You can find random pawns throughout the world.How is this game without using the online features? Friend of mine wants to get this but won't have an internet connection for a couple of weeks.
You can find random pawns throughout the world.How is this game without using the online features? Friend of mine wants to get this but won't have an internet connection for a couple of weeks.
Seriously? I'm at heavy most of the time, lol. Is there any real difference to movement at heavy as opposed to light, or no? I've honestly never really known, lol.
How is this game without using the online features? Friend of mine wants to get this but won't have an internet connection for a couple of weeks.
yup, and running speed. Stamina doesn't regenerate as quickly eitherI think stamina drains faster and walk speed is slower the heavier you are. I could be wrong.
Here's the friend adding googledoc link.
I'm trading in AC3 at ebgames tommorow to get this game free. A good move I guess? What are the essentials things a newbie like me should know before starting the game. Getting it on PS3 btw.
I got the gryphic victory 2h sword at around level 16, I'm level 35 now, and still using this sword. Because although I've found other 2h weapons, indeed, some with interesting properties and cool appearances, none have been as good as the GV. or even close.
Any thoughts on how to get away from this weapon?![]()
So I know there has been some negative responses to some of the difficulty and balancing but is there anyone who thinks that Bitter Black Isle is DD at its peak? I am loving it and hope that this along with the hints from Deep Down that they are going in more of a dungeon crawler direction with the sequel. I think it is a much better direction than trying to expand the open world nature of the base game.
Thanks, added my name. Only lv.30, but useful for anyone doing a replay or playing for the first time.
I for one would like more puzzles in BBI. Heck, it already has the movement mechanics for some old school Tomb Raider-esque traversal puzzles.
As for the open world nature of the base game, it has the germ to be a far better RPG than the Elder Scrolls. I'm thinking of making a LttP post elaborating on this.
We think it sets its difficulty at your level when you first enter. So if you gain several levels you'll get more powerful relative to the enemies.Are we sure it scales? I feel like some of the new monsters (warg, minotaur, elder ogre) are a lot easier now than they were back at lvl 85.
We think it sets its difficulty at your level when you first enter. So if you gain several levels you'll get more powerful relative to the enemies.
I'm level 112, 110 when I entered and many of the enemies are really tough, at least as far as resisting damage.
gotcha, that makes a lot of sense I think.We think it sets its difficulty at your level when you first enter. So if you gain several levels you'll get more powerful relative to the enemies.
I'm level 112, 110 when I entered and many of the enemies are really tough, at least as far as resisting damage.
Are we sure it scales? I feel like some of the new monsters (warg, minotaur, elder ogre) are a lot easier now than they were back at lvl 85.
As for the open world nature of the base game, it has the germ to be a far better RPG than the Elder Scrolls. I'm thinking of making a LttP post elaborating on this.
how did you do against the super-powered Drake in the courtyard? That guy was a beastI love cursed-dragons, best addition to the game by far. Relatively easy and they have an extremely high DF chance.
yeah, its similar with me but I'm at lvl 110. That's why it makes sense that it scales to the level you are when you first go to the islandYou see, that's the weird thing. They were extremely hard for me at lv70-80, they became manageable at 85 and super easy at 90. Oh, and magick archer is broken in DA, stay away from it if you want a challenge in here.
You see, that's the weird thing. They were extremely hard for me at lv70-80, they became manageable at 85 and super easy at 90. Oh, and magick archer is broken in DA, stay away from it if you want a challenge in here.
Puzzles would be decent and I would love more fleshed out traps to worry about.
Mainly I am hoping that they don't double down on the quests and character interactions of a Bethesda type that they seem to be going for, which are in my mind the primary faults of the game. But rather minimalism them in a Diablo fashion.
How is Magick Archer broken, exactly? I've only tried it out for a brief bit so I'm not too knowledgeable about the vocation.
lol, no wonder you havent found it difficult.Let's just say I can kill big giant stuff from a ledge where I can't be hit. Plus Ricochet Hunter clears rooms lol.
I killed the Wyvern in the courtyard with no effort. Was pretty funny.
those are entry level bosses, don't worry. Lots of more difficult stuff to come. Some of the easier bosses get upgraded versions, like GoreChimerasI'm kind of disappointed with the big monsters on hard mode now. I am only level 38, but kill them all very quickly, and with little trouble. I destroyed a Chimera in less than a minute, and a cyclopes in about 2 minutes.
how did you do against the super-powered Drake in the courtyard? That guy was a beastyeah, its similar with me but I'm at lvl 110. That's why it makes sense that it scales to the level you are when you first go to the island
How is Magick Archer broken, exactly? I've only tried it out for a brief bit so I'm not too knowledgeable about the vocation.
Yep..soon as I switched to fighter at Gran Soren I realized I'd gotten completely used to the combat. Now melee is fine for me. Makes me want to restart for the third time and go fighter lol..I don't feel like leveling it just for Sinew now haha.
No need to start over. Vocations are like the job system in Final Fantasy. Change vocations when ever you want.
I think you can gain ranks rapidly by murdering the oxen in the fields outside Gran Soren so you can get augments you want without sticking to a vocation for several levels.
Let's just say I can kill big giant stuff from a ledge where I can't be hit. Plus Ricochet Hunter clears rooms lol.
I killed the Wyvern in the courtyard with no effort. Was pretty funny.
I just stood still on the top level and knocked it out of the air like 10 times, didn't even have to move.
Sixfold(Nine with the ring) and Ricochet Hunter just destroy everything in BBI.
lol, no wonder you havent found it difficult.
That's awesome to know, thanks. Well, I'd have also wanted all the str gains from the early levels of fighter. But it's ok, playing strider for the beginning is what made the game click for me. I just want Sinew and then it's gonna be ranger all the way. Until I get bored.
Oh, gosh, no, I don't think so. My copy of DA still hasn't arrived yet, so I'm just twiddling my thumbs impatiently and recalling old memories, lol. I doubt the lighting is any different in DA.Wait are you saying they changed the lighting for Dark Arisen?
Just playing this game for the first time and I enter the pawn world rift thing and see a level112 pawn I can hire for free (thanks Kyoufu, didn't know it was yours until after I had hired her), whats with that? I went to Bitterblack isle at level 18 and killed a Cyclops in three seconds+cleared a few rooms but Death scared me away, pretty crazy if the difficulty sets when you first enter as it will be piss easy when I go back for real. I should probably replace Kyoufu's pawn otherwise my game will be no fun/challenge.
Up to level 10, the stat gains are not a big difference.
Use this google doc if you want to min/max stat gains, augments, etc
Buffed (fire/ice/lightning/holy/dark affinity) arrows and daggers.Anyone know where to get a longbow beyond Reinforced Longbow? Judging by the number of ranger pawns I've seen with this longbow, I'd wager I'm not alone.
Why do strider and ranger get 3 magic attack? What use do they have of it?
I switch between fighter and warrior all the time, not a big deal.I dont really wanna min/max, just str obviously helps me more. I won't restart anymore haha, will fuck around with augments though.
I dont really wanna min/max, just str obviously helps me more. I won't restart anymore haha, will fuck around with augments though.
Buffed (fire/ice/lightning/holy/dark affinity) arrows and daggers.
All the buff does is enable magick attack of that element type. Your character's magick attack determines the damage. It makes your equipped weapon into a magick weapon of that elemental type, dealing physical plus magick damage based on your stats.Magic attack affects the enchantments on your weapons? So even a warrior or whatever, if they get a weapon enchantment from a mage, higher magic attack on the part of the receiver of the buff helps?