Next video:
Still working on that one - need to find at least two more seconds on a course I thought I already knew just fine. And your average speed challenge times are showing me I've got plenty of room for improvement.
Yeah, your average speed challenge time after the first set of corners is telling me I need to risk more there, and am definitely hitting the brakes too hard before that fast uphill bend, but its instinct telling me that if I didn't I'd break orbit ;pThere are 3 mais points that will make anyone lose time:
-the first corner
-the 90° corner ( where you need to brake )
-After the long straight where you need to slow down in order to not go flying.
I was struggling like crazy untill i realised that i could take more risks on the 90° corner.
Now that i'ts done i have no desire to go back an improve my run. i really don't like this race.
No braking in the snake-y bends leading up to the orbit ramp. That's what saved me the time.Yeah, your average speed challenge time after the first set of corners is telling me I need to risk more there, and am definitely hitting the brakes too hard before that fast uphill bend, but its instinct telling me that if I didn't I'd break orbit ;p
I've hit the wall for now, but I'm a persistent bastard. And am loving these level based challenges so far.
Different car but maybe it helps:Yeah, your average speed challenge time after the first set of corners is telling me I need to risk more there, and am definitely hitting the brakes too hard before that fast uphill bend, but its instinct telling me that if I didn't I'd break orbit ;p
I've hit the wall for now, but I'm a persistent bastard. And am loving these level based challenges so far.
Different car but maybe it helps:
I think, where most poeple really lose much time is the midsection after the 90° and before the (almost) jump. You can drive at full speed through this section with most cars up to hyper class. Also, try to full speed the right corner after the jump, just as i do in this video with a much faster car, don't hesitate to cut the grass a little. Not too much though, that'll end in a penalty.
Thanks for all the tips - and the video!
Here's a video of the track with the exact car, courtesy of our favourite world record setting GAFer, kie25:
That was after 5 laps mate have you looked at the evo challenge in EnzoPffffft Kie be slippin he is pretty much around 3rd to 6th on most tracks these days.
Not that I can get anywhere close anyway.
That was after 5 laps mate have you looked at the evo challenge in EnzoI'll get the top spot on the Audi one later I only spent 10 mins on that.
Will have another video uploading in few hours from the Tamil 1 evo challenge managed to take 2nd spot behind my team mate eb4 both us managed to beat the venom hotlap 3 star time using the slowest hyper car the rufI'll
Get it posted on here when it's uploaded.
Would be a good challenge to see what's the slowest car you can beat the 1.16 time in that as it was hard in the ruf.
Didn't venom hot lap 2 take you like 15 hours? I think DJW got an equal time to you in 15 mins.
Also Button would like to see if you can take his time on the first lap on SKNO 1,2 and 3 tracks all in 10 mins....on the first lap rememberIf you want a challenge that is....
When private lobbies are released True Talent team would like to challenge your team to some races. With Time Trials you can restart if you make a mistake, you cant do that in MP and in my opinion MP is the true test of a racer.
Are you aware that venom wet lap got a glitch where the track is dry in 1st half lap now it's a bug that happened after few updates back, DJW knows about the glitch as me and him worked it out, evo are aware of if, I'm only on Driveclub every now and then and eb4 is hardly on, I do few Time trials on Driveclub that's all, online multiplayer on Driveclub not my thing, and I know eb4 doesn't do online racing.
Are you aware that venom wet lap got a glitch where the track is dry in 1st half lap now it's a bug that happened after few updates back, DJW knows about the glitch as me and him worked it out, evo are aware of if, I'm only on Driveclub every now and then and eb4 is hardly on, I do few Time trials on Driveclub that's all, online multiplayer on Driveclub not my thing, and I know eb4 doesn't do online racing.
No after the glitch I'm not being funny but who cares how long stuff takes I use in car view with a wheel that is very hard in heavy rain, also I've raced DJW loads I respect him he is fast and I'm sure he would agree were very equal racing, also there is only 3 of are team active and I'm only doing the odd evo challenge and a few tts on Driveclub as I'm playing project cars and F1 aswell
I'm just not really interested in online racing on Driveclub that's why I've never really bothered with it, I prefer TTs and evo challenges etc, I do most my racing on project cars, Driveclub for me is more suited to time trials and challenges.
Oohhh its getting hot in here.
Bout time this thread heated up.
I'm just not really interested in online racing on Driveclub that's why I've never really bothered with it, I prefer TTs and evo challenges etc, I do most my racing on project cars, Driveclub for me is more suited to time trials and challenges.
I'd also like to say I've never once said I'm faster than DJW he would probably destroy me as I've hardly played Driveclub in last few months, the transistion from Driveclub and project cars is not easy add F1 in and it's very hard to keep on pace in all the games. But I'd like to point out after button sent me a very childish message ive never once claimed to be faster than him or DJW I just post my laps to share with people, I'm sure some people enjoy watching them, also button claims I can't race yet I have no problem on project cars where I do a fair bit racing. I'm baffled why I received the message of button I've not mentioned or spoke to him in ages, he for some reason doesn't like me posting videos on here which is strange as it doesn't effect him at all.
Not directly no but after this message I just deleted him he needs to grow up he is like a 12 year old, it's a game I upload videos for people to enjoy also to help people to see where they can go faster, I would upload Driveclub multiplayer but it's not for me at the moment, me and DJW will be doing private races he knows that when they come, but a club race won't happen as eb4 just does time trials and TRP button won't be coming in my lobbies as I can't stand him, very childish.
Here is a link to the message he sent me because I post videos on here
I remember I first heard of button on here cause he was sending PSN messages to another forum member about how he shouldn't post videos in the Driveclub thread cause he's shit.
