Neo Member
Just got back from Iron Man 3 and found this in my post box box. Best Saturday in a long time. Any idea of what the install size is for the HD textures and Japanese voice track on the 360 version? I need to make some room.
But is she cute? I have 16 or so GAF members on my friends list...only 1 has a pawn that's really near my level (I'm 27, will be 28 soon). There are 6 higher than me (which I will definitely use in the near future).
So, if any of you are around my level (I'll probably level a lot today), please toss me an invite (PSN: phierce_) and I'll gladly use your pawns.
Just tossing this out there as I'd like to use GAF pawns if possible.
You should've been juggling the whole time just to see what you'd like. But I think most of the equipment carries over to Mystic Knight if you want to try that now.
You can add me if you need a good strider pawn. She's good all around with good Armor stats and skills![]()
Good to hear! My retinue always got the wine going. We're a party in more ways than one.
I think you're just using the wrong element or your Pawn group isn't very efficient.
Only boss that takes longer than 5 minutes should be the final one.
Do pawns ever use items or tools, such as special arrows or curatives or whatever?
Do pawns ever use items or tools, such as special arrows or curatives or whatever?
Oh I am quite happy to admit I may need to do a few other things to help myself. Probably revolving around play as Magic Archer and shooting/stabbing everything. What really did me wassorcerer, flying things and gorecyclops. Went in as assassin, malestrom in the face. Tried as sorcerer, seism one shot. Tried assaain again, run to little room at side, then ran out and stabbed the skeletons quick time. Only my pawn decided as I was doing this to set loose the cyclops. So I rush for next area. Oh, two bandit types. That seemingly take no damage from anything. Not making a dent. Rush for door, get through it.
Open first chest, ruddy worm. Go into next room, and big hammer dude and more bandit types. Still doing no damage. Welp, I am done.
Oh, and as I was trying to do the sorcerer room I had death spawning as soon as I loaded the save.
Just feeling like too much of a grind, I do not feel like bashing my head against it until I can do it. This is not a slight on the game as such, I just do not fancy the challenge. Annoying for me really, DD is the only game I have ever 1000/1000, got a chunk of dragon forced gear and my pawn is not completely terrible. Could always go through main game again and see if BBI really does scale I suppose.
Yeah this just isn't fun anymore...
each battle feels like a chore because you do shit damage and leveling up doesn't help.
Dissapointment city right now.
I'm at the sorcerer and dragon fight and it's just annoying and none of my attack or pawns are doing shit....
fuck this shit.
I loved DD and it was hard at times but you felt like after getting stronger you could take on anything..this just feels like nothing you do matters so get ready for 30 minute fights of tedium and health managment.
Yeah this just isn't fun anymore...
each battle feels like a chore because you do shit damage and leveling up doesn't help.
Dissapointment city right now.
I'm at the sorcerer and dragon fight and it's just annoying and none of my attack or pawns are doing shit....
fuck this shit.
I loved DD and it was hard at times but you felt like after getting stronger you could take on anything..this just feels like nothing you do matters so get ready for 30 minute fights of tedium and health managment.
Much to my frustration once, yes. Had to round up skulls, kept them in my inventory in case it auto completed since I didn't remember (it doesn't), handed them off to a meathead pawn I spawned so I wouldn't be kept at heavy, and I was short of MORE than when I went to the catacombs initially because he was lobbing them around and I didn't notice. Still gave good marks when sending back since it's something out of the pawn creator's control and it was an avoidable freak incident, but I did throw him to the bottom of the Everfall then reloaded because I wanted to vent somehow.Do pawns ever use items or tools, such as special arrows or curatives or whatever?
I had to double check, but I already have Vespian with me! She is doing a good job so far
Much to my frustration once, yes. Had to round up skulls, kept them in my inventory in case it auto completed since I didn't remember (it doesn't), handed them off to a meathead pawn I spawned so I wouldn't be kept at heavy, and I was short of MORE than when I went to the catacombs initially because he was lobbing them around and I didn't notice. Still gave good marks when sending back since it's something out of the pawn creator's control and it was an avoidable freak incident, but I did throw him to the bottom of the Everfall then reloaded because I wanted to vent somehow.
