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DRIVECLUB |OT2| You Can't Rush Evolution

and lots of imports but they are not in the game :p

Most of them are pretty accurate in terms of tone, but lack the clarify of the real cars. Or they just sound compressed in comparison. I think most of it has a lot to do with the sound mixing. its bad.

I hope we get a patch soon.

nice, thanks. I haven't driven any of these cars so the reference is helpful.

I wonder if anyone game makers could use a binaural recording method to capture the sound from inside the cabin.



[screams externally]

I don't even want to imagine the Hennessy hot lap... fuck.

Random challenges seem to pop up every now and then. Sometimes they do, sometimes they do. Or do they only appear on the hotlaps?

Also, if anyone is looking for a club, i_max and I are looking for some members. We both were put in the same group in the original thread but haven't heard from anyone else. We're US East, but I dunno if it matters anymore at this point. If you're looking for one, send me or I_max a PM or message on PSN and we'll hook you up.

Use the BAC Mono. It only took me one go with it


How's the game been holding up online for our crew? I haven't been online with it since last week, it was pretty spotty for me then.

Aside from getting-married-boy we're all in. I think we're about lvl 18 or 19 - pretty sure I levelled us up last night when I won the semi-pro trophy.

I wanna keep playing, but the randomness of online is even starting to wear me down now. Haven't been able to get a race online, seemingly not appearing on leaderboards, can't access driver stats blah blah.

Use the BAC Mono. It only took me one go with it

The BAC is pretty much a wonder car on levels with short straights & lots of corners. The thing just doesn't let go of the road.


PGR4 is still my number one favorite racer from last gen though. RIP Bizarre.

To this very second it boils my piss Bizarre Creations are no longer around..

Still hoping Jamesways and Shaneus are right that DC will scratch my PGR itch.


Especially the laptime.... Sluggish tank.

It handles the curbs really well so you can be a bit more aggressive with your lines to make up for the handling/acceleration. I did not find that event too bad.

I have finally done the Venom Hot Lap with a 1:15.899 and the lap was pretty poor. I can find atleast another 2 tenths in the 1st sector as I have gone that fast before.

I was messing around with one of the India road circuits (cannot remember it but the current top time is a 1:04) in Time Trial mode and it is so addictive once the ghost cars started loading. I got the fastest time in the world with a Huayra at ~ 1:09.745 so I was really chuffed with that but my 1st sector is 4 tenths down on my absolute best time and I can probably pick up 1 tenth in the final sector because I was a bit cautions around the bend leading onto the long flatout section. I then did the same track with a Venom and got an easy ~ 1:08.640 but that lap was really, really scruffy and just stringing my best (but still crap sectors) would bring it down to the 1:05.9s.

I am having a real blast with this game and once challenges go live I think the one more lap mentality will take hold even more.


Didn't Liverpool pick up a bunch of those Bizarre guys when Activision shut them down?
I'm not sure...I do know a few key ex-BC people created Lucid Games, 3 guys, including the creator of Geometry Wars Stephen Cakebread formed Hogrocket games (now defunct) Ged Talbot joined Evo, Gareth Wilson joined Sumo Digital, Nick Wiswell joined Turn10 and a few others joined various UK dev based dev teams such as Codemasters and PlayGround Games. It's often overstated just how many ex-BC staff are at Playground - many of their staff are ex-Codemasters!


You do know what hyperbole is right? If evolution said the above, it would be a flat out lie if it hadn't occurred.

Yes i do thank you

British Dictionary definitions for hyperbole
a deliberate exaggeration used for effect

They haven't lied by saying BMW/Merc requested copies of the cars audio recordings to replace their libraries, but I bet they haven't been 100% on who at BMW/Merc requested it, and to replace what libraries, or to what end. They just made the quotation ambiguous enough that it exagerrates the importance of the request

As i said, it could be to replace the marketing dept's audio recordings that they use for effects on some flash website video. Who knows?



To this very second it boils my piss Bizarre Creations are no longer around..

Still hoping Jamesways and Shaneus are right that DC will scratch my PGR itch.

It really is the closest we'll get to PGR, hopefully we'll get some city DLC tracks to fill that void. BTW, I think I remember you from the BizarreCreations forums before they shut down. I was scaled_at_ten over there. :p Enzo used to post over there all the time too but I haven't seen him in racing game threads all that much around here recently.
Any word on the first freebies for October? It's a car and a track correct?

Also-anyone looking for a club that doesn't involve anything normal club related? I just want to unlock the BAC Mono. My schedule is so weird that club racing would make me look like a flake currently


Any word on the first freebies for October? It's a car and a track correct?

