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DriveClub Review Thread.


Sales do equal the opinions of the average gamer though, which is what you were trying to pass aggregate reviews off as. 60 reviewers who played for free versus 5 million customers who plopped down a minimum of $60 to play a game, what is the more valid sample size?

They do no such thing. The vast majority of the lower reviews for Driveclub spend almost no time talking about if Driveclub itself is fun and instead focus entirely on how it isn't some magic reaffirmation of "NEXT GEN" in driving game form. It's a contemporary racer. It wasn't going to do anything new. It is targeted at one specific audience, racing game fans. Most games can't live off a single target audience. GT and Forza have proven that racing games (much like sports games) can.

Instead of getting some kind of meta-commentary on the state of next gen game development and the lack of major innovations we should be reading real critiques about the game's AI (something Evolution has struggled with in the past), how well it handles sense of speed, if it's visuals live up to the hype, how well the social features work, and if there is enough content to keep people happy until the free DLC starts showing up. Far too few of the reviews linked in this thread really focused their attention on those elements.

So the fact that Forza 5 was basically a direct assault on consumers wallets can go unmentioned, but the fact that Driveclub borrows features from a beloved but now dead franchise made by some of the same staff who worked on Driveclub is a reason to knock it?

How about a little consistency here? Why not just review every game on it's own merits as a fucking game and not a reason to spend another $400 on a console, a statement of gender inequality prevalent throughout an industry, or a personal soap box to preach some other random completely unrelated bullshit through? Tell me what the game is like. What makes it fun, what makes it not so fun. What it does well relative to other games. What it does poorly relative to other games. I've gone through a decent number of the Driveclub reviews and there aren't many who do any of those very well at all.

The gaming press has lost focus on servicing readers with what they say they're going to give readers. Reviews are a bait and switch for editorializing at this point and the divergence between review scores and what the mainstream gamer will buy is only going to increase as long as the industry conducts itself in that fashion.

So then why hasn't that scenario been flipped for the Xbox One then? I mean, everyone is buying the PS4 now instead. Nothing MS has release is a legitimate reason to buy the system. So where is the constant hand wringing and concern trolling over "when will X1 get it's reason to exist?"

Completely, inherently, morally, and factually wrong. This is false equivalency bullshit spouted by people unable to form legitimate and objective evaluations. Reviews do have a single way they have to be. They have to be about the game in question, factual, observant of the details the average person might miss from not knowing the history of the genre, the studio that developed the game, or the franchise. They should be the equivalent of a peer review response to an article published in any credible scientific journal. But then the people who are good at doing exactly that tend to land jobs far better than video game reviewer.

Um as a former grad student, reviewing a video game is not akin to being published in The Journal of Physics. Reviews are not rocket science. There trying a game and explaining if they enjoyed it, just like if you tried a new phone for a day and were to do a write-up.

I think you are looking wayyyyy tooo into it. I find it funny it's an injustice that DriveClub didn't review well and not properly. While I think you're right, sure some reviews can take a better approach, but that matters little. It's not a conspiracy theory or an academic research paper - just thoughts. Instead of crying foul and over analyzing the way reviews are written, you should ask what the intention of the reviewer is. For every game, they are asking themselves, is this game enjoyable? Nothing more or nothing less. Not to write an in-depth history of Evolution as a studio, how they refined their previous cpu techniques, their special story of how the game almost got cancelled but remarkably saved itself, or if the title has modern social features we are accustomed to today that are found in Facebook and Twitter, or some other commentary or analysis.

I don't think the gap between press reviews and the average gamers feelings will grow at all. They will ALWAYS reflect each other or they wont stay in business. And I don't know what reviews you're reading but I've read a few that talk about the lack of social features, content, and more that you say you haven't. I think every game as of late has reviewed pretty fairly e.g., CoD Ghosts, which millions have purchased and perhaps the guy sitting at home with his Xbox playing all day would give a 9.5?

You should find the style of reviewers you enjoy the most. I know for me, over the last couple of years from my own experiences, I use a few sites for my reviews that I've found more align with my opinion and there are others that I've learned I don't agree with often or their style, so I don't visit them.

You disagree, and think the average gamer has a growing affinity for DriveClub in the millions who purchased the game and differ from reviewer opinion. Doubt it but we'll see. A purchase doesn't mean you like the game especially for a new franchise. There are many people like myself who bought the game but am not enjoying it as much as I thought. We'll see in time if the ordinary gamer will have DriveClub in their minds and differ from reviewer sentiment.

