Why o Why isn't there not fast travel in this? I'm still fairly early in the game. And it feels like Demon Souls in difficulty sometimes.
Why o Why isn't there not fast travel in this? I'm still fairly early in the game. And it feels like Demon Souls in difficulty sometimes.
Why o Why isn't there not fast travel in this? I'm still fairly early in the game. And it feels like Demon Souls in difficulty sometimes.
There is a sort of fast travel, but you have to really pick your spots... since in early game, the opportunities are sparse, or quite costly.
Have you reached Gran Soren? If so, there is a ferrystone that spawns (for free) semi regularly. And later in the game the options open up more.
But no you cannot zip all around anywhere on the map like shittyville Skyrim. This is a problem for some, but I think it's one of the game's strengths.
Yeah, but doesn't help that at night you can't see shit, and the A.I for the most part are dumb as rocks. Which help command is for attacking? I'm using both left and right on the dpad, and a lot of the times they just stand there. I'm guessing Go is to follow you?
Yeah, but doesn't help that at night you can't see shit,
Yeah, but doesn't help that at night you can't see shit, and the A.I for the most part are dumb as rocks. Which help command is for attacking? I'm using both left and right on the dpad, and a lot of the times they just stand there. I'm guessing Go is to follow you?
Say hello to night time done right in a game for once.
The only issue I have with the classes is that it kind of feels like a misnomer. The Strider, Assassin and Ranger have virtually the same playstyle and very similar movesets. They do definitely have their differences, but not enough to warrant calling them different classes (they would be the "Shotos" of this game). I also wish the Warrior was actually worthwhile past vanilla, or that he was actually useful beyond just using his basic attacks. You can charge/topple some bigger enemies, but the Warrior still has the hardest time out of every class.
All Monsters have damage resistance threshold. (Some, more so than others: some magic base others physical)
Your base lvl + magic lvl+ magic-bow damage output is not enough to put a dent in bbi Cyclops.
However (If you're going to give the MA another go) pick up a minimum of four Solomons from the wealthy merchant in Grand (for magic buff) and attack the cyclops again with ric or the six shot homing shot.
By the way ..you will really start to lvl fast and start picking up some great gear while playing through this tough part. Things will get tremendously easier...still a challenge but kick ass fun.
I look forward to finding eliminator s in close quarters.. they use to own me!
Edit! Forgive me ...your talking about the giant eye!jump on the head from up top..climb directly on the eye ball...pop 4 strength tonics and then hundred kiss his butt! ...bring extra tonics and a cure for blindness... if you fall off rinse and repeat
Haha, thanks. No wonder they weren't attacking. And maybe my TV settings is a little bit off. But night time, even with the lantern, is really dark. I can basically see 5 feet ahead of me.
You can adjust the brightness in the options ingame, the game asks you to turn it down till you can't see the second dragon icon anymore but all that will accomplish on an LCD is crushed blacks (which means there is no shadow detail, it's just even black, which is retarded)Haha, thanks. No wonder they weren't attacking. And maybe my TV settings is a little bit off. But night time, even with the lantern, is really dark. I can basically see 5 feet ahead of me.
I wish you could bind an equipment set to each class though... such a pain in the butt to switch it all around every time you change vocation.
Or if not bind the equipment, how about let you change equipment while you're in the inn-keep menu? Instead of having to exit out of the entire conversation to make any adjustments?
I love this game but many aspects of it feel like amateur hour.
You CAN swap equipment from the innkeeper, you go to manage inventory -> change equipment
This lets you equip your chars and it shows ALL of your equipment (in storage and on your characters), it's very convenient.
You CAN swap equipment from the innkeeper, you go to manage inventory -> change equipment
This lets you equip your chars and it shows ALL of your equipment (in storage and on your characters), it's very convenient.
Is this a new thing in DA? I was planning to pick up DA in a week or two... but afaik you cannot do this in vanilla.
DA has a ton of tweaks and fixes over vanilla. Why it's also worth it for anyone who didn't play vanilla at all.
Well, I'm glad they finally realized how dumb that shit was in vanilla (changing gear at the Inn, not fast travel, I like vanilla fast travel just how it is). lol
You CAN swap equipment from the innkeeper, you go to manage inventory -> change equipment
This lets you equip your chars and it shows ALL of your equipment (in storage and on your characters), it's very convenient.
Is this a new thing in DA? I was planning to pick up DA in a week or two... but afaik you cannot do this in vanilla.
Relatively new player here and I'm loving this game. Went fighter from levels 1-10, then assassin until 41. The dragon battle was epic! Decided to switch to mystic knight and, I got my ass kicked in post game for a while but, now that I've got great cannon and ruinous sigil everything gets destroyed. Abbysal anguish is pretty good too, though I'm not a fan of the cast time.
