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DrDisrespect permanently banned from Twitch [Now Streaming on YouTube]


Neo Member
Yeah sure.

The post I was responded to claimed there's no way Twitch hasn't told him though.

Obviously it's possible he "knows" (or at least strongly suspects.) But the question here is whether he's lying about Twitch not telling him.

Word, I'd bet he knows, but it's more of a hype getter to make twitch out to be the bad guy, and it's likely something Twitch doesn't want leaking so they are being silent on it.

Good move by doc for leveraging it for hype.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Word, I'd bet he knows, but it's more of a hype getter to make twitch out to be the bad guy, and it's likely something Twitch doesn't want leaking so they are being silent on it.

Good move by doc for leveraging it for hype.
Oh I'm pretty sure he "knows" too. And yeah he seems confident in his comeback, spent some time and effort on that trailer, etc.

So maybe it's nothing serious.. the early rumor was "it will kill his career" but rumors are rumors.

Even if it is a legal issue (which could explain Twitch's silence), it might not be career ending either way.
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need doc back, wanna know what he thinks about hyper scape and halo 3

he should go to youtube, work with them to expand the territory
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Word, I'd bet he knows, but it's more of a hype getter to make twitch out to be the bad guy, and it's likely something Twitch doesn't want leaking so they are being silent on it.

Good move by doc for leveraging it for hype.

If Doc is lying to the press, thereby making Twitch look bad, they will sue to protect their brand. This would be an easy case of defamation if true.

I mean it's potentially not a lie, you and I won't know the difference, but - if you happen to do something (like steal from a company) then they fire you for cause (but without citing a reason) you can literally say 'they have not told me the reason' and it would be ethically and legally true.

Doc is not a direct employee of Twitch. The contract between the 2 parties would determine whether or not Twitch can fire without cause. The likelihood of his agency allowing for such a clause in his contract is minute unless he was working with incompetent people. I highly doubt CAA is this incompetent. Twitch would most likely incur substantial loss by serving without cause.

Serving an agreement with cause usually predicates advance notice defined by the parties. If Twitch notified him and he lied to the press about it, it would be a very bad situation for him. The likelihood of his legal counsel telling him to lie to the press is non-existent.

Here's a lawyer reviewing the interviews on the Youtube going over why it is unlikely that Doc was informed, also portions on the likely contractual language around ceasing/breaching:

Relevant bits end at 15:14.
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^Her deleted tweet seems to be entirely bullshit. No follow-up yet either makes me think her sources didn't know anything either.

Also, it is strange that Twitch won't go on the record at all outside of their generic "TOS violation" comment.

Charlatans everywhere. Social media is equivalent to a never ending 13th grade where grown ass adults still want to be the popular kid.


Gold Member


Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
At this point, I suspect Twitch likely regretted the contract value once Mixer collapsed and found some bullshit TOS violation to end the agreement. Doc will sue and the 2 parties will settle out of court. Doc will recoup a small portion of the loss and the lawyers will be the real winners.



^Her deleted tweet seems to be entirely bullshit. No follow-up yet either makes me think her sources didn't know anything either.

Also, it is strange that Twitch won't go on the record at all outside of their generic "TOS violation" comment.

These twats would do the same thing if they thought it would give them coverage. They're so predictable at this point. Them even talking about it is giving it coverage so their concern trolling is just helping DrDisrespect.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
^Her deleted tweet seems to be entirely bullshit. No follow-up yet either makes me think her sources didn't know anything either.

She's a former Twitch employee, so she probably does have good sources (current Twitch employees.)

Just because Doc is probably streaming again soon doesn't mean what she said is BS.

If it's actually something incredibly serious, particularly involving law enforcement, it could be a while before anyone knows, and Doc could start streaming somewhere without a YouTube or Facebook Gaming knowing.


Neo Member
If Doc is lying to the press, thereby making Twitch look bad, they will sue to protect their brand. This would be an easy case of defamation if true.

This happens far too much on gaming boards/subreddits - people throw around these concepts like they have any idea how real life works.