I do think DriveClub has a lot of great ideas they can expand on. I do hope it gets a sequel.


I'd be in the dick
From a Gamestop manager acquaintance of mine, there were many more retail preorders for The Crew on PS4 alone than Drive Club at his and many other stores in the region, so I think they kind of knew it wasn't going to be a massive Gran Turismo hit, so they rightly (or wrongly) focused on putting ad time behind Destiny which still sells quite well across the board, apparently. Guess they're banking on a slow-burn with DLC schedule building it up over time or something.
The majority of sales will be PS+ upgrades.
How much does it cost them to just send a tweet out, though?

They tweeted about Destiny, like, twice a week for months before that game came out. I know there was a marketing deal in place, but, man.

Let's get serious: does anyone get hyped for any game based on Twitter tweets? Twitter's for exposing dumbasses with their stupidity and initiating an underground feed on news as it happens, not pumping up new products.
From a Gamestop manager acquaintance of mine, there were many more retail preorders for The Crew on PS4 alone than Drive Club at his and many other stores in the region, so I think they kind of knew it wasn't going to be a massive Gran Turismo hit, so they rightly (or wrongly) focused on putting ad time behind Destiny which still sells quite well across the board, apparently. Guess they're banking on a slow-burn with DLC schedule building it up over time or something.

The hype is real...

IGN redeemed?


This is way off base. Like, actually, completely off base.

Comparing the driving model is pointless in that, one person will prefer another and also you can basically completely change the way Forza handles by adjusting assists. On top of that, you can change the way the individual cars handle even more because every vehicle in the game is subject to some decently robust car tuning options. On top of that, all of the said cars in the game will handle differently on the road and off the road. So, going back to that statement, which driving model is that you want to compare? Fully assisted? Fully UN-assisted? Un-tuned? Street race? Rally or completely off road race? Somewhere in the middle ground? As it stands, there is MUCH more to consider from a driving standpoint and that is not even remotely arguable.

This leads to the other point of Forza having more even IF it wasn't an open world racer. If you were to be lead from race to race in a tour mode, the races consist of a wider variety of racing types. Forza has a wider variety of car types as well to get a feel of the top end and bottom end of the driving world. There are city circuit races, rally races and off road races with some combining the types. There are in game challenges that compare your scores/times/drifts etc with others on your friends list or in your club. There are online races of all of these types on top of just for fun modes like infection or king. There are straight up co-op racing challanges. As mentioned earlier, there is a full blown car upgrade and tuning system for all of the vehicles. There is a marketplace for you to find and apply designs for your car as well as a livery shop for you to create your own. There is quite a lot of "strictly racing" in Forza. There is also quite a lot of other stuff in the game as well with no detriment to its driving.

It certainly holds a candle to Driveclub. For all intents and purposes it is Driveclub that doesn't hold a candle to it. The game, for what it is, is sitting at 75 on metacritic, which means it is a good game. Forza is sitting at 85 or some shit. It deserves it because it does what it is supposed to, driving fast cars around beautiful locales, at the top of its class. It also does more than that. It is easy to see how the game would draw ire for its lack of anything but straight driving, especially being released so close to Forza.

This is basically how I look at the comparison between the games. Which is more "academic" than anything else at this point. I'll have both, and enjoy both, and while no one has the obligation to take any other point of view seriously, if someone is making assertions on the scale Rapier is, they had better hold to reason. You can't in one breath say "that's just your opinion" and then demand that others accept your opinion at face value. It's fine to prefer (or just for practical reasons, only play) one game over another, but if you're outwardly justifying it, there's a lot that won't hold up if your outlook is simplistic or off-base.


From a Gamestop manager acquaintance of mine, there were many more retail preorders for The Crew on PS4 alone than Drive Club at his and many other stores in the region, so I think they kind of knew it wasn't going to be a massive Gran Turismo hit, so they rightly (or wrongly) focused on putting ad time behind Destiny which still sells quite well across the board, apparently. Guess they're banking on a slow-burn with DLC schedule building it up over time or something.

if this is even legitimate, it is common sense. let's see...

Option 1 - $60 for a silly "pre-order exclusive" car from Gamestop

Option 2 - $50 PSN+

is a car worth $10? nope.