Also-anyone looking for a club that doesn't involve anything normal club related? I just want to unlock the BAC Mono. My schedule is so weird that club racing would make me look like a flake currently

The Mercedes AMG-GT is the October free car and it's already out. The track is still TBA.


They've become quieter. I think they're hoping people forget the game exists.

If this is their intention then its working well. At least in my case anyway.

Having too much fun with FH2 and now with other games releasing in the next couple of weeks in really starting to forget about the issues this game is having.

Such a shame.


In regards to rubberbanding, I think the AI will travel at less than its absolute potential if you're going exceptionally slow, but will ramp up its speed until it reaches peak performance as you cut your way through the pack and then attempt to build a lead. However, I haven't seen anything to indicate the AI can do anything more than 100%. If I'm doing consistent laps I have no problem building a lead, but if I screw up and lose something like 3/10s in a corner, that time is reflected in the position of the AI.

Yep only I feel the rubber banding is a little more pronounced then you just described. Its not the worst ever rubber banding (that award goes to Burnout 3), but the rubber banding is there to reduce the AI routines and feels kind of predictable. As others have said, its easy to catch up and get back into the race, its also harder to pull out a lead. This can obviously happen in real life if drivers feel like they can relax when they are ahead or they need to drive harder when they are behind, but it feels like the 11 AI racers are racing against you only, rather than racing against the other AI racers. When I approach them at a corner, there are many times where they are just following each other in a racing line, and there's no attempt to pass other AI. I've only played half the single player, so it could be different later but I don't think its likely.

Its actually saying something when I enjoy racing against my own ghost more than the AI drivers.

What I want to see in a next gen racer is a racing game that mimics real racing a little more. My guess as to why the AI hasn't gotten any better in the last couple of generations is online. Why spend CPU resources on AI when people can go online and play against human players way better than AI will ever be? Those CPU resources could go into the car physics or the weather system or lighting system? That's why I think the AI here is basically the bare minimum a driving game needs. I mean the single player is still kind of fun, but 5 years from now when the graphics improve further, this game will be surpassed.

Another problem I feel is that the same AI routine is being used for all the other cars, so the cars lack a lot of individualism. It would be great if the drivers actually had some personality, maybe some are aggressive, some are drive at a steady pace, some try to force others into making mistakes. AI that replicates the feeling of an online race would be the next step. I mean the race results have names for all the drivers, but I can't remember any of them to save my life.

I don't know how reliable this is but...

Also, if anyone wants a club to race in, shoot AG SYSTEMS a request. Right now it's just me and AspiringYouth contributing. I asked my GF to join so I could activate the club but she's just there for show. lol

I don't mind to join if I can. I'm only home 3 nights a week though and also not sure when I can race as my internet is pretty shitty, so my progress will be kind of slow.... I'm level 25 now so i feel like I wasted some of my single player progress.

It's the same problem PGR had -- on some tracks, the walls are too close and collisions modeled in a plausible manner (but with no mechanical damage!). So the fastest way around a corner is to ride the wall. Hell, most arcade racers are way more harsh about contact than Driveclub is. They probably could make an adjustment and adjust the leaderboard without wiping everything (which would be annoying). Assuming they have the right data and telemetry (and they do in some capacity, since they have ghosts), they could probably throw out any times in the top 100 (or however many places) that involved any sort of track collision.

Hell, while we're pining for PGR, I would love for them to bring back something like the Kudos Challenges from PGR 1-3. To work in the current system, you could probably make it a series of set face-offs back to back to back, and you have to beat N of them to rank. Leaderboards would then be set by # of face-offs beaten and overall time. Add a couple of additional face-off types (how about one with some virtual cone gates in the road?) and you're probably in there.

Yeah more games should have the challenges in PGR including knockout, cone challenges, overtaking challenges etc
So, now over 2 weeks from release, what is the official statement on when the online functionality will be working properly?

When it's done. Though some would believe that they are sat around the pool drinking cocktails instead of fixing issues but myself, i suspect they're working like demons to get this stuff sorted.

I'm still enjoying the SP stuff so i'm not too bothered yet but there again i've never really been motivated by online features so i don't really notice they aren't working consistently.


It really is the closest we'll get to PGR, hopefully we'll get some city DLC tracks to fill that void. BTW, I think I remember you from the BizarreCreations forums before they shut down. I was scaled_at_ten over there. :p Enzo used to post over there all the time too but I haven't seen him in racing game threads all that much around here recently.
That's another positive confirmation from another PGR fan ☺ I do hope DC and Evo don't go the way of Bizarre like many are suggesting.