Loving the mystic knight overall and any tips regarding skills and augments would be appreciated. Thinking about going sorcerer for around 15 levels to raise my magic attack a bit later.
PS: anybody else find that great cannon destroys the framerate? It literally becomes stop motion![]()
Which spells are the best for my sorcerer pawn? I find the spells which take a huge amount of time to cast pretty worthless, but I can not seem to find out which spells have a low cast time and whether I should keep one long cast spell for the bigger enemies.
Any help is appreciated.
The only time I 'killed' an Elder Ogre was when it jumped off a bridge.
Thanks for the advice, I brought some of those tonics for next time I meet a big enemy and he is staggered.
And yeah I crapped all over the eye boss when I got tired of shooting and swapped to my daggers , it summoned the eye and the 4 channeling tentacles, I killed those , it fell to the ground and I hundred kisses'ed the eye 's hp bar away like snow in the sun.
I guess the damage treshold is why I'm doing literally 0 dmg? Because I don't have enough dmg to break the 'absorb' on each hit?
Then why do my main story daggers (far inferior to the everfall bow) manage to crap on enemies but the bow doesn't? :
Do you know what element each of the MA abilities are, because it for sure isn't physical damage (no dmg on wrights or golems)
Anyhow I unliocked the first shortcut and found some board quests (gorecyclops in soulflayer canyon and goblins in witchwood) so I guess i'll go do those first.
So I go into a room with some 3 story tall monster chained up.
I'm level 63.
It one shotted me.
What the fuck is it?
So I never talked to Aelinore in the garden way ack when, so I can't do all her quests.
Seriously, fuck you Capcom. I explred the shit out of the garden and nobody was there. A cutscene then triggers that has nothing to do with her, and I'm supposed to know to randomly recheck the garden again cus some important NPC is going o randomly show up.
Go uck a dick Capcom. Fix your quest structure bullshit in Deep Down.
Anyway, general inquiery, assassin or mystic knight for BBI. Is death weak to holy? And the wiki states that cycclops' are weak to lighting...i though it was fire?
Yeah, he also one shotted me. Fuck. He takes a lot if damaged when he's oiled up and you use a throwblast on him. Thats why I asked if h is weak to thunder because hes a cyclops type right? I need strats for that fucker.
Dragon's Dogma and Deep Down are not related. Capcom said this back when the trailers were released. Said they wanted the devs to be able to create a new experience free of fan expectation. Clean slate and all that.
I guess we can still hope for a spiritual successor, even if it's not Dragon's Dogma by name.
If you play MK... it's nice to have the augment that makes your enchants last longer... think it's mage that give you that? Maybe sorc? Idk... but it's really great to have as MK (my favorite vocation in the game, and the best one for solo play since it mixes magic/melee/shield)
This is just my gut feeling, but I believe Deep Down is Capcom thinking they can do Souls better than FROM.
Yeah, he also one shotted me. Fuck. He takes a lot if damaged when he's oiled up and you use a throwblast on him. Thats why I asked if h is weak to thunder because hes a cyclops type right? I need strats for that fucker.
So Arisen's Bond is basically pointless. It really doesn't matter who you give it to, the game will just pair you with a random person at the end provided their affinity for you is max. No rhyme or reason.
This is just my gut feeling, but I believe Deep Down is Capcom thinking they can do Souls better than FROM.
It's weak to ice. Break the helmet and then hit the eye. It's not worth fighting if you don't have a lv2 cursed weapon. It will just take too long and be a waste of time. Skip it for now and go back for round 2 once you have better gear.
Yeah, the wiki says that it's a mage augment. Have been having troubles with enchants running out, made even worse by that fact that, I only just found out that holding down the enchant button makes it go into its upgraded version despite having the upgraded enchant for quite a while now.
Any quick ways for getting vocation ranks? I know of the gran soren guards method, does that still work in dark arisen or have they patched it out?
Also, does using an always-enchanted weapon affect great cannon? It would be nice to not have to recast the enchant all the time.
That would be sad, since we don't need two Souls franchises. We need one, and a Dragon's Dogma franchise.
That would be sad, since we don't need two Souls franchises. We need one, and a Dragon's Dogma franchise.
It better not be a Souls clone. Capcom can make DD something special if they keep at it.
Search this thread for Sorcerers. There are a couple of pages dedicated to spells (speed, effectiveness and staffs).Anyone?
yo what's up with the ogre in bbi, my attacks doesn't do any damage, I know I'm only lvl38 but still, dude has like 8 bars of health.
So Arisen's Bond is basically pointless. It really doesn't matter who you give it to, the game will just pair you with a random person at the end provided their affinity for you is max. No rhyme or reason.
yea i'm going to quit BBI, took me forever to get the giant eyeball down half of the hp bar, let's see what these cursed items are.