This is basically how I look at the comparison between the games. Which is more "academic" than anything else at this point. I'll have both, and enjoy both, and while no one has the obligation to take any other point of view seriously, if someone is making assertions on the scale Rapier is, they had better hold to reason. You can't in one breath say "that's just your opinion" and then demand that others accept your opinion. It's fine to prefer (or just for practical reasons, only play) one game over another, but if you're outwardly justifying it, there's a lot that won't hold up if your outlook is simplistic or off-base.
Rapier said Horizon 2 plays like ridge racer.
The majority of sales will be PS+ upgrades.

if this is even legitimate, it is common sense. let's see...

Option 1 - $60 for a silly "pre-order exclusive" car from Gamestop

Option 2 - $50 PSN+

is a car worth $10? nope.

Yes, I agree. After all, who the fuck even knows Drive Club is even out at retail besides the hardcore internet groups who keep up with it. Shit, I'm on GAF a lot and I don't even know that much about it besides the fact that the demo is due today on PS+ (which is what I'm waiting to play as soon as the store updates and PSN works).


Rapier said Horizon 2 plays like ridge racer.

Normally I try to have a measured response in any situation, even if something seems flat-out strange. But that right there?



From a Gamestop manager acquaintance of mine, there were many more retail preorders for The Crew on PS4 alone than Drive Club at his and many other stores in the region, so I think they kind of knew it wasn't going to be a massive Gran Turismo hit, so they rightly (or wrongly) focused on putting ad time behind Destiny which still sells quite well across the board, apparently. Guess they're banking on a slow-burn with DLC schedule building it up over time or something.

Lol I'm at work looking up this exact thing and The Crew has barely made a blip in out district pre-order wise. Now I can't speak for other districts or regions, but yeah, I'm not going put any stock into that.
Rapier said Horizon 2 plays like ridge racer.

Maybe it plays like Ridge Racer in his imaginati..., I mean opinion.

I know it's anecdotal, so take with all the salt you like, but people sure love them some Ubisoft franchises and products (I only love Rayman).

Might be a US thing? I could see there being some appeal in driving across select US states and cities in a game.

Still hard to believe it's pre-ordering well though. I haven't seen a shred of hype or interest for the game and its delay only added to the feeling that it was essentially a token release by Ubi to just get it out of the door.

Lol I'm at work looking up this exact thing and The Crew has barely made a blip in out district pre-order wise. Now I can't speak for other districts or regions, but yeah, I'm not going put any stock into that.

Now this is more in line with what I was expecting. Guess we'll see what happens in December, but it's pretty surprising to hear it's pre-ordering well anywhere.


In the music circles it's sometimes the opposite. A friend of mine wrote reviews for a Finnish magazine several years ago, and gave a certain well-known local band's album a mediocre score. It was afterwards raised to 9/10 by the editor, eventhough the text was kept the same, because the band's recording label was the biggest sponsor of the mag.

I have no experience with this, I mean, I never read any music review, but I remember a friend of mine that shared some pretty bad things about music and movie reviews.
Maybe he was only pretty harsh, I don't know ...


Lol I'm at work looking up this exact thing and The Crew has barely made a blip in out district pre-order wise. Now I can't speak for other districts or regions, but yeah, I'm not going put any stock into that.


I'm always on Gaf at work
Lol I'm at work looking up this exact thing and The Crew has barely made a blip in out district pre-order wise. Now I can't speak for other districts or regions, but yeah, I'm not going put any stock into that.

Hey, I'm not asking you to, as I said, I got it from a dude I know who is an assistant manager at a GS in town. He's a pretty big Sony/PS4 fan, so I didn't feel any need to doubt him upfront, myself, though.

Might be a US thing? I could see there being some appeal in driving across select US states and cities in a game.

Still hard to believe it's pre-ordering well though. I haven't seen a shred of hype or interest for the game and its delay only added to the feeling that it was essentially a token release by Ubi to just get it out of the door.
I dunno, man. I heard nothing but bad about this game since the PC beta and on, so it kinda surprised me, but then I dislike AC, forgot about WD, not even wanting it, so I chalked it up to me being out of touch with the masses who love those games.


if this is even legitimate, it is common sense. let's see...

Option 1 - $60 for a silly "pre-order exclusive" car from Gamestop

Option 2 - $50 PSN+

is a car worth $10? nope.

But with option 2 you can sell or trade back your copy for $30-40 after you are done with it.