No. That's not how defamation works. That's not how the US legal system works. That's not how a law suit works.

In order for a defamation case to be tried or even settled you need to discern what damages or loss was done by the statement(s). He literally has said nothing to defame twitch, and twitch themselves cancelled their business with Doc.

There's no case there, so please just watch like a 10 minute legal eagle video on defamation before you go around spouting crap.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
This happens far too much on gaming boards/subreddits - people throw around these concepts like they have any idea how real life works.

No. That's not how defamation works. That's not how the US legal system works. That's not how a law suit works.

In order for a defamation case to be tried or even settled you need to discern what damages or loss was done by the statement(s). He literally has said nothing to defame twitch, and twitch themselves cancelled their business with Doc.

There's no case there, so please just watch like a 10 minute legal eagle video on defamation before you go around spouting crap.

A forum is a different beast than the press. Defamation may be a stretch, but what possible positive outcome would there be for Doc, his PR agency, and his lawyers by allowing him to state this? There is none. It makes zero sense for him & his counsel to manufacture a false narrative that they have no idea why the contract was breached.


She's a former Twitch employee, so she probably does have good sources (current Twitch employees.)

Just because Doc is probably streaming again soon doesn't mean what she said is BS.

If it's actually something incredibly serious, particularly involving law enforcement, it could be a while before anyone knows, and Doc could start streaming somewhere without a YouTube or Facebook Gaming knowing.

I really don't know - why would it be a while before anyone knows if it involved law enforcement? Aren't arrests public information?


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
I really don't know - why would it be a while before anyone knows if it involved law enforcement? Aren't arrests public information?
Yes; but having a crime reported isn't.

If Twitch became privy to something major, they would likely contact LE and keep quiet. Cops then don't necessarily act immediately unless there's someone in danger or evidence in danger of being destroyed.

You can be reported for a crime and not actually get contacted by police for months.
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I don’t see why people think it’s impossible that Twitch didn’t tell him the exact reason.

These companies are giant platforms that can do whatever they want. They could easily give him a bullshit “reason” which doesn’t point to anything specifically.

Just weird to see people jump to defending Twitch and immediately disbelieve him. Like I really don’t see a reason to take Twitch’s side

Truth is when these companies deplatform you they don’t really need a reason
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Interesting tidbit: DSP was also banned from Twitch seemingly without reason, but he actually got into contact with them and they told him it was over a DMCA claim (false one, of course people are trolling him with false DMCAs now). They wouldn't tell him on what exactly but 7 hours later he got his channel back.

Seems Twitch are talking about bans. I find the idea that Doc doesn't know to be really hard to believe.
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Probably got culled for his bathroom part. Wouldn't be shocked if heads of amazon got notice of it after all this time and ripped him off the platform.


Was mixer a big competitor? I thought they always had shit numbers outside the big names that were there because of being moneyhatted. I don't know what numbers had this guy, but I assume that if very big he'll move to Youtube or Facebook gaming if has issues with Twitch.
ye its def legal stuff behind the scenes. "big competitor" was due to them making acquisition moves I wouldnt look much into it there isnt that many streaming platforms. mixer was in the ballpark of facebooks numbers based on last years stats. but they both shy in comparison to youtube gaming. honestly doc would be fine going anywhere something legal is preventing him. who knows.

"overall market share (9.3 billion streaming hours watched), eclipsing competitors such as Mixer (353 million hours watched), Facebook Gaming (356 million) and YouTube Gaming (2.7 billion). "



For you superfans. If you always dreamed to see DrDisrespect up close, you can see him a couple times in this VR video from EA Play 2019, if you have VR headset. He's pretty tall.



If Doc is lying to the press, thereby making Twitch look bad, they will sue to protect their brand. This would be an easy case of defamation if true.

Please do not play lawyer on the Internet.

This is not defamation, in any way.

From an ACTUAL lawyer.