I think it's pretty natural for all the top guys to have ego's, afterall they are better than 99.9% of us - no-one has ever accused F1 drivers of being modest!
I've only really raced against DJW so can't really comment on how the other guys are online, DJW is an absolute gent however - he took the blame for our collision on the last corner of this race and tries to hand me back the win.
Dude sounds salty as hell in that PSN message, lol.
DJW is a proper racer who I respect loads, button is just a child who is bitter simple, on project I post my videos with full setups so other people can improve and go faster. Button has always acted like this he is a idiot, plus I wouldn't compare real life f1 drivers to people on psn, it's not really comparable, psn is a place to have fun and play games, f1 is a multi million pound sport, but I understand what your saying.
I did have thoughts about running a league competition once private lobbies arrive but can you imagine the arguments you'd have to contend with when peeps crash - don't fancy that much!
I think DC is one of the few places where it is a completely level playing field, essentially there's no better car / better setup excuses to be used.
You've got quite a following from your vids and posts here on Gaf so are probably the most famous DC player - it makes you the target to beat.
I remember I first heard of button on here cause he was sending PSN messages to another forum member about how he shouldn't post videos in the Driveclub thread cause he's shit.
Is that dry glitch just that event, or in general? Because sometimes I've often felt like the opening of wet events despite seeing a sodden track can be a lot more grip-heavy.
But things can often just be all in the mind, it could just be I'm not pushing as hard at the start getting acclimatised when push too hard later on etc.
Are you sure you're not talking about Redcommao?
Let me put this straight is that Button is one of the nicest guys you can meet. He's helped me loads and is genuinely always looking to help people. What pissed him off was the fact that Kie was saying that it only took him a few goes to get some world records and he thought that it was wrong to lie.
I've been in True Talent for ages now and its because of Button that I've got to know everyone really well and classify them as friends, the only one who never bothered was actually Kie. I'm sure its because Kie was playing other games but the way you've put Button across makes him sound like a bad guy and that's totally false.
To be honest I am sure everyone has had messages on PSN and trust me Kie ones sent to me have been much worse than the one Button sent to you. I've had racist shit thrown at me before..... some pretty vile stuff. I've also said stuff in anger I'm not proud of in return.
If you look I said some take hours some take few mins it depends on the car track event, I did say that some take hours if you read what I wrote, button is known for saying he takes 5 mins when people see him on events for hours. It's like the koenigsegg one lap I posted yesterday took about 20 mins but others take much longer I remember the evo challenge against DJW took hours. I've never once said all my times are done in few mins. Button is the guy that always says he takes 5 mins to do times, and to be fair I don't care if it takes me 5 hours if that's what I want to do it's up to me. Button is very childish trust me.
Its quote funny that two different people can have two completely different views on a person. But Button is one the nicest guys you can meet, I will totally vouch for him as will DJW and the rest of your old team True Talent.
Maybe its a clash of personalities more than anything? Its OK for two people not to like each other.
My point is I never even spoke to button months and he sends me that message loads people have issues with him mate not going to mention people as it's all stupid, if he is such a great guy why did he send me that message for no reason? I've not sent him a message before it, I clearly stated some trials take few hours, I've streamed before with anything butt watching and got top times in few laps it all depends on car, if you go on a track with a random car top times can take just 2-3 laps koenigsegg one etc can take much longer. Why he has a issue with how long a time takes is daft what does it matter.
All I am saying is that I've got to know Button quite well and he IS a really nice guy. I've explained why he was pissed off and its do to with how you portray your skill on here. If you want to know why he has an issue ask him or DJW I'm sure they will tell you.
To be honest Kie I haven't come in here today to argue with you just to stand up for Button as your claiming he is a bad guy and you're wrong.
All I am saying is that I've got to know Button quite well and he IS a really nice guy. I've explained why he was pissed off and its do to with how you portray your skill on here. If you want to know why he has an issue ask him or DJW I'm sure they will tell you.
To be honest Kie I haven't come in here today to argue with you just to stand up for Button as your claiming he is a bad guy and you're wrong.
That's fine I took that koenigsegg one lap off button in 5 mins beating cozart took longer though but after 20mins I got that lap. Others like the evo challenge against DJW took ages but we had pushed it that hard we were seconds ahead of everyone else so needed a near perfect lap.I also think that if anyone posts WR's they should say how long its taken so to give people a realistic view on how easy/hard its been. I for one would love to have some context to WR's to see if I could ever do it.
I'll be honest it took me an hour to get the Bandipur reversed WR. 12 hours later it was taken by Button in 5 mins which I find hilarious as it proves how much better than me he is.
Yes but like kie has posted, and I also have had this, sometimes you can be running round for ages lap after lap struggling to improve, then you give up come back a few days later after a fresh shave and bosh - you nail it on lap 2.I also think that if anyone posts WR's they should say how long its taken so to give people a realistic view on how easy/hard its been. I for one would love to have some context to WR's to see if I could ever do it.
I'll be honest it took me an hour to get the Bandipur reversed WR. 12 hours later it was taken by Button in 5 mins which I find hilarious as it proves how much better than me he is.
Yes but like kie has posted, and I also have had this, sometimes you can be running round for ages lap after lap struggling to improve, then you give up come back a few days later after a fresh shave and bosh - you nail it on lap 2.
So would you show session laps to get the time, or would to total it all up? As above, session time might not be so great and if you total it up, what you if you keep getting beaten but then go back on to top it again? You'd have a skewed total compared to someone who has just given it a go for the first time.