But with option 2 you can sell or trade back your copy for $30-40 after you are done with it.

true. i don't think people that considered trading-in or reselling the game are going to pre-order. the smartest thing is to wait for more information on the game after it launches, if you're on the fence.

i was sold on it before launch, and got the digital pre-order. plus, with the season pass i will milk it to the end.
This is way off base. Like, actually, completely off base.

Comparing the driving model is pointless in that, one person will prefer another and also you can basically completely change the way Forza handles by adjusting assists. On top of that, you can change the way the individual cars handle even more because every vehicle in the game is subject to some decently robust car tuning options. On top of that, all of the said cars in the game will handle differently on the road and off the road. So, going back to that statement, which driving model is that you want to compare? Fully assisted? Fully UN-assisted? Un-tuned? Street race? Rally or completely off road race? Somewhere in the middle ground? As it stands, there is MUCH more to consider from a driving standpoint and that is not even remotely arguable.

This leads to the other point of Forza having more even IF it wasn't an open world racer. If you were to be lead from race to race in a tour mode, the races consist of a wider variety of racing types. Forza has a wider variety of car types as well to get a feel of the top end and bottom end of the driving world. There are city circuit races, rally races and off road races with some combining the types. There are in game challenges that compare your scores/times/drifts etc with others on your friends list or in your club. There are online races of all of these types on top of just for fun modes like infection or king. There are straight up co-op racing challanges. As mentioned earlier, there is a full blown car upgrade and tuning system for all of the vehicles. There is a marketplace for you to find and apply designs for your car as well as a livery shop for you to create your own. There is quite a lot of "strictly racing" in Forza. There is also quite a lot of other stuff in the game as well with no detriment to its driving.

It certainly holds a candle to Driveclub. For all intents and purposes it is Driveclub that doesn't hold a candle to it. The game, for what it is, is sitting at 75 on metacritic, which means it is a good game. Forza is sitting at 85 or some shit. It deserves it because it does what it is supposed to, driving fast cars around beautiful locales, at the top of its class. It also does more than that. It is easy to see how the game would draw ire for its lack of anything but straight driving, especially being released so close to Forza.

+1 I think this post has to be made as I can't get around the way people differentiate what the two games offer.

People stating Horizon 2 somehow can't offer what DC can do are either being ignorant or disingenuous.

I can get p2p, circuit and time trials in Horizon 2. For every off road race, there are three on track races.

I can get an accessible driving model in Horizon 2 if I want although I prefer sim handling.

I can get aggressive AI in horizon 2 if I want it, and the AI in Horizon 2 actually.drive as if they can see me.

If you prefer precision racing, then all you need to do to get that in Horizon 2 is stick to the track while racing......
From a Gamestop manager acquaintance of mine, there were many more retail preorders for The Crew on PS4 alone than Drive Club at his and many other stores in the region, so I think they kind of knew it wasn't going to be a massive Gran Turismo hit, so they rightly (or wrongly) focused on putting ad time behind Destiny which still sells quite well across the board, apparently. Guess they're banking on a slow-burn with DLC schedule building it up over time or something.

Because nobody is buying this game at retail.
Because nobody is buying this game at retail.

I agree. I mean it makes sense to me that most people would wait to play the digital, free version before they even considered purchasing DC online or at retail. Even if they decide to purchase it, many will probably opt for the digital upgrade but that's just speculation.


Reviewers love quantity over quality.
Gamers love quality over quantity.

Reviewers love robust and complete online modes so they know what's there when they dole out their grades so they can move on to the next game.
Gamers love games that parse out content over time so they can keep revisiting the titles they buy again and again.

Reviewers that don't care for racing games will often review racing games.
Gamers that don't care for racing games won't be buying racing games... only the ones that enjoy racing games will.
Hah, this is amazing.


+1 I think this post has to be made as I can't get around the way people differentiate what the two games offer.

People stating Horizon 2 somehow can't offer what DC can do are either being ignorant or disingenuous.

I can get p2p, circuit and time trials in Horizon 2. For every off road race, there are three on track races.

I can get an accessible driving model in Horizon 2 if I want although I prefer sim handling.

I can get aggressive AI in horizon 2 if I want it, and the AI in Horizon 2 actually.drive as if they can see me.

If you prefer precision racing, then all you need to do to get that in Horizon 2 is stick to the track while racing......

None of what you said really means Forza Horizon 2 can do what Driveclub does. Now I'm not saying that it can't, I have played neither game. But at the core of a driving game is the physics model. Unless you think that both games are literally using the same physics engine and car modeling, they are going to play differently. Why do you think Forza vs GT threads can get so heated? They are both sim games, but they each have a different way of handling the physics. That in turn affects every aspect of how the game handles.