In a fight with two Gorecyclops at once, none of my pawns are doing anything, so I'm just slowly whittling them down with Hunter Bolt with my Sorcerer pawn doing nothing and having a fighter pawn doing nothing either...
This is going to be a while, I have a feeling.
Use your ice attack. That's what they're weak to.
Oh man, that's doing CONSIDERABLY more damage than Hunter Bolt, thanks! Had no clue that it was their weakness, I had just been doing Hunter Bolt because it let me target so many parts at once.
Tips against the big eye and sorc+dragon bosses.
Destroy all of the Gazer's tentacles, the ones on its body(?) and the ones that it summons on the ground. Once you've done this, it will try to use its ultimate attack on you, destroy all the tentacles and then the boss will fall and you can destroy the eye in no time. It should only take two phases at most if you're weak to kill it this way, simple.
Sorc and Dragon, this is just so easy. Kill the dragon, it only has one life bar and it's super easy to kill. Wait for it to get revived and kill it again, at this point the sorcerer will fall and lie on the floor for a very long time. Slap it, if you can't kill it during that time, kill the dragon again and repeat.
I have done that for the sorcdragon boss.
It got revived and i got one shotted by something...not too mention I am doing little to no damage to it.
I will rethink my approach. But my point is far too frustrating to be any times of course.
I have done that for the sorcdragon boss.
It got revived and i got one shotted by something...not too mention I am doing little to no damage to it.
I will rethink my approach. But my point is far too frustrating to be any times of course.
So i just want to confirm with some other addicts here who have gone through BBI already at least once ...
You beat the big bad and then what? Do you get an ending and then tele to the main entrance to start on a 2.0 go around?
If you're doing little to no damage to the sorcerer's dragon, you are wildly undergeared. It has basically no life and is a quick 20-second kill. I'd check out my equipment if I were you, perhaps switch main weapons or change up your combat skills.
I keep looking at the Magick Archer stat growth, and cannot fathom what Capcom was thinking. There's seriously NO justification for it's distribution. The high magic defense seems like it's only there for Backfire/Immolation, but that's not a good enough reason. In fact, if you look at the Strider's stat growth, it's exactly what the MA should be. It's almost like they thought that being diverse is better than being efficient and productive.
I am wearing all my best shit and my best weapons tho...
I am only levl 52 I'm hoping that is the issue...but I have hired a pawn who level 102 (out of she cost me nothing) and she is getting destroyed too...unless she unleashes malstroms.
Grinding time I guess.
The thing is this was all while in the catacombs, implying he was throwing skulls at skeletons (and occasionally zombies.) The guy may well have had screws loose to think of that as a great tactic.This is hilarious. The pawn was all like "wtf why are you giving me this garbage? creepy as hell, dude. fuck that." *tosses skull over shoulder*
I just had a similar experience fighting an ogre in BBI, where I handed out lanterns and oil to all of my pawns, only for every single one of them to spend the entire fight throwing oil flasks at the ogre instead of fighting it.
Yeah, I had been sweating which augments to remove... but then I see Strength adds something like 100 points, and when you're at about 2000 that doesn't really mean much anymore.
Started as a warrior, saw people saying Sinew is the good Augment to get.
What should I go for now? I'm at the main city so I can change vocations now.
Also, what Boon's should I equip on my mage pawn, what augments would be good for a mage pawn, any good general vocation/augment paths?
I just hate dumping points into skills that are useless later on.
Keep going with fighter till you get sinew, then you can switch to whatever. For my mage pawn I keep fire/lightning/heal as my primary skills and fire enchant/ice enchant/and some other shit as my secondary. I don't even know what the diff between primary/secondary are. I just hit left on the d-pad when I want her to enchant me. I only have the make enhancements longer augments on her right now as well.