So I picked this up off of PSN and have been playing it for a couple nights. First off, a hearty fuck you to Capcom for releasing this right as finals season begins. Second, anyone else just starting out, go take the quest to kill a cyclops in Soulflayer Canyon as soon as you can. It was really easy (only took one arrow!) and I got a cool helmet.
But... I don't know how much I'm feeling the BBI content so far. I don't mind the difficulty, I like it, but I think this is just reminding me how much I disliked the loot system in this game the first time I went through it. For the majority of vanilla DD you were constantly making progress by leveling up your stats, learning new skills, and finding/buying new equipment. Only, once you hit postgame you've probably learned all of the skills you're ever going to use, and your stats have plateaued. So the only avenue left for character growth is gear, really. And the post-game in vanilla DD really shows off the problems in DD's loot system. Chests everywhere in the game, but you're never guaranteed to actually get anything useful out of them. You're not even likely to get anything useful out of them. I hated myself for the hour or so I spent opening chests in the DD post-game, killing myself, and reloading to try again. So far in BBI again there are chests everywhere, and so far at least very rarely anything worthwhile in them. Blah.