I do remember you from the BC forums! It was a great community and one of the few times one could communicate directly with the devs. Mascot posts here too..you probably already know that.

Do you remember the alternative Bizarre Creations forum? A few ex-BC staff posted there (lots of development stories) but it's now kaput too.
When it's done. Though some would believe that they are sat around the pool drinking cocktails instead of fixing issues but myself, i suspect they're working like demons to get this stuff sorted.

I'm still enjoying the SP stuff so i'm not too bothered yet but there again i've never really been motivated by online features so i don't really notice they aren't working consistently.
When it's done? The game has been missing major online components for a majority of people for 2 weeks (Not to mention the delayed PS+ ver.). This isn't like waiting on a game announcement/release. This shit should have been working day 1. I understand that there were unforseen complications, and I truly believe that Evolution are working their butts off to get this resolved ASAP. That doesn't excuse the fact that the launch has been an absolute disaster and has already turned many people off from the game, including myself.

I have no intentions of playing Driveclub in a manner that was not intended, so I am forced to wait until it is 100% fixed. Not to mention I cannot even contribute to my club until my friends are able to get the PS+ version and join my club.


That's another positive confirmation from another PGR fan ☺ I do hope DC and Evo don't go the way of Bizarre like many are suggesting.

I do remember you from the BC forums! It was a great community and one of the few times one could communicate directly with the devs. Mascot posts here too..you probably already know that.

Do you remember the alternative Bizarre Creations forum? A few ex-BC staff posted there (lots of development stories) but it's now kaput too.

Yeah, the BC forums were great, and yup I've seen Mascot around. I remember the alt. BC forum but I never stayed around for long. It just wasn't the same. :(


The cars have too much grip and longer gear ratios compared to their real life counterparts.

Try putting a car in second gear and floor it, the car will just bog down.

Most of the real cars seen in the game will spin and sidestep if you planted the throttle even in 3rd gear.

Some tweaks with patches would go a long way imo.


Are the ghosts for time trial stored server side? Sometimes mine will show up midway through a race, sometimes never. Anyone see this?

I'm guessing they are. I rarely get ghosts even when I'm connected.

Your own ghost is not stored server side. Try signing out of PSN and your ghost shows up right at the start. The delay is related to the server issues. It seems to try and retrieve some info from servers when online (probably pick up the most appropriate ghost that isn't your own), fail, and then default to your ghost.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
Foyer Shaneus, like a large reception/social area for the upperclass.

Just had a two hours SP session and have found that the times on the leaderboard update pretty quick now. Maybe it's just the time for us (Primetime NZ/AUS) and not quite as busy.

Got 6 trophies left to unlock (incl the Platinum). One is a massive grind fest, completing the four game modes, one will come naturally (L50) and the other three are waiting for the bloody Challenges to unlock.

Not that I care about trophies. ;^)
what I don't like about this game you really don't get enough points to finish in the top 3 spots

I can be last and get 10 times the points

Overdrives are high


Anyone have any tips for driving hypercars using the DS4? I'm really struggling with their twitchy rears & enormous throttle response.

The Venom is a beast. There's one turn on Putre where if you hook it together the thing takes off like a rocket in a very satisfying way.

Still not seeing my times on the leaderboards tho :(

Yeah, wrap a set of rosary beads around the DS4 and hope for divine intervention. Thats the best I got.


I remember the alt. BC forum but I never stayed around for long. It just wasn't the same. :(
It was okay but nothing like the original. I wonder what happened to the forum dump that was taken just prior to Activision closing it. Remember those fuxkers locked out Ben and Ami from saying goodbye.

Looking forward to seeing what cars are in the dlc..city tracks would be ace too.


I beg to differ, but as much as I agree that it's great looking this way...

... they also fucked up big time with the fugly looking rear of the car:

It's even worse looking in its roadster version, IMO.
But, hey, it's just a matter of tastes I guess...

I'd rather they use the '13 Boss 302 over a '15 GT. Not only is it a more unique Mustang, but the 13/14 Mustang body styles are more "American and muscle-car," while the '15 looks too similar to the other 50+ Euro sports cars already in the game.
Just had a two hours SP session and have found that the times on the leaderboard update pretty quick now. Maybe it's just the time for us (Primetime NZ/AUS) and not quite as busy.

I've had zero luck posting times tonight. The leaderboards load no problem but the times are wrong and wouldn't update. This was ~20 minutes ago from the time of this post.
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