the dungeon. So now I have go back down through thethe priest and the dragon, a potentialminotaurand all the crap leading up to the fight.Elder Ogre
For me, it feels like Elder Scrolls with A slight Dark Souls aesthetic, and character action combat. I fucking love it.Update(New player still): Sorted my pawn out, turned him into a sorcerer, relaized i need a new weapon for him to actually attack with. Shield counters and learning how to properly pace attacks to make the most out of a stamina bar. I was frustrated earlier, but the game is starting to sink in for me and it's getting pretty awesome. Mechanically, The combat is by far the best feeling in any RPG this gen.
For once, being a PC gamer benefits me in a console game. I'm a habitual saver after events I'd rather not do again.
For me, it feels like Elder Scrolls with A slight Dark Souls aesthetic, and character action combat. I fucking love it.
This was my strategy:I just focus fired on the sorcerer while trying to evade the dragon. As soon as the sorcerer went down, so did the dragon! Got drops from the dragon and managed to get a piece of equipment dragonforged.
How the hell do I get pawns that are from Dark Arisen? Almost every Pawn I find I can't rate. I got lucky and someone used my pawn, but I can see how tedious it is to find pawns that can be rated. Hope the devs fix this.
When you hire pawns, there should be some icons below their name. Pawns that have an icon with 2 blue arrows are from DA. If there's a red line through an icon, it means they're from the original game.
I get that. What I'm saying is there needs to be a search filter for DA pawns only, Or only show DA pawns for people who are playing DA. All I see are DD pawns.
Anyone else in the "Fuck Helmets" category?
I love the way my character looks and the somewhat goofy looking helmets they give you early on diminish the aesthetic appeal.
Although, I fear that helmets give a much needed boost in defense rating so I will probably have to get one eventually.
Any opinions?
Anyone else in the "Fuck Helmets" category?
I love the way my character looks and the somewhat goofy looking helmets they give you early on diminish the aesthetic appeal.
Although, I fear that helmets give a much needed boost in defense rating so I will probably have to get one eventually.
Any opinions?
Anyone else in the "Fuck Helmets" category?
I love the way my character looks and the somewhat goofy looking helmets they give you early on diminish the aesthetic appeal.
Although, I fear that helmets give a much needed boost in defense rating so I will probably have to get one eventually.
Any opinions?
is something up with the rift or is it me?
i can't search top ranked, top ranked for the month, or special pawns.
Dangan.So this has the entire previous game? Is anything missing?
Dumb question but are you in offline mode?
Yeah, so many of the hats and hoods look downright atrocious, to the point where I mostly go bareheaded as well. The fighters get a few nice ones but the other classes are (for the most part) shit out of luck.Anyone else in the "Fuck Helmets" category?
I love the way my character looks and the somewhat goofy looking helmets they give you early on diminish the aesthetic appeal.
Although, I fear that helmets give a much needed boost in defense rating so I will probably have to get one eventually.
Any opinions?
Anyone else in the "Fuck Helmets" category?
I love the way my character looks and the somewhat goofy looking helmets they give you early on diminish the aesthetic appeal.
Although, I fear that helmets give a much needed boost in defense rating so I will probably have to get one eventually.
Any opinions?
Get the hell out of here with this Forgotten Hall place.Two giant cyclops chained to the wall and sorcerers casting ultra powerful maelstrom that sucks me and my pawns into the room and bounces us up and down to a near instant death. Can't do shit.
Hahaha, I killed the three sorcerers and ran out of the room to save. Uh, NOPE, three cursed-wolves spawned in the hallway with the door and destroyed me. One wolf gave me a ton of trouble the first time I battled it, now I have to kill three? My god, that entire floor is just wrong.
So yeah level 53 character here and wow.... I was getting creamed easily. I just defeated the cockatrice. I'm guessing that isn't very far. Would you recommend just playing through the main campaign before trying it again?
Oh, you have not even begun, lol. The way it's looking is that everything here scales to you anyway. Even level 200 players are running into situations where they are getting one-shotted, etc.
Am I going to be able to beat DA with a sorcerer on hard?
Freaking finally. Beat the. Took forever for a Sorc because my spells kept getting interrupted.Gazer
My pawn needs an attitude adjustment. She was fine, more than fine, for vanilla DD but she's not attacking as much here for some reason.
Oh, I see. Well, maybe I'll keep trudging along with her then.Even pawns with good inclinations seem to have AI troubles against the giant enemies in Bitterblack. I'm not sure if it's something they changed in the way the AI works between the versions or if they're just not good at handling the colossal enemies in DA. Even pawns with Scather/Challenger seem to become rather passive against the Bitterblack bosses.