I have no idea what's going in this thread and know next to nothing about Doctor Disrespect

HOWEVER, I just gotta ask, was Patrick Klepek always this such a weenie? I remember him being kinda cool during his GB tenure. Maybe rose tinted glasses. Good riddance though


This situation is absurd. It's obvious Dr Disrespect knows why he was banned.
He had a multimillion contract with them, he can sue them for other fantasymillion dollars if really Twitch has cut the contract with no reason.
Instead he claim it's a bad situation but he hope he can go on. Bullshit.


ye its def legal stuff behind the scenes. "big competitor" was due to them making acquisition moves I wouldnt look much into it there isnt that many streaming platforms. mixer was in the ballpark of facebooks numbers based on last years stats. but they both shy in comparison to youtube gaming. honestly doc would be fine going anywhere something legal is preventing him. who knows.

"overall market share (9.3 billion streaming hours watched), eclipsing competitors such as Mixer (353 million hours watched), Facebook Gaming (356 million) and YouTube Gaming (2.7 billion). "

I don't know how big MrDisrespect and his friends are, but I assume that it may be a good idea if some of the biggest streamers and youtubers, who have a ton of money, would create their own video platform with a more streamer/youtuber friendly business model.

Consider also that there are things like Spotify paying $100M to Joe Rogan to move his podcast there (including the current video version he posts on YouTube). So maybe Spotify is also hiring popular gaming video streamers
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole

Twitch throws millions at Logic... who has no guaranteed Twitch following.

People still believing the "Well Mixer, who had a whopping 1% market share closed, so Twitch has no reason for exclusive contracts" theory?



Twitch throws millions at Logic... who has no guaranteed Twitch following.

People still believing the "Well Mixer, who had a whopping 1% market share closed, so Twitch has no reason for exclusive contracts" theory?

I think the more likely scenario is that they wanted to get rid of him because he can be controversial, so they searched through his past stream VODs to find something they can ban him for.

and he is now most likely trying to get his money from them by suing them.

that's why his lawyers and Twitch's lawyer tell their respective party to stay silent


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
I think the more likely scenario is that they wanted to get rid of him because he can be controversial, so they searched through his past stream VODs to find something they can ban him for.

and he is now most likely trying to get his money from them by suing them.

that's why his lawyers and Twitch's lawyer tell their respective party to stay silent

There is no lawsuit though, at least not yet.. or we'd know about it. I don't know why people were claiming in his interview he said he was planning on suing IGN, I can't find where he said that at all.

And what makes you think he'd win and get money in the first place?
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The comments about this video showing him rising like the titanic or some nonsense are really confusing, this is simply a video he made hosted on his own channel, how does this show a victory for him? He was never kicked off of youtube... or was he?

People are wondering why neither party is talking, the thing is, this is all great publicity for both parties, the whole "no such thing as bad press" both brands are getting a ridiculous amount of air time right now.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
bet if thiis thread hits 50 pages he will be back and on fire on YT gaming
I think he's gonna come back somewhere soon.. but I also don't think we've heard the end of whatever caused the Twitch ban.

I don't buy this idea that they dumped a cash cow for some minor offense just to get rid of him.. that makes no sense, he's far more lucrative than he is controversial... I mean he's sponsored by tons of big brands and none of them dropped him for any of his conspiracy theory nonsense, why would Twitch? It's something major that we'll find out about some day, whether it effects his ability to work elsewhere is the question, but that question isn't answered by him returning in the meantime.
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I think he's gonna come back somewhere soon.. but I also don't think we've heard the end of whatever caused the Twitch ban.

I don't buy this idea that they dumped a cash cow for some minor offense just to get rid of him.. that makes no sense, he's far more lucrative than he is controversial... I mean he's sponsored by tons of big brands and none of them dropped him for any of his conspiracy theory nonsense, why would Twitch? It's something major that we'll find out about some day, whether it effects his ability to work elsewhere is the question, but that question isn't answered by him returning in the meantime.

How about they think there’s a major metoo bomb coming, try to get out ahead of it, but it turned out to be false and they shot their wad early?
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