Now it seems like Forza Horizon 2 has a ton of options, and that's really cool. But having a ton of options doesn't morph it into a game that can replicate every other racing game.

OT: Reviews are about what I expected. Hit or miss for a lot of people, but I hope the game finds it's own little niche to thrive in. Looking forward to the PS+ demo, if only to see how good the graphics are for myself.


I always imagined that Studio Liverpool racer where the cars are driving on the side of building as a 'new generation of driving'.

Someone post the gif so there's a reference point, I can't seem to find it.

The concept art for the cancelled PS4 WipEout certainly fits the bill.

Game is fuck amazing so far, wow. Just what the doctor ordered.

I can't wait to try it myself tomorrow.
It seems to be the problem most Sony exclusives are having.

Killzone Shadowfall: Ok shooter with great graphics
Infamous Second Son: Ok sandbox with great graphics
Driveclub: From reviews sounds like an ok racer with great graphics
The Order1886: From all the previews I've read it sounds like an ok shooter with great graphics

They need to start focusing on games that have more than just graphics.
Bloodborne looks like a great first step

Shadowfall was godawful in it's gameplay, shooting, midget sized character, frustrating levels, lack of clear objectives, shockingly bad voice acting.

Second Son was an awesome title, it never got old to pull off the Orbital drop or the Radiant Sweep.

And a buddy of mine who went hands on with Order 1886 in Canada, said the game's shooting was solid and fun.
I've really been hating Gaf these past couple of days. Honestly has only been a couple notches better than the normal cesspool that is other forums and gaming sites these past couple days.


I've really been hating Gaf these past couple of days. Honestly has only been a couple notches better than the normal cesspool that is other forums and gaming sites these past couple days.

Try and find the well reasoned discussions when possible. If it is a complete cluster fuck, the only real option is to leave and find info / discussion else where. I agree there are several threads like this that just go overboard, but it also seems clear to me that there are a very specific subset of people that thrive and propagate these threads. I steer clear when possible. This is literally my first and last look at this thread
Man, I just watched the Gamespot video review and, really, what the hell?

DriveClub is boring because all it is is racing beautifully rendered cars with great handling in exquisite locations. Oh, OK. Sounds horrible.

The AI complaints seem absolutely reasonable, but the crux of the review's disappointment seems to be that the game's focus is squarely set on racing. That somehow makes the game boring?

I don't get it. That's not an opinion - the whole review seems nonsensical. Or else its a review for a fictional game that doesn't exist.
It's still painful to read. So many people accusing reviewers of not knowing how to play, of bias, of using difficult to understand language, and so on.

It's a real problem though. Case in point, the game your avatar is from is a PERFECT example of an excellent game that was lambasted because half the people that reviewed it couldn't be bothered to learn how to play it properly.


Man, I just watched the Gamespot video review and, really, what the hell?

DriveClub is boring because all it is is racing beautifully rendered cars with great handling in exquisite locations. Oh, OK. Sounds horrible.

The AI complaints seem absolutely reasonable, but the crux of the review's disappointment seems to be that the game's focus is squarely set on racing. That somehow makes the game boring?

I don't get it. That's not an opinion - the whole review seems nonsensical. Or else its a review for a fictional game that doesn't exist.

They must also find it tiresome when shooters are about shooting, and platformers about platforming. That's an unbeliavably idiotic complaint.


The AI complaints seem absolutely reasonable, but the crux of the review's disappointment seems to be that the game's focus is squarely set on racing. That somehow makes the game boring?

I get the impression he was expecting something more out of the game modes. Lots of games focus on racing but manage to include either different disciplines or rules/modes.


It's still painful to read. So many people accusing reviewers of not knowing how to play, of bias, of using difficult to understand language, and so on.


So painful to read ;)

From the latter thread.

Yes, they are, but they're also the default option. Game reviewers (apparently) can't be expected to learn how to actually play the games they're reviewing or what options there are (let alone what system the game is on, Blistered Thumbs). If it were on a different system the default controls would have to be different, therefore it's not a 1:1 "if this was PS360 it would get better scores" scenario.

Well yes, see Destiny.

The shooting, and the gameplay mechanics are actually enjoyable in Destiny, like the reviews say about the racing in Driveclub. What makes Destiny tiresome is the unrewarding grinding.
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